Will PA be through steam only?

Discussion in 'Backers Lounge (Read-only)' started by diplomacyking, March 9, 2013.

  1. diplomacyking

    diplomacyking New Member

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    I run my computer on a network with multiple computers and for those of you who do something similar with their home computer you know steam doesn't work. Ever since college kids started setting up shred steam accounts over mac computers steam has found some way to block steam from working if you have a networked computer. Will i have to run PA on steam? Or will it be enabled as a mac .app?
  2. garat

    garat Cat Herder Uber Alumni

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    Not sure where you're getting some of your assumptions from. :) We're not even on Steam NOW!

    The plan is:
    - We'd like as many people as possible to buy direct from us. It's good for us, it's good for the customer. That said...
    - We'll support Steam, Amazon, and any other digital distribution platform we can get on, because more than anything, we want the most possible people playing the game. This kind of game is best when you have a huge, active, engaged community.
    - Actual gameplay will take many forms: Disconnected at home or on an airplane, or when you just want to pwn some computer AIs; LAN/Private server on the internet at large; Connected to UberNet when you want official match making, all the latest content downloaded and ready to use, and lots of other things we'll make available to have you WANT to log in to UberNet

    Etc, you get the idea. :)

    TL:DR answer? No.
  3. ubersoldier501

    ubersoldier501 Member

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    I've gotta be honest here... I haven't the slightest clue what you mean by the first half of what you said. >_<

    There's 4 computers in my house, that all run over the same network, that all have steam running on them, and all 4 of us can play completely different games online, and not have a problem. Then again we all run windows, so unless this is a mac only problem? But even so, I'm still not quite sure what you mean.

    But... if you mean you have "n" number of computers trying to all login to the same steam account... well that's a completely different story. You haven't been able to do that for years.

    But I do get your question at the end, and I'm not sure PA will be available as a standalone, it will be available on Steam and what-not, but as a plain old standalone I'm not completely sure.

    Unless that's what garat means when he said: "... to buy direct from us. ..."
  4. Raevn

    Raevn Moderator Alumni

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    That's exactly what he means.
  5. EurypteriD

    EurypteriD New Member

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    You can do that easy. Log on with one.. Then go offline. Then go online with next and so on. The only issue you might run in is serial problems as so many games see the same serial in Lan games a bad thing.

    I understand why they block it, but If you own all the computers and invite some friends over then they can just start. Instead of you having to buy 10-15 Serials.
  6. peterbusunum

    peterbusunum Member

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    Also look at this thread, please: http://forums.uberent.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=64&t=44191

    Your question has already been answered there and I think any other questions regarding Steam can be concentrated there since we still have at least one open question over there.
  7. diplomacyking

    diplomacyking New Member

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    Yeah sorry that was a bit hard to follow. What i mean to say is that Mac computers running on OSX can have networks. In my house we have 3 desktops and several laptops (all macs) that run on a host server. Each person has a specific login with a home folder saved on an external backup drive that can be accessed from any computer in the house, provided you have the login name and password. Steam will not run on accounts like this because it is to easy to have multiple people sharing games for free (I have no idea how this is done it is just the explanation i was given by steam support). If i decide to set up a local account running solely on my computer with no external backup Steam will work, the hassle is that i cannot download lots of games or files on the local account because it fills up my hard drive making my computer run notably slower.
    Now bear with me. Most of my friends have PC's running windows and do not have the same problems i have with steam, this means that they all use steam to run most of their games. Now correct me if I am wrong but games like Civilization 4 or 5 with online multiplayer utilize the Steam server to host their games as well as their own servers hosting other civ games, this means (i think) that if I bought the Civ 4 disk for my computer and and decide to play online I am playing on the servers hosted by the Civ company meanign i cant play with my friends using Steam. I might just be completely incorrect in my question or my understanding of computers but is that multiplayer situation a possible issue? or am i just making this up?
  8. iampetard

    iampetard Active Member

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    Macs aren't for gaming in the first place so its no wonder you have problems.

    As for Civ, both you and your friends would need to play on the same server and if Steam allows the Civ client to use their servers to create games, then perhaps you will be able to play with friends!
  9. Polynomial

    Polynomial Moderator Alumni

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    I follow this. Can't you just change it so your primary Mac's home folder is set locally?

    Kinda weird to have an Open Directory setup in a home setting =P

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