Destruction of storage buildings

Discussion in 'Backers Lounge (Read-only)' started by CrixOMix, March 7, 2013.

  1. CrixOMix

    CrixOMix Member

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    When you destroy an enemies E/M storage, is it going to remove materials proportional to what the player currently has? Or is all the extra going to go into different storage buildings and none will get lost? Personally I like the idea that they lose whatever was in THAT storage building, and every storage building distributes evenly.

    EDIT: Grammar'd
  2. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    I think in terms of gamplay, it would depend if the Overall Economy is Global or Local.

    If Local I can see a system like you described, with the resources stored within a given storage unit is lost if destroyed.

    If Global I think I'd rather resources be lost if the amount of storage you have after the destruction is LESS than the amount of that resource you have on hand.

    Of course, then there are options like what if when attacked a storage started streaming it' stored resources to other storages? Akin to how solar collectors folded up when attacked in TA.

  3. scifiz

    scifiz Member

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    You neglected to ask if destroyed metal storage would spill out the metal stored within. Since they already said units will leave wreckage (Would be nice list), there will be a system in place to allow for the possibility of looting the remains of your enemy's economy.
  4. djunreal

    djunreal New Member

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    Which will be utterly awesome, as you could take out one base and then reclaim it to enhance your assault on the next base...

    Do I remember rightly, that your engineers in TA could directly reclaim an enemy building if it was undefended? Or is that just fanciful imagination that never actually reached reality? Either way, it'd be awesome to be able to do this...
  5. bobucles

    bobucles Post Master General

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    What happens if you put a reclaimer on storage? Can they just sit there and steal resources?
    If a TA unit just happens to deal fatal damage with its reclaim attack, the entire unit was swallowed into your storage. It's pretty hilarious to do on a battleship!

    In Supcom, reclaiming allows a unit to be harmlessly shut down, giving the maximum amount of wreckage possible. It can then be reclaimed like anything else.

    Wreckage is a pretty unique feature for RTS games. PA should definitely do as much as they can with it.
  6. CrixOMix

    CrixOMix Member

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    I really like the idea of metal storage dying and the metal spilling and being reclaimable. This way it gives both players a chance at the lost resources.

    Not sure if I like this. I think if anything the reclaimer should just actually be reclaiming the storage. There are very few times when an enemy is going to leave storage undefended. Maybe you captured a base and left all the storage alive... the enemy would just self destruct them. So it would be better to not leave a mechanic in the game where players only ever have ONE good option which relies on micro, and if they don't do it they'll be worse off.
  7. taihus

    taihus Member

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    +1 because robot-space-pirates.
  8. wolfdogg

    wolfdogg Member

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    I want to see two things:

    1. Massive storage explosions for energy that have high damage in a close AOE (basically like in SupCom).

    2. The relative percentage of the players overall stored resource (local or global makes no difference really) held in the storage building at the time of destruction is lost and ergo gets removed from the players total revenue.

    As an aside; I'm not sure if I would like to see the mass being reclaimable. I'm leaning more in the direction of I would like to see it lost for good when the storage is destroyed. That way the attacker is presented with a choice: Do I destroy the storage to deny it for both the enemy and myself quickly, or should I capture the enemy storage and gain the resources held within for my own use(which would obviously take longer)?

    If destroyed resource was still reclaimable, then this choice is removed because I can both destroy the storage and claim it for myself at a later time if I wish.
  9. hakankaraduman

    hakankaraduman New Member

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    I think there could be one big storage for materials in main planet/headquarter. And the small storages on planets can teleport (if i hear it right, they say at the latest stream there will be teleportation) to the hq storage. and if the small storages explode, they lost the materials that it collected inside of it. and it could be like, they teleport the materials every 'x' minutes or when they collect a reasonable amount of materials.

    i hope i made myself clear, i am sorry if there is mistakes on grammar or my expressions. it is not my native language.
  10. iampetard

    iampetard Active Member

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    The way resources will be lost upon destruction really depends on the game mechanics but as for the explosions and destruction itself:

    Energy storage blows up and damages everything around it depending on the size of the storage.

    Metal storage blows up and metal gets spilled all over the nearby area (can be reclaimed for lesser value)

    It would be cool to have a spybot that can come near the storages and create a leak, causing the storages to lose resources.
    Same should happen when the storage gets damaged but then again that depends on the way resources will be managed within the storages.
    I made a post regarding the resources and storage here somewhere, if my idea was implemented then these leaks would be very important tactically.
  11. Nelec

    Nelec Member

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    If I were in a game, and all my storage was getting destroyed one at a time, and all the contents was then put automatically into other containers, what would be the point of building more than one storage unit? Although I think it would be cool if it spilled out to reclaim or steal.
  12. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    Because one storage unit can only store so much, you'll need more if you want to store more. There are also options like that the streaming of resources only happens if there is another storage unit within a certain range, or maybe it streams at a fixed rate, meaning if it's killed quickly you still loose most/all of what was stored, but if it's only a light raid more/all of the resources in that particular storage might be transfered before death.

  13. Nelec

    Nelec Member

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    Cool, I know how the storage worked from SupCom, but I am pretty sure it was not this complex, or maybe I never paid enough attention to it to notice haha.
  14. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    No, SupCom storage was very basic, it just increased your global storage and didn't do anything fancy, 80% of my post was theorycrafting how such systems might work to be more 'balanced' or create more complex choices, like do you build them closer together so they can trasnfer metal incase of attack, or spread them out so you can't lose a large portion in a big attack?

    All just ideas.

  15. nuendo

    nuendo New Member

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    Let me just say this idea is really awesome, this would also make metal storages very strategic targets for the enemy of course considered he will make it and reclaim the metal first :D
  16. scifiz

    scifiz Member

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    The idea is derived from C&C, back when it was still made by Westwood.

    You capture the storage for 100% of the contents.
    You destroy it because unless it's full, it's probably not worth the engineers or because it's easier. You can then reclaim a percentage of the resources it had been storing.

    Either action resulted in the enemy losing all the resources in it.
  17. djunreal

    djunreal New Member

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    Think I mentioned ore silos a few posts back... This is what I was referring to...

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