Gameplay Modes (game modes, ie assassination)

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by FunkOff, August 19, 2012.

  1. FunkOff

    FunkOff Member

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    This topic is about game modes.

    Game modes, I feel are extremely important to give games variety and replayability. Supcom 2 suffered from having only 3 game modes, all of which were: Defeat everybody not on your team. The only difference was what constituted defeat... losing ACU, losing ACU + structures, and losing all units. Supcom 2 was boring and could not keep my attention for as long other games with more modes.

    So here are some modes I recommend:
    -Assassination: We know what this is and it's planned.
    -Zone-Control: Like the old battlefield series, 5 zones are designated on the map. All teams start with 1000 tickets (or another arbitrary number). You "control" a zone if your team has more units on/in that zone than all the other teams. Each second, if one team has more zones under their "control" than all the other teams, all the other teams lose 1 ticket + 1 additional ticket for the difference between your team's total controlled zone's and their team's total controlled zones.
    -Capture-the-flag: We know how this works.
    -Survival/Tower defense: Defend a static defense object against increasingly powerful waves of enemies, until the time limit expires.
    -Survival Run: Defend a moving defense object against increasingly powerful waves of AI enemies, until it reaches its goal.
    -Phantom: Read about this here:

    Keep in mind, Survival, Survival Run, and Phantom have all been extensively play-tested in FA, on FAF and GPGnet and are all very popular. Even better if maps for survival/survival run can be procedurally generated!
  2. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    I dunno, I'd think procedurally generated maps would actually be a hindrance for the Survival game types....imagine if an ocean separated you and the spawn location? Stuff like that.

    EDIT: Really like the idea of seeing zone control, but again seems like ProGenMaps would be more of a hindrance.....

  3. DeadMG

    DeadMG Member

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    IMO, it's not terrifically necessary. Consider Starcraft 2. It only has one game mode- but this doesn't constitute a problem because the custom maps contain MANY game modes. If the modding is sufficiently powerful, then there will be enough TD, DoTA, Zone Control to keep you occupied.
  4. KarottenRambo

    KarottenRambo Member

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    Agreed, only Assassination is needed, the rest can be created by modding. Seriously funk, do you want to make the mod-community jobless? :p
  5. BulletMagnet

    BulletMagnet Post Master General

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    Suppose that mod support doesn't come (ever).

    What happens?
  6. FunkOff

    FunkOff Member

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    This. We really need multiple good game modes in the stock game, and modders can just add more. One stock game mode is insufficient, however.
  7. KarottenRambo

    KarottenRambo Member

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    They already confirmed mod-support. If there will be no mod support in the final game though, something went wrong and I bet game modes will be one of the last things you worry about.

    The game modes you listed there just seem to me like typical gameplay mods and to be honest I would rather like to see modders making such things than the developers invest their precious time in that.
  8. ramcat

    ramcat New Member

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    Game modes are a 'must'.

    King Of The Hill (a Zone Control varient):

    Game 1: There is only one "hill", only when your commander is on it do you score. 100 points wins, your points don't tick down.
    Game 1a: You can take a hill with units (sole occupior).
    Game 1b: Your points do tick down each second you don't have the hill.

    Game 2: There are a limited number of hills, the size of the hill eguals the points points gained. Anyone holding a hill scores.
    Game 2a: Once you have a winning score (above the point limit set in the UI) you must hold all the hills for one second to win.

    Game 3: The hills are marked with numbers. You must hold them each, in order, for one second. Holding the first unlocks the second, and so on. Players who maynotbe as far along the chain can prevent the leader by massing troops at the leaders next hill.

    Can you imagine 40 players in a FFA King Of the Hill match? The eliminations alone, would be TENSE. Fighting to survive AND hold a hill.

    Can you imagine game 1 with 20 vs 20?!!!!!!!!! Anybody who risks their commander risks death but its the only way to get points!!

    If we had game supported modes like this. Or mods that came from Ubers servers like this the game would live forever because it could always be a new, fresh game. There would always be great games to try out.
  9. ghargoil

    ghargoil New Member

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    This kind of stuff should probably be implemented via mods... that said, I hope the modding API will be well done enough to allow easy implementation of game modes like this.

    Another idea would be zone-control to create risk-like games, where the objectives would be to score n-th place (ideally, 1st) and points are awarded to people based on ranking

    See also, -- where often times players will truce or 'flag under' another player, where they effectively promise (and gameplay can force a guarantee) that they will bow-out before another player to ensure that the other player will get a higher ranking.
  10. theironyeti

    theironyeti New Member

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    Would anyone think that control point victory similar to Dawn of War series would be any good. Idea is to have multiple "control points" have them spread out over the map, like say 6 or more, then whoever holds more than half these points starts a count down timer. Probably another king of the hill variant, but would seem interesting I would think.
  11. bubba41102

    bubba41102 Member

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    there needs to be a sandbox mode where you can play on a regular map but beable to spawn units that you control but that act like a hostile
  12. paprototype

    paprototype Member

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