Musing on the format of an Official Galactic War

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by atua, February 10, 2013.

  1. atua

    atua Member

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    Ok, 99% of this post is speculation at the moment as nothing has been released on the format of the Galactic War, except to say that it will be similar to Boneyards (this is the 1% ;-)). I am happy that Uber has not been focusing on Galactic War atm, as there are currently bigger fish to fry. I have been thinking about it recently though and want to pose a question, and get the community's thoughts on the matter.

    Firstly, a quick summary of the Boneyards model: we have a metagame solar system map that shows the claimed territories of the respective factions, as well as the contested ones. The actual games were played out using the flat maps to represent the world/s being contested, and the outcome of that match effected the metagame solar system map.

    Now with PA, maps (in this sense, a selection of planets, i.e. probably a solar system) are procedurally generated, with the ability of saving a map via a seed. What I was interested in hearing from the community is this:

    What would people prefer from the Galactic War:

    A) Whenever a solar system is contested, the map is generated randomly, the seed is never saved, so each time is a new experience. Previous play is no benefit.

    B) Whenever a solar system is contested, one of the following is performed:
    - if this is a new system, never fought over before, the map is randomly generated with the seed saved.
    - if this is a solar system that has been contested previously, the saved seed is used.

    This way, hotly contested regions become known to players, however, this creates a bias to people who play more often, as they start to know the maps more (know where the metal planets are for instance, unless these kinds of key resources are randomly placed each game)

    C) This method is an expansion of point B. Not only is the seed saved, but also the state of the map after the game is saved. For example, during the last game, asteroid A was used to destroy planet X. Now both asteroid A and planet X are unavailable in the next game. I would assume things such as ancient technologies are once again unclaimed and randomly placed on the map.

    This method means that over time, solar systems become less desirable as the resources on them dwindle. This would also mean that some sort of global reset would be required as at one point, the galactic map would become unplayable.

    D) Something not stated here, come up with your own ideas.

    Now to the community, what are your thoughts. Is it worth discussing now (I think so, as it may be helpful to Uber later), do you like any of the ideas, do you have a better one?
  2. redfang87

    redfang87 New Member

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    I think ypu think to much how boneyard was though you make a good topic for discussion of how it could be
    I remember uber saying early on an idea of the galactic war and how i interpreted it it is not an ongoing never ending game so much as a huge long game with upto 40 players, i see it as like a civilization 5 game with alot of players and people getting knocked out as game goes on eventualy being left with a winner or winning team
    For this to be the case i would think it would be a constant map where if a planet is destroyed it doesnt reseed forcing the battlefield smaller till it gets to last few players on limited worthwhile playing feilds makeing for an epic game and tacits where you are fighting to protect your goid systems youve dominated to support the ever moving main battle front

    What controled systems will give you to help other places remains to be seen and will be intresting in setting how 1 of these huge games pans out and tactics used in them.
  3. BulletMagnet

    BulletMagnet Post Master General

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    Whoa whoa whoa. Hold on a tic.

    I think you're confusing things. GW was never slated to be just a big ol' 40 man game.

    Someone correct me if I'm wrong (preferably with a citation from Uber as evidence), but I think PA will permit *40 players per solar system. It will also include a campaign-like structure called Galactic War that is many solar systems strung together.

    * Just a number used by someone at Uber to indicate lots of people. For technical reasons the final number may be higher or lower.
  4. redfang87

    redfang87 New Member

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    Thats the way i understoop it from the anouncment posts when they hit gw kickstarter goal a huge game over a galaxy of systems but not an 'infinate war' something that would come to an end i would post comments but im in work and on my phone :) its been described as being also singleplayer or small group play aswell as huge drop in multiplayer and can be hosted localy. Theyve not released andthing concrete on it or evan started any development on it yet however its done will be good time will
  5. Saber2243

    Saber2243 New Member

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    I think that your understanding of the model is wrong

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