Hello folks I have a quick and simple question about this package "Cosmic limited." If I decided to upgrade my order to "Cosmic limited" will I recieve the game on disc/CD via the "Commemorative Limited Edition Game Box" or not? It would be nice to have a tangible copy of the game just in case. So.... will the game disc be included in the box or will I still have to digitally download the game? Thanks in advance.
I bought this aswell and I have same question, is the game box like "old school" like litterally a big box with manual, cds/dvds. My C&C game from 1997 is this way :lol: No real advantage in it these days, with fast internet and all most people can download the game. However it does have a "cool" effect with the big box and all. I like that :mrgreen:
Correction: NOT every one has fast internet (I'm still stuck with copper lines with 2MB DSL) so it would me take me hours, if not days, to download this game. I can of course keep the PC on while I'm sleeping but still would prefer the game on disc.)
Oh I see, by that you mean 2Mbit? Yeah I gotta admit thats not the fastest, I get your point. I remember having something like 56kbps or 256 kbps back then, really slow. Barely fast enough for online gaming and it was on the telephone line so it was bloody expensive, haha. Anyway bro, lets hope we get a really cool box with nice accessories
If I recall correctly from when the kick starter was running the box was more so to act as a means to deliver the physical goods and didn't include a disk, they also offered a USB memory stick back then as an add-on, not sure if the plan for that has changed at all since then thought. Mike
Far as I know the USB stick is still part of the optional extras for backers - I know I've ordered (and paid for) one of those (and as far as I know, it comes with its own licence key too!!!). Quite excited to see these actually, since the original idea was that they would be "USB sticks in the shape of a commander"... That was always an idea rather than a guarantee, but it'd be really cool if they do end up like that
My only question about Cosmic Limited edition (my secret hope, for real) is : What will happen when the counter will reach 0 ? Why uber fix the limit on 1st may ? Is there any relation with the first letter of the greek alphabet ? ? :roll: :ugeek:
I sincerely hope they include a disk as a way to get the game out. as it was mentioned earlier, not everyone has a good internet. Some internets you even pay by the gigabyte, sooo, ya, on a disk would be good for those people
Game boxes also look really cool on the shelf and when your friends come over you can show it off and say this is cool I love my video game shelf.
I will restate what someone else has said, I think you need to go to the uber store or something, and buy a memory stick with the game on it, shaped like a commander, for like $15. I think. I did it for kickstarter but they like to add that stuff to the store as well.
From what i know, there is no plan to ship DVDs (i'll kick CDs right now, we knwo the game will take way more than 2G ;-) ). This is mainly due to the "Gold" process, that is not easy to manage. Like a few people stated, the USB Key was proposed to partially compensate that. Some good info can be found in the old topic that started it all : http://forums.uberent.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=61&t=36856