So, here is my problem, it seems that whenever the computer picks teams in the lobby i land on the blue team 99% of the time. The ONLY time i land on red is if i join a game in progress and the only slot open is red. If the team selector is random then how it is that im always selected as blue? Ive played a good 18hrs already and most of them Crossfire games. Even my wife who watches me play (and is thinking of getting the game as well) has noted that im always blue and asked me if the game is like battlefield whare the bad-guys always appear in red. Second, if you look at the level spread of the teams as they are divided you will note that the high lvl players are usually on the top and the single digit players are almost always on the bottom, in exception to me, who at the time of writing this is around lvl 40. This brings me to my third question, why dose it seem that 80% of the time red wins? Now before anyone makes snarky comments like im bringing the team down ect, note that if you play in a game with me you will see my score placing me at the top of my team (or close to it) and usually rivals that of the red teams best and if i manage to get on red by some freak chance i usually MVP, so none of that crap. So, what i deduce from this information are a few possibilities: 1) the most likely is my player profile, ELO, or whatever is used to determine my stats vs other players has an error that makes me look godlike to the system and stacks me with the weakest ELO players thus creating such bizzarly lopsided matches. 2) I actually am godlike, and the system has to throw everything it can at me to give the red team the semblance of a chance to win. (Just kidding, no really im kidding, please dont hit me!) 3) the games doesn't use any form of stat tracking to determine teams but instead uses a static random algorithm (like the winamp randomizer) and im trapped in the Iceman abyss. I have seen some other posts with ppl having similar experiences mainly on the XBOX side of the forum so I know im not imagining all of this. Is there a fix i can preform or is this issue being worked on? Thanks in advance and also thank you Uber for such a great game! Really, this game has totally stopped me from playing all other FPS games and most my other games! It is THAT amazing!
Not sure about games below UT2004, but UT2004 and UT3 both have an option in the config: Code: [DefaultPlayer] Name=awesome team=255 For UT: Team=0 is RED Team=255 Is No preferable team Team=1 Is Blue The default is not 255, which you'd expect. So I think it's relating to that command, which can be found here: D:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\monday night combat\HostileGame\Config HostileGame.ini DefaultGame.ini Code: [DefaultPlayer] Name=Player team=0 Change that to 255.
Interesting, i will look into this. If this is not the case, could it be affected by the fact that I currently have UT3 installed through steam? Maybe an old code call still present in the MNC client pointing to UT3 not sorted out yet?
I doubt it. Thanks for the thread, I included it in the post in my sig, too. Hopefully they'll read over it.
Found the line listed as 255 in the Basegame CFG, going to set it to 0 and see if it makes a difference. If not ill look in other cfg's as well.
seems that changing these values in any of the .cfg files they appear in causes C++ runtime errors on startup and crash. Also, the default values in all the .cfg files in hostile game > config folder have the value of 0, so i should usually be on red, but that is not the case at all.
Yeah I get the error as well but I still believe this to be the problem. Will have to wait for the devs to reply. =0 is Red in UT but not necessarily red in MNC.
Well it wont crash in the engine config (that defaults to 255) when i change it to 0 or 1, neither seem to make a difference, in game as im still selected blue any time the pc picks in the lobby (out of 6 games), tho i did get to play on a red team when i first joined up (game in progress) and hey we won, go figure that. :roll:
Yeah, the server balancing leaves a lot to be desired. I'd like to say that I try to switch teams to make for a fairer match (when applicable) but I have this nasty habit of not realizing the other team is getting steamrolled until it's too late to do anything (aside from negatively impact my meaningless beta-stats)
I cant bring myself to use the code to swap teams, don't know if im a masochist or just really enjoy the challenge facing great odds brings. Tho losing most the time can be demoralizing for sure, the sheer fun factor of the game system and the fact that it is structured like another game i love (LoL) keeps me coming back for more