Battle Report Homework Assignment.

Discussion in 'Backers Lounge (Read-only)' started by rabbit9000, March 3, 2013.

  1. rabbit9000

    rabbit9000 Member

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    So for a little fun, why don't we write pretend battle reports for imagined planetary annihilation conflicts?

    Doesn't have to be the full thing, it can just be snippet of what your ideal moment might be like in the game.

    It might help show what people are expecting for the game as a whole instead of focusing on individual mechanics.

    Anyway, here is a cut of paste of something I've written in another topic that was focusing on natural disasters to get us started.

    " yeah my base just got nuked by some satellites and I'm repairing my commander who's furiously building factories because I only have two left, and I can see an army of player 2's red T1 tanks rolling over the literal horizon and only a few of my T2 tanks survived, and then the camera shakes and this cloud erupts into the air behind his army, turns out a mountain near his base has erupted spewing lava into his base. So he halts the attack, because he can't follow through with a second punch if I defeat the first wave. So while his army gradually pulls back, I switch to building defences now I have a few tanks rolling off the assembly lines. Ten minutes later and player 2's red tanks are rolling towards my base again just inside range of my arty, and I'm not confident I can beat him back then all of sudden green drop pods everywhere. Player 3 is seeding the battlefield with T2 assault bots. Laser fire everywhere.

    "First player to ally with me gets to keep the planet" Player 3 spouts over the chatlog.

    "This is our planet, our war, back off!" Player 2 responds.

    "Or what?" Player 3 is confident.

    "Truce?" I whisper to player 2.

    I don't get a response, just a dialogue box popping up asking me if I accept the alliance. I accept and our units stop attacking one another. Player 2 calls his last remaining nukes down in the middle of his army, wiping out all of his army but also Player 3's. Then, a klaxon. I swivel the camera up. An asteroid has moved within range of the planet. From sharing vision with Player 2 I can see from his satellite that the asteroid is covered in green unit cannons and missile launchers but it's still moving towards the planet. Looks like that asteroid might become a meteor..."
  2. bobucles

    bobucles Post Master General

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    There are real games out there. You don't have to play make believe.
  3. rabbit9000

    rabbit9000 Member

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    No **** Sherlock! :idea: :idea: :idea:

    *gives you a medal for your elementary observation skills* :lol: :lol:

    The idea was for people to describe how they think a game of PA might play out, not for the snarky snark internet brigade to come and **** up the topic again.

    Go post somewhere else please :arrow: :arrow: :arrow:
  4. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    Don't mind him, this forum has jaded us all.
  5. eronth

    eronth New Member

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    No. This is silly. His response wasn't that jaded.
  6. Gowerly

    Gowerly Member

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    This is how it will go


    "f*** off"
    "<derogatory remark relating to mothers>"
    "**** Has left the game"
  7. bobucles

    bobucles Post Master General

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    Scooot rush kekekekekeke
  8. kmike13

    kmike13 Member

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    I sure hope PA doesn't turn out like that. Random volcano destroys your opponents base right before he's going to wipe you out? Any random effects like that would make a pretty crappy game.
  9. tyler78250

    tyler78250 New Member

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    I am of two minds about this. Yes, having sudden unexpected changes such a volcano exploding would turn the game from skill to luck, but having an environment with riches and rewards tied together would bring an element of risk. For example, having an area with high resources at the foot of a volcano would mean that you have the reward of more resources for more units couple with the risk of an eruption (a triggered eruption maybe?) that could cut into your economy if you rely to heavily on it.

    As for fake battle reports, it could take the idea of a feature and put it in the context of using it.
    My opponent was focused so much on destroying my forces and building an asteroid into a planet killer that he did not pay attention to his resource buildings on planet 2, most of which were at the foot of a dorment volcano. I sent in half of my air units to tie up his anti air defenses, then hit the volcano with a orbital strike that triggered an eruption, taking out his resources on Planet 2 causing building on the astroid to stop as he ran out of resource. He withdrew, giving me... /report

    Just a thought for consideration .
  10. kmike13

    kmike13 Member

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    Any area with riches already is a risk without random disasters. Your opponents will usually attempt to attack or destroy any structures at a high resource area. Doing something to cause the disaster isn't random, it's another player so it's fine
  11. theseeker2

    theseeker2 Well-Known Member

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    The Planetary Desert Fox
  12. tyler78250

    tyler78250 New Member

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    History time! Woopee!

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