This is just insane...

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by Lipucd, December 21, 2010.

  1. Lipucd

    Lipucd New Member

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    ...and not in the good way, I'm sure by now many a player has witnessed some really BS steamrolling as of late, a ton of it rather per game. Heck, almost every game I do not never goes beyond 5 minutes or so because the other side pushed so hard we couldn't do zilch about it.

    Velo, KillZ-_^, Bungle, most players with 'BoNK', Munch, PariakMessiah, Gaff, sweeb, and Rock-AA also all tend to be the players who stick out the most in my playbooks leading such OTK's.

    Honestly I'm at a total loss of what to do when I run into these people other then leaving the server, and trying to hope onto another one for more balanced play...but even that's ending up to be a rather dead end honestly...And because there are not Blitz servers left, I'm getting mighty depressed here without any idea on what to do but mop around going "...we are about to get pushed hard" in the chat and just watch and see if I crash or not due to another loss.
  2. GaFF

    GaFF New Member

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    I feel honored I was mentioned but you know I get 300 ping on NA servers although I still manage to get top kills most games :p
  3. Lipucd

    Lipucd New Member

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    ...Top? Lets just say in the 9 games I played with you, EACH one you had no less then 40 kills, and maybe 1~2 deaths being your sniper. Clearly that ping is giving you more of an advantage ( or RoF on a sniper really is just totally retarded ) because god forbid if anyone so as much gets near you, you'll just juice and kill them anyway...or just juice and sniper any defenses I set up...or snipe me if I get out of glass cover for more then a moment...

    ...Honestly it's to a level where, again, if I see you on the server, and I'm not on your team, I'd rather disconnect right there and not earn any cash then watch my K/D ratio flonder deeper into >0.400
  4. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    I think it will get better eventually, as long as they don't add ways for teams to stick together.

    Right now there's just a huge skill gap between the new players and those who played on 360, so it's easier for one or two people to carry the game. Once more people learn the game, I bet it will even out more.

    Also funny that you have this thread about games ending too quickly, and someone else has a thread about 90% of games going to overtime. Maybe one or both of you just have bad luck
  5. Lipucd

    Lipucd New Member

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    ...I can only hope so...honestly it's totally off putting, including that we really don't have anything in the way of co-op Blitz servers, meaning anything to help cheer up the mood some is null and I end up playing matches i'm only going to get more depressed in as I end up getting maybe 5 luck kills, and almost 20 deaths as I see a full team of 6 on my monyball and nothing I do getting them off as they all juice the second HP goes red...
  6. FriedrichPsitalon

    FriedrichPsitalon New Member

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    Unfortunately, there's no way to set up a dedicated Blitz server. That, combined with the fact that there's a bug that makes Blitz servers OTHER than Exhibition not show up on the list, well. Yeah, not too much Blitz is going to be available right now. :(
  7. Sacredragon

    Sacredragon New Member

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    I don't know if any of the players you mentioned played MNC on the 360, but I sure didn't and I've played against/with some of them and "Yes" they are really good, but I can still keep up with them when it comes to Pushing n such. Played against Messiah last night and his team won cause Overtime ended his team's Moneyball had just a sliver more Health then mine, but our K/Ds were nearly the same, high kills, small deaths, (lol assists 13!!)

    I think its just because maybe the chose 1 Class to play as and stuck with it the whole way so they can dominate when their presence is near :p

    I play Assault and I has the Grenade Launcher's Projectile bouncing off walls to reach enemies behind cover. It works, but only cause I devoted practically every second to that class and not even a full game's worth of time to another class. Even switch part way through a game will reset you levels n everything, so its a handicap when you have to start over, yet I still manage to pull through and have a high k/d ratio at the end.

    But anyway, they are probably just really really good and I'd be happy to play against them anytime. Can't get better if you destroy everyone/thing.
  8. sacrificial_soul

    sacrificial_soul Member

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    In my time online so far I've noticed that the teams that get steam rolled are the ones that focus mainly on pro kills and KD ratios. The teams that do the steam rolling are the ones that focus on laning and bot support (and I guess a sniper that pops you everytime you get near the bot line would be support :roll: ).

    I generally play assault, and the majority of my pro kills come from either spawning a ton of buzzers (you can practically sustain a constant stream from the amount of money you get per spawn) or someone came too close from behind their bots and I lvl3 charged them (or the retarded sin who trys a front take down ;) ).

    One solid lane push coupled with turret take down(s) will usually (due to skill gap) mean defeat for the other team as they immediately go on the defensive. This gives you access to every money spending spot on the map and easily allows you to keep your flow of bots making it up to the front lines. It also lets you easily move around to try and find a better angle to jump in near the money ball, pop a juice, and take it out.
  9. NeoMatrix

    NeoMatrix New Member

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    I guess I am on the other end of the spectrum, but I enjoy playing against/with all of the guys you listed... without them the game is boring. I dislike steam roll after steam roll, and I believe it has more to do with what Sacrificial_Soul pointed out than anything else.

    A lot of new players don't focus on killing bots, don't get money fast enough, and aren't aware of the dangers all classes pose to them when battling it out in a lane. Not really sure what the devs can do about this, maybe a crossfire tutorial where key aspects of the game are pointed out but yeah... its a tough problem to solve.

    I played on 360 up to about $400k and even with matchmaking it didn't seem to prevent it from happening. Sure on 360 you can "lock-in" with friends and that potentially unbalances things, but we all want to play with our friends... so I assume once that happens the steam rolls will be even more frequent.

    One thing that would potentially help is the creation of a community for the more hardcore players, and a server that is password protected for them to use. This would do two things:
    [*]Provide the more skilled players with more competitive games
    [*]Spare the new players from getting slaughtered

    Sure this has potential to segregate the community a bit, and it is already small... but I haven't finished many games without it being a steamroll. It worked well in the Tribes/Tribes 2 communities, and the veterans had a place to play where they wouldn't crush the souls of the new players.
  10. kurina

    kurina Member

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    To be fair, I would like to point out one of the people you mentioned is a clear cheater who has not really hidden the fact either, thus making it easy for the opposing team to become steamrolled. I played with him two nights ago, and watched him continually make shots he should never have (cloaked assassins completely across the map that were not sprinting), even when I was on his team and vice versa.

    Uber said they are working on fixing that though, so hopefully that will curb lopsided games due to those that feel it necessary to exploit the game.
  11. Hako

    Hako New Member

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    I hated fighting GaFF on GA. :p
  12. dormedas

    dormedas New Member

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    Please take into consideration the fact that there are currently < 40 servers, and thus your chances of finding a high-skilled player are heightened. That, and some of the top players come from the 360, and thus understand the game a bit better. When the game goes up for purchase, there may or may not be a larger amount of people jumping on, so the amount of servers should rise.

    Wait it out; I know a couple people who have played, raged, and quit for various reasons-- all of which don't make too much sense.

    "Assassin is overpowered" - Response: - "Stop playing sniper -- or learn to use traps"
    "The server browser is borked" - Response: - "They fixed it.."
    "Not enough servers" - Response: - "Game's in beta, dude"
  13. sweeb

    sweeb New Member

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    I second the idea for "pro" Pro servers.
  14. nastjuid

    nastjuid New Member

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    As a side note, if you see anyone with AA in their name, just leave. Those guys are customers/supporters of artificial aiming.
  15. Gturtle

    Gturtle New Member

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    Passworded servers for "pro" players are a horrible idea that drives a wedge in a community; it creates an infinite feedback loop for those with egos to further inflate themselves. Eventually the server admins of the "pro" server start their power trip, and anybody who doesn't instantly agree with every forum post they make gets ostracized by the "pro" players who want to get the password the next time it gets changed.

    Plus, we should probably be focusing on finding and reporting bugs, instead of whipping out the rulers and determining who has the bigger member.
  16. Bungle

    Bungle New Member

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    I'm honored to be mentioned in the first post. In my defense, at least I'm not playing sniper. I'm extremely competitive, but I do avoid the overpowered class for sportsmanship reasons.

    I assume the community has figured out that you can open the console and type "changeteam" to switch teams? This only serves to make teams more unbalanced, as only experienced players tend to know stuff like that. This is why clan guys always end up on the same team as their friends.

    MNC needs an auto balance to run while players are in the lobby. And since the console command is available to switch teams, they might as well add an option to switch teams in the in-game menu to level the playing field. Let everyone switch teams or no one.
  17. Suetake

    Suetake New Member

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    yeah i most definitely agree wit the autobalance thing though, people with the highest levels should be split amongst each team, unless they're in a premade team (a feature i hope will come to us in the near future)

    but i gotta say, i went against gaff and i steamrolled HIM, just set up camp with some freeze traps, he ran into em, and i just booted him right outta the arena
  18. Lipucd

    Lipucd New Member

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    It's not like I am not trying to do the same honestly, Heck I end up even when I lose with around 40~80 bot kills playing as ether support or gunner as I'm TRYING to push agnest that flood, but if every 5 second I get sniped...or grappled...or tank charged filling up their juices while I respawn with none to fight them off...

    I do acually know of that command, but then again I'm not the only one apparently who does this tactic of 'if I see one of those players, and I don't start of their team, get the hell out'. It's getting to a point where if I land on iceman team, I KNOW I'm fucked outright as all the good players have ensured they land on hotshots, so if anyone wonders why at the start of the match iceman might be as badly shaped up as 6v2...that would be the reason (heck, I even walked into a 6v0 once and ended up the lucky 1 for about 15 seconds before I tossed my hands into the air and gave up )
  19. Alienami

    Alienami New Member

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    Is it me or does Hot Shots side win like 80% of the time? That is the side generally stacked in my experience.

    I am not sure if I've had more balanced or unbalanced matches.

    The game needs some sort of auto-balance somehow, a vote to shuffle teams or something and team select. The balance is terri-bad when its bad. And I would like some way of possibly playing on the same side as a friend, switch team button would at least help to that goal, then we can play on the losing side together instead of it always being ME on the losing side because I joined in after them and get stuck on Ice Men.
  20. Lionsy

    Lionsy New Member

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    I've had a few pretty terrible games like that, but I've also been part of a team that'd dealt out the 3-5 minute smackdowns, too - Pretty even most of the time in terms of quick wins/losses

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