Latest PA update...

Discussion in 'Backers Lounge (Read-only)' started by memorykill, March 8, 2013.

  1. thepilot

    thepilot Well-Known Member

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    I think that they should keep some stuff secret from the backer lounge.

    The stream are always interesting even if we already saw the stuff, but it would be great to discover new things in them too (I like surprises) :)

    And just after the show post some extended versions in the backer forum so we don't feel cheated ? (like what they did with the env previz)
  2. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    Showing awesome new stuff on the stream only would slow down the process, since posting something new on the forums can be done faster than setting up a stream.
    So I rather get new information fast in the forum.
  3. KarottenRambo

    KarottenRambo Member

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    I agree with pilot. The livestreams always seem to be a large time expense for you and are imo the "biggest" update events, you guys should always try to have something new for that, even if it means that you have to hold back info from the backer forum (you can always release the high-res wallpaper stuff for the backers after the stream :p ). Otherwise I feel your time spent on the livestream is sort of wasted, if everybody already knows everything that will be in the stream.
  4. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    I guess streams would be best to show ingame-scenes live. ;D
  5. peterbusunum

    peterbusunum Member

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    I first thought the livestreams were part of the kickstarter goals for PA. But they weren't these are something Uber does and has absoluetly no obligation to do so. If they want to talk about their products they should do it!

    I too was bummed that PA got so little recognition during this really long live stream and few new things have been said or acknowledged.

    One thing I would like though would be if you could insert markers into the Youtube versions of the livestreams so we can skip the parts we're not interested in (even if I owned anything from Apple, I wouldn't be interested in this thingy - I'm here solely for PA). That'd be UBER!

    Apart from that: Thank you for doing these livestreams and continue doing them - talk about what you want to talk about! :)
  6. sylvesterink

    sylvesterink Active Member

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    Remember guys, these are the Uber livestreams, not the Planetary Annihilation livestreams. Not all of it needs to be fresh and new PA news. I mean, imagine how the SMNC fans feel, as none of the recent livestreams have had anything for them. Get used to the fact that Uber does multiple games, and they have multiple things they may want to show.

    And yes, the PA fans had to wait a bit for their stuff, and there wasn't a huge amount revealed, but the livestreams are also marketing. How many PA fans would have known about Outland Games if not for the livestream? Again, these streams are about Uber, not about PA exclusively. If you feel that it's a waste of time, then watch the recorded video afterward and skip to the parts you're interested in.
  7. tigerwarrior

    tigerwarrior Active Member

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    ^ reluctantly, this is right
  8. doud

    doud Well-Known Member

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    Also, we backers should not consider livestream as being something fully dedicated to PA. The livestream is about what uber is working on. While I will not hide that I was expecting much more stuff about PA, it's easy to forget that the way über is interacting with us is really something never seen before. Frankly, considering the amount of stuff they have to do, I find us very lucky to have all uber people updating that much on the backer lounge. I guess the more we get, the more we ask for :)
  9. iampetard

    iampetard Active Member

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    I had no idea what to expect, I'm grateful that they are creating this game. I mentioned before that I have been waiting for a TA2 for years. Supreme Commander was close but it never really got me like TA did, PA will make me quit life I'm pretty sure.

    If you ask me, any update is good update :mrgreen:

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