About the SMNC flair.

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by mandydeth, February 16, 2013.

  1. mandydeth

    mandydeth Member

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    I'm wondering how to put this elegantly, so I'll just type as my mind works.

    I started playing MNC when it popped up on Xbox live, and decided to play the game despite my preoccupation with Call of Duty, because the game was fresh, it felt special, and most of all it was fun.

    Years later, I heard about SMNC, couldn't believe it was free, and have spent a decent amount of money on outfits/keys/flairs etc.

    I've know that Uberent is a special entity, and I love to support them; however I've got a bit of a dilemma. I'm not a huge fan of RTS games. I played Civ 5 recently (came with an SSD I purchased), and it grew on me, surprisingly. Anyway, my gripe here is that people who have been supporting Uber since before PA are getting kind of gimped with the flair and the pin.

    I'm assuming not everyone who shells out $250 for the Cosmic edition is not a huge fan of SMNC, but I'm sure there are plenty of players who are as well. But personally, the game doesn't even exist yet, and being a loyal Uber player, and an adamant SMNC player, I wish I could just have the flair and the pin for less than $250. It's a digital object, and it costs nothing to produce, so could you please tack it on to the $60 Warfare edition at least? It just seems like a nice "thank you" to the players who have helped Uber with their games in the past, and rewards them for currently playing SMNC.

    I'm more than willing to put down $60 to support Uber, but $250 is pushing it for me in a single transaction. If I had an opportunity to try the game and decide whether I would spend enough time playing it to warrant the $250, I gladly would. I've put 100's of hours into SMNC, and I would just like that flair and pin should I decide to purchase the game.

    That's just my feelings on it.
  2. sylvesterink

    sylvesterink Active Member

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    The flair was included in the Kickstarter for a $20 contribution.
  3. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Where did you get this info? The $250 pledge doesn't even mention the flair or the pin. Besides the Kickstarter is over so you can't buy any of the pledge amount. Though you can pre-order the game from the Uber Store I believe.
  4. sylvesterink

    sylvesterink Active Member

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    http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/659 ... sts?page=3
    Scroll down to the Pledge Rewards section. They added that item later on, so it doesn't appear in the original listing on the side of the KS.
    As an Uber supporter, I'm surprised you didn't hear of it in the KS campaign, as it was mentioned early on.
    Whether Uber should lower the cost of it for preorders, that's not my place to say. I don't think it's a tradeable item, but if it is, I'm sure backers who aren't interested in SMNC would be more than happy to help you out.
  5. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Ahh I see. My bad. :oops:
  6. monkeyulize

    monkeyulize Active Member

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    It's just a pin.

    So wait, you're willing to pay $60 for the pin, since it will support Uber, but you won't spend the $60 unless you get some menial way to show that support to other people in SMNC?
  7. mandydeth

    mandydeth Member

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    Precisely. As someone mentioned, it's was available for a mere $20 on the Kickstarter, but I missed out on that. Seems like something intelligent to give to people anyway to help with the SMNC player base.
  8. monkeyulize

    monkeyulize Active Member

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    But it's a Planetary Annihilation pin, it doesn't have anything to do with SMNC.

    They just put it in there for fun.
  9. AraxisHT

    AraxisHT Active Member

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    The PA flair was available during the Kickstarter for a minimum of $90, not $20. $20 only got you the Asteroid flair. Both are currently available as part of the $250 Cosmic Limited Edition from the UberEnt store. The email concerning them clearly stated that people who don't play SMNC would be able to give them to a friend. They currently aren't tradable, but are intended to be. It is unknown if you will have to have a full Agent SMNC account to give it away (like you do for anything else), but the email makes it seem like you won't.

  10. sylvesterink

    sylvesterink Active Member

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    Thank you for clearing that up, araxisht. I guess I missed the $90 tier bit.

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