Latest PA update...

Discussion in 'Backers Lounge (Read-only)' started by memorykill, March 8, 2013.

  1. memorykill

    memorykill New Member

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    This isn't a rant, but rather a question. Why was the PA segment only 20 mins long and then at the end of there was the whole bacon thing? I thought there was was going to much more detail about the units and there was going to some big thing you were going to show us? Was this just a tease show this time and there is a better update coming soon? You hardly answered any questions either this week which there were plenty of overlapping ones from last time.

    Like i said, not a rant, just a question...but why such a huge segment dedicated to that other game outland games and only 20 mins to PA and not really anything new to show us?
  2. iampetard

    iampetard Active Member

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    They released their ipad game yesterday, this livestream was obviously meant to present that game.
    I'm sure they have lots of info on PA but if they released that, Outland games would have gotten left behind in the mist.

    This was mostly a livestream showing the development of the game they released yesterday. I'm sure the next livestream will have 2 hours of PA :mrgreen:
  3. RCIX

    RCIX Member

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    I think the most disappointing thing is no cool factory upgrade animations :cry:
  4. memorykill

    memorykill New Member

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    I swear on fb or twitter then mentioned something "big" and "cool stuff" to be released soon for PA, i assumed it would be in this update, guess not. Anyway i was just wondering, i realise the ipad game came out recently, but dedicating 85% to it was a bit overkill, i hoped for a equal slice of both like lots of us, oh well.

    Hopefully another update for next week :), and not having to wait another 4 weeks for a 20 minute section of...very little info xD!
  5. xfercns

    xfercns New Member

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    I don't comment often mostly just reading daily...
    But I missed out on a good brekky (7am in oz) for 1.5hrs of very little PA :( Grunted the few times Neutrino commented in he was a bit vague on details.

    Hopefully Uber can detail their shows a little more in future? :)

    *and yes I know they upload it afterwards, was just looking forward to more PA then a game for iOS when I don't own an iOS device or find the game interesting personally - dev process was, but I would have watched that another time over right now*
  6. cyclopsis

    cyclopsis Member

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    The livestream was about PA? All I remember is Bacon.. Lots and Lots of Bacon...
  7. dude86

    dude86 Member

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    Hey Guys,

    Remember that we are in a quite unique situation to be involved like this at all. Sure I would not have mind more info on PA in the stream but I can totally understand that there are other things than PA going on at Uber.

    I was actually amazed at how up close and personal the stream was, it is really clear that Uber is looking at and using information that is posted on the forum, I love that. I am rather busy myself so dont have time to read/add stuff but these kind of streams really motivate me to get more involved.

    What I'm reading in the OP's message is really the exitement to see more, in the end we will simply have to be patient as the game moves forward.

  8. brandonpotter

    brandonpotter Well-Known Member

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    The Livestream was ok I guess, But Im pretty sure the next one will be all about PA :)

    Cant wait for the Youtube link to go up, so I can save it :p

    I got my question answered during the livestream. yay.
  9. xfercns

    xfercns New Member

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    I've always been told my conflicted resolution skills suck...

    I fully respect that Uber is a company and a company has to make money. I also fully respect that they work on other projects and other platforms to what I use or am personally interested in. I agree that it's awesome they interact with us as much as they do!

    I'm just asking that maybe they could put up a bit of an agenda? :)
  10. garat

    garat Cat Herder Uber Alumni

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    For you in the backers forum, when you see announcements of "cool stuff", there's a good chance you've already seen it. ;-) Based on the 29 pages of comments for the unit renders, they seemed like a big deal to you all, yes?

    Think what the other tens of thousands of people interested in the game think. It it something big, but you guys get info early, as someone commented.

    As for the balance, the last three or four livestreams have been PA all the time, which is great, but we DO have other games and we do want to give the limelight to the other awesome people working here when they have fantastic stuff to show.
  11. neutrino

    neutrino low mass particle Uber Employee

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    Agenda for all live streams going forward: do stuff live on camera, talk about stuff and take some questions.

    Seriously though, we mostly play this stuff by ear, it's raw. If you don't want to see raw stuff wait until the game is done ;)
  12. xfercns

    xfercns New Member

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    Knew it would be taken the wrong way :-(

    I'll just go back to reading and not commenting. Sorry.
  13. Raevn

    Raevn Moderator Alumni

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    He wasn't having a go at you, so please continue to contribute :) - he was just saying that a) The livestreams probably wont include details that haven't already been released early to backers, and b) They aren't typically well-planned out in advance and are fairly spontaneous.
  14. neutrino

    neutrino low mass particle Uber Employee

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    Sorry, you caught me in a bad mood today.

    t's easy for me to take stuff like this the wrong way because I already spend every day thinking about and working on the game. If something isn't done well it's not always because we don't want to do it well but that we are ultra pressed for time. It's even more frustrating for me than it is for you because I'm already working as hard as I can. I generally have a rule that I don't respond negatively to stuff but occasionally I go into a burst of breaking my own rule which usually results in something like this.

    Again, sorry, please keep posting.
  15. xfercns

    xfercns New Member

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    There is and was no need to apologize! I know I sounded like a whining client.

    I just didn't know how to say what I wanted to without making it come across that way and I tried my best. As I said I give full credit to everything that Uber does!

    And I also know you guy spend hours on the forums talking and interacting to accommodate a large percentage of members input :) I love that.

    Thank you.
  16. calmesepai

    calmesepai Member

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    A game was just launched i'm surprised it wasn't 100% all about it.
    Hmm my wife has an iphone.....
  17. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    Getting an insight on how you developed that IOS-game was interesting, but unexpected.
    Now if I had some IOS-device I could actually buy the game. But my cellphone is some old piece of junk I never use anyway.

    I wonder about how well such mini-games sell. You put in more than a man-year of development it seems, so it will need to sell quite a lot of those 1$ copies to make up for it, especially since apple is probably not going to pay you 1$ for each game sold.
  18. MaestroMaus

    MaestroMaus New Member

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    Hey guys,

    I am (obviously) a backer and I really like what you guys have pitched for the Kickstarter and what you have shown thus far.

    I saw the latest live stream and one of you seemed a bit upset about the people that did watch live streams but didn't comment in the forums. The phrase was somewhere along the lines of "they have got the wrong priorities".

    Even though I do sometimes take a peak at the forums, I feel like I am one of these people (as you can see by my post-count). I do understand that someone might get upset about backers not participating in the discussion. However, I don't feel this is unreasonable. Therefore, I would like to tell you why I didn't participate up until now so that you might understand me and maybe some of the others who are doing this.

    To do this I must answer a different question first: Why does a guy like me back a project like this? A project that (strictly speaking) isn't a good economical investment (since I won't receive a share in the profits but do take an economical risk by investing money).

    There are multiple reasons why I did this. First off: I like RTS. As a kid; my first RTS where C&C/C&C Red Alert and Warcraft 2. I also liked TA very much. I believe I played it in 1998 or 1999. I would have been ten or eleven then. I always played single player, skirmish or LAN and would never play on the internet. The reasons for that are quite simple: because, as a kid that's too hard/expensive and doesn't let me get up a massive army that dwarfs that of my opponent).

    Kids become older and there hobbies either change or expand. In my case it expanded to the point where I am an IT student at a local university. I still like RTS so I try to make some free time during my day to play Starcraft 2 with some of my friends or alone. I did play the singleplayer part but the multiplayer and ranked ladder is where I spend most of my time. I find it a very fun and rewarding experience.

    Then a Kickstarter comes by. It's for a TA like game. I liked TA a lot. I think it's a very special kind of RTS. I see this kickstarter like a second chance for TA like games. Supcom pretty much ruined it previously with (mostly) good idea's done poorly. I felt like you guys could fix this with a reasonable budget, skills and no oversight of a publisher like Activision/EA. This is my second reason for backing this.

    The third reason is what I summarize as potential. You guys have the potential to do good stuff now. You aren't chained to some guy who never played a game that tells you: "the publisher thinks your customers want x and don't want y". You can ask yourself and us if something would be a good idea or not. And you can try to take things further, like making this game on planetary/galatic scale. The cynic in my would also say there is a bigger chance for messing it up but having a negative view doesn't help anyone. ;)

    So here we are now: It's funded and you guys are working on it. Back to our original question: why aren't you participating in the discussion about PA? Like every adult I have responsibilities. I try to spend my free time as good as I can (when I have any).

    Therefor I am not to concerned about stuff like: how does the latest delta look? (Hell, I liked the original look just fine. It might even have been better for readability too.) So what other things have you seen gone by? Well the economy, which is important. Unfortunately I can't discuss about that subject since I would have to play the game to get a feel for it and see how it pans out. How am I supposed to know what economy is best in PA? The sheer scale of the game might change what we need out of an economic system. Besides: you guys seem competent. I am not anticipating many problems yet so why should I bother discussing it now?

    Other subjects where subjects like: "how about building something around an entire planet to make energy?" & "what a bout a solar mirror weapon?" While I like people brainstorming ideas I think it's just way to early for me to even consider things like this. Developers often make the mistake of making these kinds of things first, but this will make you end up with games like supcom: a game with poor basics and nice extra's.

    And that's why you won't see guys like me over here yet: There isn't much we can have a good discussion about yet. You guys know what kind of game we want and the broad design concept for it. I'll wait for the first playable alpha and give feedback/suggestions based on that. As far as I am concerned; the "nice to have" features can go up some list until we have a solid basic RTS on the desired scale working well.

    I hope I haven't offended anyone and have given you insight into the behavior of people like me. Sorry for making this a wall of text. :D
  19. thefluffybunny

    thefluffybunny Active Member

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    I can see where you're coming from, Im normally a lurker but I got involved a bit here through greater than usual enthusiasm for the game. This also inspired me to get involved with another alpha, currently in testing, and that’s a much more minor game with a minor following so you can see clearly the impact your individual feedback has, as there is a decent chance of you uniquely noticing a bug, or having a unique new idea. This is impossible when you have a forum-base as large as we do here, and the devs are commenting a lot and credit to them but perhaps a thread listing the backer suggestions which have been taken on board would show the impact the discussions are having. – yes we do have the long list of confirmed features, but that covers what the devs were already planning, and yes you can trawl the entire forum for evidence, but a similar sticky list of what has changed/been introduced due to feedback may convince the lurkers that commenting is worthwhile, and encourage the more active members to keep it up.
  20. xnavigator

    xnavigator Member

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    Yea I noticed it too. The problem is that the people that backed PA doens't care about the other games (not an offense of course, but the majority of them just want PA).

    And uberent I think is using the popularity of PA to show their other games too, and this may hurt someone.

    I believe it's better if uberent separates-off the video and other contents related to PA to the other games...

    (ps. sorry but i haven't read all the topic)

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