Suggestion: Temperature variables for future modding

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by cat2phat, March 9, 2013.

  1. cat2phat

    cat2phat New Member

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    During the Feb. 8th, 2012 LiveStream, it was asked weather temperature could affect the robots. The answer was, they are advanced robots, so temperature is not a focus.

    My suggestion pertains to adding a temperature variable into the background of the planet and robots to allow modders the ability to make temperature an issue.

    This suggestion stems from an idea to make a Mechwarrior type mod. The temperature of a planet would affect the robots (mechs in this case) and their fire rate based on the planet and weapon setup, or something along those lines.
  2. instantshadow

    instantshadow New Member

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    have you ever looked on how they test modern guns? i saw how they tested a new gun, they threw it into a freezer which made it totally iced through, and it still fired perfectly, i don't see how fire rate would be affected by coldness!
  3. iampetard

    iampetard Active Member

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    Well the idea is that those robots are super advanced with automatic cooling/heating systems within them to make them have the ability to survive any kind of planets.

    Perhaps they could add some space for modifications but thats unlikely
  4. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    That's great for smallscale projectile weapons...........but that's far and away completely different from say a Laser Cannon.......

    It's not unrealistic to assume that temperatures can have an effect on weapons or overall unit performance, but I'm not sure the scale of PA lends itself really well to that.

    This is the kind of thing that should be added post-release if at all.

  5. instantshadow

    instantshadow New Member

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    well if physics havn't changed since i studied, lasers are not affected by how cold something is(ex high powered lasers are often fired in very cold enviroments), the only thing i would say actually gets affected by coldness would be energy storage, beacuse our batteries use chemical reactions to give and store energy coldness slows the process off chemichal reaction beetwen the anod and cathod.
  6. cat2phat

    cat2phat New Member

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    Basing this concept on Mechwarrior Online. Each time a weapon is fired, it generates heat. If there isn't enough of a cool down period, the mech will shut down.

    Ballistics, Energy, and Missile weapons are available within Mechwarrior. Each weapon generates a different amount of heat based on its function and size.

    So it's not necessary a cold factor that affects weapons, but a heat factor.
  7. neutrino

    neutrino low mass particle Uber Employee

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    Biome generation uses temperature as a variable so I think you'll be fine here.
  8. instantshadow

    instantshadow New Member

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    i seriusly doubt that there wouldn't be coolant cells in the perfect future..... i mean this is the perfect future, everything that is ever gonna be achieved is achieved, if you are a robot that is that evolved i would be able to cool myself with whatever i want, inbuilt coolant system, a chemichal solution(maybe by fusing a very heavy element togeter that needs big amount of heat energy), hell i could even have a alloy that sucks all the heat to itself and then are discarded after i have fired a round!
  9. cat2phat

    cat2phat New Member

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    Fair statement that I totally agree with.

    As they keep saying though, throw suggestions at them especially if it pertains to modding.
  10. cat2phat

    cat2phat New Member

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    If it's a perfect robot future with this technology, why aren't they able to fix themselves?

    Also, this request is mainly for modding purposes. It doesn't have to play into PA right now or ever. It may be easier (and within budget) to add these variables at the beginning of development versus inserting it after deployment.
  11. instantshadow

    instantshadow New Member

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    they can, but if you are blown too 1000 little pieces that would be quite hindersome
  12. bobucles

    bobucles Post Master General

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    Heat means everything in the mechwarrior universe. There were 2 major uses for heat in mech games:

    1) It limits your own fire rate, and thus limits your DPS output. Most weapons made tradeoffs between heat output, ammo supply, burst damage, mech weight, etc.
    2) It allows special weapons to deal heat based damage, both lowering enemy DPS and potentially killing him.

    Terrain played some role with managing heat. Cold environments made heat less of a hazard, while hot environments made it a critical concern. Water also gave a big advantage for mechs that could hunker down in their free reserve of coolant.

    In PA, heat can be used to justify why certain units gain certain weapon systems. For example, a boat may utilize high powered plasma weapons, because they have easy access to liquid water cooling. Big bertha artillery may not be allowed on mobile land units or asteroids, because it demands underground cooling systems they won't have. While it doesn't have a direct role in the game, it's more of a lore thing to explain why various systems are set up the way they are.
  13. instantshadow

    instantshadow New Member

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    yeah but still! this is the future! offer anods for warm places must have been made by that time!
  14. tankhunter678

    tankhunter678 New Member

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    And the Mechwarrior Universe is still "the future!" and when you consider that the mechs tonnage and weapon systems in that universe make them basically commanders with multiple miniature microwave lasers, or carrying large amounts of T1 artillery as basic cannons, or even missile pods that make the T3 mobile missile launcher in FA look small, heat actually does become a problem and temperature becomes an incredible issue.

    You can think of them as mini-colossus/king kryptor experimentals. Since that is basically what they are.
  15. instantshadow

    instantshadow New Member

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    you seem to miss my point! if you make rocket system wouldn't you think to make a system that sools/heats it no matter what the temprature it is!
  16. Atriosuyria

    Atriosuyria New Member

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    If you can survive in space, terrestrial temperature differences are not going to bother you.
  17. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    How so?

  18. BulletMagnet

    BulletMagnet Post Master General

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    Depends on where in space.

    If you're in the cold depths of deeeeeeep space, then you need to survive the cold. As well as the occasional high-energy particle whizzing through you.

    Now, If happen to be close to a star, you will have blinding light and a bucketload of radiation on the side that is facing said star. And on the side that isn't, you still have to worry about the cold.
  19. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    Well space is also really, really bad at transmitting heat.

    So keeping warm is so easy that the ISS needs heat storage systems to prevent everyone on board from boiling to death. ... radiators/

    So while it is cold in space, staying warm is really easy.
  20. BulletMagnet

    BulletMagnet Post Master General

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    Yeah, I didn't consider a significant internal heat production at all.

    There goes that idea.

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