Oculs Rift for PA?

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by syox, January 20, 2013.

  1. syox

    syox Member

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    Will there be support for oculus rift for PA?
  2. kryovow

    kryovow Well-Known Member

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    maybe you can explain a little bit, what that is supposed to be?

    I for my part dont know what it is.
  3. syox

    syox Member

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  4. rorschachphoenix

    rorschachphoenix Active Member

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    I love the oculus rift, but for an RTS I think it will be a waste of time and money.
    It has to be a game that generates a great immersion effect to you, like ego-shooter, flight simulation or racing games.

    In addition: PA will be released way before oculus rift. And the game have to be written for the oculus rift. I think valve will come up with something in one or two years. The first developer kits will be sent to the backers in march. It needs more time.
  5. syox

    syox Member

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    yeah but imagine seeing the battlefield in 3d the curves of the bullets planes flying high. There are even allrady developers working on desktops for OR. you could have windows of war all around you
    or be in space and command the units from above (must be how a god feels like :D)
  6. neutrino

    neutrino low mass particle Uber Employee

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    It's not something we have time to do initially but if the game is successful I can see adding support down the line just for the cool factor.
  7. syox

    syox Member

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  8. kryovow

    kryovow Well-Known Member

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    cool factor is the right word for this in a RTS. No real advantage^^

    still its probably cool for ego perspective games.
  9. syox

    syox Member

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    Sure there are advantages. For example: no boundaries for your screen. They want to make PA multiwindowed. Could work brilliant with OR.
    And the wars in real 3D must be amazing to watch.

    I am fine with neutrinos Statement. If PA is a sucess and there are available ressources.they may do it.
  10. plink

    plink Active Member

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    I would love to see the game get oculus support. As someone who already owns nvidia 3d vision and have played supcom2 with it... An rts is actually insanely cool in 3d. It would be waay better with the oculus headset as it would immerse you even further. Like you are there hovering above the battlefield.
  11. EdWood

    EdWood Active Member

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    I am a big fan of the Oculus too and I will get one when it is released... but... how would it work in an RTS environment? When I am wearing the rift, how can I see my keyboard, using all the commands... in a FPS I just need WASD and my mouse.
    Does someone know more about the interface of the Oculus and can elaborate?
  12. plink

    plink Active Member

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    When using nvidia 3d vision i cant see my keyboard or mouse due to the dark glasses and i play with no ambient light. I have never had an issue with pressing wrong keys. I thnk you will be surprised at how well your brain knows the keyboard when you cant see it.
  13. cptbritish

    cptbritish Member

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    New to gaming I see lol /joke.

    You learn your keyboard a lot more than you realise while your playing games. Just hold your fingers on the F and J keys and let your fingers run across the keyboard. Its pretty easy once you've done it enough or had a really boring job like admin :(.

    Personally I think 3D is pointless for what you get. Watched films in 3D and don't get any more enjoyment from it than I would in crisp HD...

    Full immersion VR though, **** I hope i'm still around (and can afford it!) when that comes out and if i'm not, I hope the Hindus were right so one day I can try it out!
  14. stretchyalien

    stretchyalien New Member

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    Raise your hand if you still have a functioning Virtual Boy!

    *raises hand*

    Now raise your hand if you had ever even HEARD of the virtual boy!

    *raises both hands*
  15. elazarger

    elazarger New Member

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    Yep, I am right there with you. It would be like watching the war from an observer drone above the battlefield. As some others mentioned, it is "only" a coolness feature. But hey, it is a huge coolness feature.

    I am also not sure how to use the mouse keyboard with the Oculus Rift on. But I am sure we will figure it out. Maybe there will be some interface adjustments for playing with the Rift.

    I am waiting for the developer kit and will check out all the other games mods that will be available. Maybe someone will make a Oculus Rift mod for Supreme Commander.
  16. syox

    syox Member

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  17. boolybooly

    boolybooly Member

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    Imagine looking around and seeing a star system and then zooming down to a battlefield. Would be very amusing.

    I think interface is going to have to go kinect with virtual keyboard and virtual finger, not everyone has the kind of coordination and memory it takes to touch type. I foe onw am forecer one keu ti the levt of the tight! :p
  18. bgolus

    bgolus Uber Alumni

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    I'm looking forward to being able to play with an Oculus Rift, but the current tech has one major deficiency: screen resolution. That means small details or even basic on screen text is difficult to see.

    For an RTS game, where almost the entire thing is about moving small dots around, the Oculus Rift will make things very difficult to see. Pretty much you'd be playing the game always zoomed in.
  19. syox

    syox Member

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    Na it wasn't on PA this time. Just curious if you get developers kit at start. And a little envy if.
  20. tugimus

    tugimus Member

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    As far as I see it, the game is already a success, so I don't know what this "if" word you are using is all about.

    So, seeing as though your support for the rift is contingent on the game being a success, and the game IS already a success, just know that the only real things you need to modify for Oculus support are the interface scaling on the screen (to avoid interface constantly being on the edge of peripheral vision), and the fish-eye effect to compensate for the parallax of the vision curve. It is a very simple matter once you have the core built up.

    A lot of people say "VR is for FPS only" and they are all extremely wrong. Seeing the vastness of space, the scope of planets and the scale of a solar system in full view encompassing 3D would be an 'out of this world' experience. Zooming in to a planet's surface at FTL to see a battle breaking out would be astonishing. Instead of having multiple displays, you could use 'virtual displays' and simply look between them with the head tracking.

    The options on how to implement the features are endless. It is up to you, the developers, to come up with creative ways to implement the features. The more people jump on board now, the greater the scope of immersive gaming will be in the future, so let us help the future by making today's reality the building blocks of awesomeness!

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