lotsofideas ! N°2 : Make-it-yourself experimentals

Discussion in 'Backers Lounge (Read-only)' started by lapantouflemagic, March 1, 2013.

  1. nanolathe

    nanolathe Post Master General

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    Honestly, Experimentals were so powerful (especially in FA) that they rendered all other units pointless. The game decended into who can mass the largest force of the SAME single unit... and you didn't even need very many to achieve critical mass either.

    The concept of Experimentals was "overpowered" units. Not specialised units... just overpowered units.

    The idea of experimentals just makes the game be "about" them... and I don't like that. I want armies... not "Avatars".
  2. m8harry

    m8harry New Member

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    Have them toggled on or off. All of my friends are keen as mustard for these bring em on I say.
  3. Consili

    Consili Member

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    I don't think having something as a toggle option is a good enough justification for having it in the game. Uber Ent have expressed across a few threads a reluctance to have experimental units in the vein of what was seen in Supcom/FA/2. Instead they wish to put the focus on warfare across a solar system. Experimental units put a focus on micromanaging a smaller number of units rather than macro managing armies, and large scale battles is really what is being focused on for PA.

    There is of course nothing to prevent people from modding such things in, the engine is being built from the ground up to be mod friendly. Additionally things like this could always be added in post release if they fit. As it stands my preference is for Uber to focus their time and resources on the rest of the game, specifically a larger, more diverse and well balanced unit pool and diverse commanders (which to me kind of fill the sense of identity players get with experimental units).

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