Has the Uber Team ever thought of hiring Chris Taylor....

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by drtomb, February 8, 2013.

  1. drtomb

    drtomb Member

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    in the event he closes shop that is... :?: :|
  2. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    Re: Has the Uber Team ever thought of hiring Chris Taylor...

    I don't really see a reason why to be honest.

  3. RaTcHeT302

    RaTcHeT302 Guest

    Re: Has the Uber Team ever thought of hiring Chris Taylor...

    I don't see how he could help them game.
  4. drtomb

    drtomb Member

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    Re: Has the Uber Team ever thought of hiring Chris Taylor...

    The guy has some good ideas and a lot of them know what he can bring to the table if he gets his **** together. Besides hes one heck of a coder.
  5. ultramarine777

    ultramarine777 Member

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    Re: Has the Uber Team ever thought of hiring Chris Taylor...

    Chris Taylor, despite being great at technical work, is more of a designer. He likes to create projects and develop.

    Uber already has a stacked team and they are only looking for people they need due to the budget. They can't simply higher everyone that is talented. They work with a small team.
  6. drtomb

    drtomb Member

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    Re: Has the Uber Team ever thought of hiring Chris Taylor...

    :| I dont want to state the obvious but this question was aimed at Uber... not users. Kinda want to hear it from them.
  7. thefreemon

    thefreemon Member

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    Re: Has the Uber Team ever thought of hiring Chris Taylor...

    If my memory serves me right, CT sold SupCom to the world like nobody's business. If not taking an active role in the coding and designing of PA, It would be nice to see him sell the game to the world. He knows how to use "over the top" "strategy" "massive scale" and "huge explosions" very very well. CT, Uber VP of PR? :D

    This is of course in an hypothetical parallel universe where Uber actually hired the man after and if GPG goes down under, which is a possibility that makes me extremely sad. :(

    Whatever happens, I wish CT the best luck of the world for his current and future projects.
  8. sylvesterink

    sylvesterink Active Member

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    Re: Has the Uber Team ever thought of hiring Chris Taylor...

    Don't forget "eye-popping visuals." There's always "eye-popping visuals."
    But in any case, I'm fairly certain CT already has his own plans in place in the case that GPG goes under. Besides, somehow I don't think he would be all that comfortable coming to work for Uber as a consultant on a game that's already been mostly planned out and is in heavy development.
  9. Hydrofoil

    Hydrofoil Member

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    Re: Has the Uber Team ever thought of hiring Chris Taylor...

    CT already made his stance pretty clear on PA. ITs pretty obvious Supcom and Supcom2 broke him and his will to make RTS games on such a huge scale any more. CT doesn't believe Uber can pull it off and I don't think we wants to work on epic scale RTS's anyway.
  10. psychopigeon

    psychopigeon New Member

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    Re: Has the Uber Team ever thought of hiring Chris Taylor...

    We can't let CT down!
  11. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    Re: Has the Uber Team ever thought of hiring Chris Taylor...

    I hear forums have these "Private Messages" for things where you don't want to involve the entire community.

    Also how was it obvious? You never said who it was directed to at all.

  12. sylvesterink

    sylvesterink Active Member

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    Re: Has the Uber Team ever thought of hiring Chris Taylor...

    You assume much. CT has stated that he wants to continue to make RTSs, most notably Kings and Castles, which is definitely on a large scale. He just doesn't have that capability at the moment, due to lack of funding.
    Also, his stance on PA is that it looks fun, but he's skeptical about a multi-battlefield system, as well as the goal of making such a large-scale game on a limited budget. (It was worded indelicately, but he has been known for being straightforward in his communication.)
  13. dusk108

    dusk108 Member

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    Re: Has the Uber Team ever thought of hiring Chris Taylor...

    When you get too many senior level people, you often get heads bumping together. Too many people who are used to being in charge having to swallow egos, or enforce their position for those are really in charge. "Too many cooks in the kitchen" is probably the simplest way to put it.
  14. drtomb

    drtomb Member

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    Re: Has the Uber Team ever thought of hiring Chris Taylor...

    Also wanted to share the info... but it seems this topic is rather touchy... who knew!
  15. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    Re: Has the Uber Team ever thought of hiring Chris Taylor...

    Then you should be more careful drafting the post/question, like I said, how was it obvious?

  16. Polynomial

    Polynomial Moderator Alumni

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    Re: Has the Uber Team ever thought of hiring Chris Taylor...

    Who is the moderator here again?
  17. Pawz

    Pawz Active Member

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    Re: Has the Uber Team ever thought of hiring Chris Taylor...

    No idea, he's like, never around and stuff.
  18. svip

    svip Member

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    Re: Has the Uber Team ever thought of hiring Chris Taylor...

    I thought Chris Taylor didn't like PA. Seems a strange thing to hire someone who don't like what you are working on.
  19. sylvesterink

    sylvesterink Active Member

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    Re: Has the Uber Team ever thought of hiring Chris Taylor...

    He doesn't say anything about disliking it. He's just skeptical about multiple battlefields and the cost of development. Those are the only things he's ever mentioned so far.
  20. jungleelf

    jungleelf New Member

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    Re: Has the Uber Team ever thought of hiring Chris Taylor...

    Did anyone of you guys think about pledging for Wildman? I know that this is something totally different than PA and might not appeal to the taste of most of the PA backers BUT Chris came up with TA and SupCom! He designed what is the foundation of PA! He provided us with tons of fun with these really cool games. He created, together with John and Steve and lot's of other cool people, what is two of the coolest games ever. I know, a lot of SupCom fans felt let down by the way SupCom 2 was made. But think about this: Two of the founders of UberEnt came from GPG, and I hope they left on good terms, a lot of people of the original team that worked on SupCom lost their job a few days ago. GPG is kind of iconic or at least should be for most of us PA backers. Don't turn your back on GPG and Chris! Pledge for Wildman. Even if it is only a small amount it might help. More then 40,000 people pledged for PA. Imagine all of them would pledge only 20 bucks for Wildman. The project would be successful and gpg saved. Wildman will be fun to play, I am sure.
    What do you think about an appeal to all forum members to help your ex-company, John? Didn't you have a good time at gpg? Of course, that's not your job, but if you did this, a lot of forum members would follow.
    Maybe I am too sentimental. Maybe I should accept the way business works. I hope nobody accuses me of putting this up here as being completely displaced. I am quite sure that PA will bring us everything we dreamt of and I am truely grateful that this finally happens. But somehow I feel sad about the possibility that, at the same time the baby all of the original TA and SupCom players where waiting for is about to be born, it's grandfather dies...

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