SXD24's Health and Armor Endorsement Guide

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by sxd24, December 22, 2010.

  1. sxd24

    sxd24 Member

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    Okay, so there's been a lot of talk about Armor endorsements, how they work, how much health they give, etc. This is the place to be for that stuff.

    Things to know when reading this guide:
    • The only way to measure the HP of each individual class was by way of the Support's H/H ability. When healing with the Support, you will notice that the Health bar goes up in "bits." Each "bit" of health is worth 20 HP, and Rate of Fire determines how fast it awards those 20 HP. By way of a guest account and spawning each class on my main account, I was able to take data for each class's individual HP by overhealing the class, stopping immediately after the overheal bar was full. Then, I left the game and checked the guest's progress towards HP healed, and recorded this data.
    • This data assumes that the overheal amount increases your health by a half. As such, the data presented here is merely double of the results I recorded, as two halves of a health bar equals a whole. If anyone can prove/deny this assumption with evidence, please let me know and I will change this guide accordingly.
    • These numbers are not 100% accurate, but are fairly close approximations, should the previous assumption be true. There is human error to be accounted for, and not all classes' health are divisible by 20. Expect errors anywhere between 20-100 HP.
    • Remember that though these numbers may be true, there are damage multipliers for each class and weapon to be accounted for. Different weapons do different damage across different classes, so keep that in mind.
    • Dev input would be helpful and much appreciated!

    And here's the numbers:

    Tank - Passive 1 // Passive 2 // Passive 3
    No Armor: 800 // 920 // 1040
    Bronze Armor: 880 // 1000 // 1120
    Silver Armor: 960 // 1080 // 1200
    Gold Armor: 1040 // 1160 // 1280

    Support - Passive 1 // Passive 3
    No Armor: 440 // 640
    Bronze Armor: 520 // 720
    Silver Armor : 600 // 800
    Gold Armor: 680 // 880

    No Armor: 320
    Bronze Armor: 400
    Silver Armor : 480
    Gold Armor: 560

    No Armor: 520
    Bronze Armor: 600
    Silver Armor : 680
    Gold Armor: 760

    No Armor: 320
    Bronze Armor: 400
    Silver Armor: 480
    Gold Armor: 560

    No Armor: 720
    Bronze Armor: 800
    Silver Armor : 880
    Gold Armor: 960
  2. PohTayToez

    PohTayToez New Member

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    Good info. If this is all correct, then armor doesn't play as significant of a role as I thought.
  3. sxd24

    sxd24 Member

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    Like I said, though, this data is based on a really terrible way to measure health (but it's the only way I've found, sadly) and the assumption that overhealing gives the receiver an extra half of health. As such, there's some human error, but it should be in the ballpark of the right numbers, if the overheal assumption is correct.

    That being said, I would think an Armor endorsement to be extremely helpful from these results, PohTayToez. A gold endorsement, for instance, gives each class an approximated 240 HP gain, which is close to doubling the Assassin or Sniper's unarmored HP.

    Also, another thing I forgot to mention is the act that there seems to be a damage "threshold" right before the health bar hits zero. This is kind of hard to explain, so my best comparison would be something everyone can test - a Rail Gun versus an unarmored Assassin.

    When using a Rail Gun on an full-health, unarmored Assassin, the very first shot will deplete almost 60% of her health bar. Using this logic, she should die in 2 shots, but in fact, she dies by three - the second shot will take her down to about 1% health for no apparent reason. Therefore, there appears to be some sort of "damage threshold" for the amount of damage you take, and is probably why so many people survive with the smallest slivers of health sometimes. I can't think of a better way to explain it, so test it out for yourself to see what I mean. (Also, if there's a better term for this, please tell me. I feel like an idiot saying these in such stupid terms)
  4. x Zatchmo

    x Zatchmo New Member

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    Very cool, how the hell did you think of this? And how long did it take?
  5. sxd24

    sxd24 Member

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    I once noticed that when you go into Split-screen mode, your guest can have Protags as well, and they reset every time you sign on as the guest. This included the HP healed career protag. Realizing that, I was able to to figure out how to get that information - go into Blitz mode (as that is the only way to get your Guest and main controller on the same team), heal said class 'til fully overhealed, leave Blitz, go to a Crossfire match, make a private lobby, and look at the guest's protags.

    As you can see, it's very time consuming.

    I had an entire day to myself, and I was forced to stay home. It took maybe 2-3 hours of testing a re-testing to get all these numbers.
  6. JackTrips

    JackTrips New Member

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    This is why he's Sexy D, the knowledge master.
  7. Providence

    Providence New Member

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    This is very useful info. Can you also include the health threshold you need to survive one hit kills like assassin front/back grapple and sniper headshot?
  8. Wandrian Wvlf

    Wandrian Wvlf New Member

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    Lovely. Just for fun though: wouldn't it make sense to compare how much damage the HHG does killing pros? I imagine the number would be a bit off, but you could compare it to the overheal decay data and get a possibly better idea of how much HP pros really have.

    Sounds better than the data on the Wiki for sure, good job :D
  9. AbusedPumpkin

    AbusedPumpkin New Member

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    A post by one of the developers stated that it's that way to make the game more exciting, but it's not trickery: it's numbers. I can't find the post but I'll paraphrase it here:

    "If we think it should take 4 shots to kill someone with 100 health, how much should each shot do? The obvious answer is 25 since 25 times 4 = 100. However, I think the answer is 33. This way, there will be many times you escape with 1 HP which creates more excitement of 'Whoa, I barely survived'."

    Nice post, btw. Thanks for the effort!
  10. AbusedPumpkin

    AbusedPumpkin New Member

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    It doesn't matter if armor is statistically significant from a numbers standpoint. What matters is that certain armor endorsements will let you live through very standard things you otherwise couldn't. Not being insta-gibbed by charge/grapple/bomb is important.
  11. Scented Midget

    Scented Midget New Member

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    Might I put out there, on an Assassin her health doubles with Gold Armor and to your data it is not accurate. Although I do respect the time you put into this, it does not all add up.
  12. sxd24

    sxd24 Member

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    Two things:
    1) I said that some of the numbers can be off by a bit, and that these were all estimates.
    2) Do you 100% for certain know that it doubles her health? If so, how?
  13. MootPinks

    MootPinks New Member

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    Comparing to this thread:

    SXD's figures scaled to match:
                        No armour     Bronze     Silver     Gold
    Tank passive 1	   250           275        300        325
    Tank passive 2	   287.5         312.5      337.5      362.5
    Tank passive 3	   325           350        375        400
    Support passive 1   137.5         162.5      187.5      212.5
    Support passive 2   200           225        250        275
    Assassin            100           125        150        175
    Assault             162.5         187.5      212.5      237.5
    Sniper              100           125        150        175
    Gunner              225           250        275        300
    Interesting. Gold armour nerf or inaccurate data? If accurate, looks like the Gunner and Assault had their base armour boosted to compensate.
  14. sxd24

    sxd24 Member

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    That thread is under the assumption that the base damage for the Rail Gun in all instances is the same. Scathis once mentioned somewhere that there are damage multipliers to be accounted for, so it's quite possible that some classes would take less damage from the Rail Gun than others.
  15. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    no armor dies in one death blossom, gold armor dies in 2?
  16. sxd24

    sxd24 Member

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    Doesn't mean that it doubles her HP. One Deathblossom could do 400 damage, which would effectively kill an unarmored Assassin in one hit, and a Gold Armored one in 2 hits. She still dies in 2 hits, but doesn't necessarily mean her HP is doubled.

    Of course, those numbers are just pulled out of my @ss for example purposes. Not near my xbox right now to be able to check, but the point is still valid
  17. MootPinks

    MootPinks New Member

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    I carried out the same test. Here are my figures for tank, support and assassin (it's getting too late to test the others). Pretty much the same as SXD's allowing for inaccuracies of the method. Mine are definitely more inconsistent.

    Tank - Passive 1 // Passive 2 // Passive 3
    No Armor: 720 // 840 // 1000
    Bronze Armor: 840 // 960 // 1120
    Silver Armor: 920 // 1080 // 1200
    Gold Armor: 1040 // 1160 // 1320

    Support - Passive 1 // Passive 3
    No Armor: 440 // 640
    Bronze Armor: 520 // 720
    Silver Armor : 600 // 840
    Gold Armor: 720 // 920

    Assassin [harder to measure as 'no armour' and 'bronze armour' don't fill evenly, when it looks like it's full there's a tiny sliver left at the end]
    No Armor: 360
    Bronze Armor: 440
    Silver Armor : 560
    Gold Armor: 640

    Inaccuracies aside, it looks like bronze, silver and gold armour endorsement each increase your health by the same amount (80-120 HP)

    Props to SXD for coming up with this and having the patience to work through all the classes.
  18. PohTayToez

    PohTayToez New Member

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    I'm completely aware of that, however I've been running silver armor for a long time, however I'm pretty sure that bronze armor is enough to allow the sniper to survive many things that would OHKO an unarmored sniper. I ran silver armor because I was under the impression that there was a bigger difference between silver and bronze armor. Seeing the actual difference makes me want to try a RoF/Skill/Armor class rather than the RoF/Armor/Skill class that I previously thought was the best combination for my play style.
  19. MootPinks

    MootPinks New Member

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    If I was a gambler who was into conspiracy theories, I'd bet Uber changed this recently, and that bronze did used to be significantly worse than silver (ie the values were closer to those in the wiki)
  20. Cheesecakecrush

    Cheesecakecrush New Member

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    It would seem that SXD's method is more accurate than the "railgun" method. More ticks: higher sample size. At least in my way of thinking.

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