Hi, I was thinking about a gamemode that I would call "Gamemaster" It would be a blend of campaign and PvP: Instead of a campaign, you give 1 player a big start mass/metal and energy start capital and a few minutes of no rush time (the no attack / explore area could be big) This gamemaster can put his units and building in this time and after that only give a generic order like: attack/defend, scout this area. where to build what kind of structures (but depends on the computer AI to deploy a builder etc) Ofcourse we need some finetuning about which and how many units and buildings are allowed in the start phase. The other player(s) will have to find ways to defeat this game master.
or, rather than making them spend time to build things, just let them place units/buildings for a start time and then continue on as normal. That might have been what you were saying anyways... idk. This sounds almost like a handicap or something like that but I see your point. It could be cool to have a single person/AI that had bases spread out and you had to do spec ops attacks and fight smartly to win.
I don't see this being popular enough with the rest of the crowd that its worth the devs adding, but definetly moddable.