
Discussion in 'Unrelated Discussion' started by bloodvizor, March 4, 2013.

  1. bloodvizor

    bloodvizor Active Member

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    My friends and I are going to continue the tradition of being the sexiest people at Blizcon 2013 Nov 8/9th.
    So if you want to meet me yeah go there. I may be a WoW gamer who is legendary at literally everything, but I will spend most of my time there drunk, watching starcraft matches, continuing my legendary performance as a Sex Admiral, drinking heavily, and drinking constantly.

    I know an obscene number of people that I meet up with, so I may not spend too much time with you, and on top of that you will probably bore me so bring your A game if you want to keep up with Regaulity (aka Bloodvizor) Sex Admiral Extraordinaire.


    Speaking of, the only game I enjoy watching is about to come out with the next expansion! Yay for additions to my the game I love more than any other (besides any of the Marry Kate and Ashley Game Boy Advance games of course), and a game I don't even play myself! Skytoss IMBA, Terran by a small margin in my eyes the "best" race blah blah blah, balance and strategy shifts things at the competitive level over time and I have a lot more confidence in Blizzards Starcraft 2 balance than I do with World of Warcraft's currently insanely shi*ty balance.

    Last year at Blizcon (I mean 2011 Blizcon oops, they skipped a year the rubes) I saw some incredible matches live, MVP getting "steamrolled" in the GSL finals by MMA then coming back and playing near perfectly the next day at the Blizcon 2011 Grand Finals against nestea was incredible to see live.

    Also if you don't like Starcraft 2 and think it is inferior to other RTS games and want to rant about that here.


    This thread is about Blizcon 2013 and who is going n' getting in line to get drunked n' dunked by the one and only Sex Admiral Regaulity.
    I am only there a grand total of ~3.5 days, and last Con I was busy 100% of the time and this year I have 10x as many things to do in order to uphold my reputation. I mean last year my friends had a drunken Guido Experience and of course Mso's Legendary Vegas Wedding Hangover Adventure. I mean seriously, this con is 99% drunken escapades. 70% Starcraft 2, and 5% the game I actually play.

  2. gluteusmaximums

    gluteusmaximums New Member

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  3. AraxisHT

    AraxisHT Active Member

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    Starcraft 2 is inferior to Age of Empires II, but that's only because AOEII is the greatest RTS ever made. It's hard to keep up with AOEII.

    Seriously though, what does Blizz even have for this year? Last year's crap game with severe consolitis? IIRC, the last Blizzcon was just the Panda trailer right? What else is there?
  4. RCIX

    RCIX Member

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    They said they have something that's not been announced yet and isn't an existing franchise (? not sure on this point) to show.
  5. jbeetle

    jbeetle Well-Known Member

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    I think that new SC2 expansion if it hasn't come out already yet. I know that's not huge, but it's something
  6. roadkillgrill

    roadkillgrill Active Member

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    Its still worth charging $60 in Activisions's eyes......
  7. jbeetle

    jbeetle Well-Known Member

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    wow really? though I honestly haven't looked to see what it includes
  8. AraxisHT

    AraxisHT Active Member

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    It's out long before Blizzcon.
    It's out next week (on somebody's birthday)
  9. bloodvizor

    bloodvizor Active Member

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    A new MMO under what is believed to be an entirely new IP. But they have never made any official announcement about it besides that it is an new IP and I doubt they will say any more until 2014/2015. Titan


    Blizzard puts an insane amount of work into their games, and damn straight the campagins are fun despite their relatively short length. The issue with the price of the game and the design of multiplayer being just ladder play has really been hostile to anybody new to the game throughout all of WoL. However Blizz finally testing the waters of accessibility and hooks for more casual gamers with cosmetics (right now they are just unlockable unit skins that are 100% free) and more importantly allowing and encouraging fun games out of ladder play.

    By the next X-Pac or before (Legacy of the Void) I really hope that SC2 goes the way of other Esports like LoL and Dota and makes the game FTP with unlock-able cosmetics and less daunting ladder anxiety for new players. It's a way of making the game more popular without sacrificing the die-hard competitive side.

  10. embox

    embox Moderator Alumni

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    Regaulity, I wish people put as much effort in to posting as you do.

    As for actually attending BlizzCon, I don't think I will be able to attend due to stuff like work and a lack of money to spend on getting there.
  11. kvalheim

    kvalheim Post Master General

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    They said it wasn't the planned new MMO, so it's not Titan, and it's not an existing franchise.
    It's hard to really guess given they've been focussed on the same 3 IPs since forever
  12. bloodvizor

    bloodvizor Active Member

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    Speaking of these Blizz games...

    I am planing on livestreaming a lot of the next Wow Season on my godly Gosu Tier Sex Admiral Legendary Warlock. Also I may shoutcast some HoTs matches, as my commentary voice and commentary comments has been dubbed by many as- "The fu*k". My warlock however is under-geared as I skipped the last season, so I may take a few days before I start to get the feel for how these new age comps I am going to try in the early season. Also Warlocks are really good at mid levels of play, but in the top bracket of play they where in a very bad spot last season. (Talking 3v3, Warlocks are fine in top tier 5v5+RBG). I am still iffy as to if the 5.2 changes will be enough to improve upon the class, but as I am undergeared I won't know for shure for ~1.5 months. Nobody here cares.

    I am a lot more talkative when playing that game though. Honestly Hooey and Mim, generally speaking I speak far less in WoW than I do with my big bear sisters. I am also more tame in SMNC, far more.

    so in summation
    Go to blizcon u want my hot body
  13. kvalheim

    kvalheim Post Master General

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    I feel like hearing Reg's voice would ruin the magic
  14. bloodvizor

    bloodvizor Active Member

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    My voice is a sirens call that has lured many unwary sailors and wary hookers to their death. Mumble butchers my voice, as does the livestream, so I don't make MANY noises because I know they only work to full effect in person, but sometimes skype can suffice.

    Whatever im a megga cutie, a rolemodel of sexuality to Adonis himself.

    Also 90% of my communication is through song.
  15. bloodvizor

    bloodvizor Active Member

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    Just had time to finish HoTs campaign.
    I may be bias because Zerg is my race, but that was the best RTS campaign I have ever played by far in terms of presentation and game-play. All things considering, its also a lot longer than any RTS/most other genre campaign in terms of single play-through, so the campaign itself is worth the $40 if you complained about that earlier. They def. didn't half *** it that's for sure, I mean fu*k. Also zerg units are the only thing that turn me on anymore.

    Speaking of HoTs I love how multiplayer is turning out. My favorite race to watch play has always been Zerg, with my favorite match-up ZvP, and I love swarm hosts and vipers in comp play, but for the love of ####.

    I hate widow mines.

    I hate them in every possible way, in how good they are and how difficult they are to counter/manage against for a unit that requires so few minerals/gas, can be deployed so early in the game, require only placement/movement and no macro to deal damage, and how they make siege tank play come into play far less often. Yeah vipers render sieged tanks worthless, yet the viper has to get close to the Terran army that can easily have mobile AA and you can spread your tanks and require your enemy to make more vipers or not be able to gas them all.

    Recently I saw a HoTs game that was an Incredible Mech TvT that didn't feature any (or barely any I forget) Widow Mines. I prefer an out of position army suffering losses, not getting obliterated by a cheep burrowed unit over and over throughout a game.
    sexy mangs in soots and kars and flying shipz not stupid mines stupid

    Also I really think zerg needs a better way to deal with air units late-game.
    Infested Terrans nerph and the onset of death-ball skytoss hurts mucho.

    Also some where ZvZ was the old quick-draw match-up, PvP also joins the ranks of games that generally last less than 10 min. Both these match-ups should have tuning that makes it SLIGHTLY less all-or-nothing in the early game.

    New void rays are also stupid. Mass flying units that do ungodly damage and can stack loli. I never really enjoyed the unit pre-buff as they are never that exciting to watch in play. More of a game of who-has-more.

    While waiting for the game to come out last night I had a MLG livestream.

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