I'm just wondering, but is there a backer forum right now? And if so do the people who preordered it get access to it?
There is a backer forum but in order to access it your uber account has to use the same email as the one that you used when you pledged for the game.
No, the Backer Sub-forum is just for KickStarter Backers, Pre-Orders DO NOT get access to this forum. If you pre-ordered at the Beta And/or Alpha Access levels you will gain access to the Alpha and/or Beta Sub-forums when the Alpha/Beta actually commences. Mike
I think in that instance they were relating more towards access to an alpha sub-forum, which I explained as well. Mike
If you haven't finalized, or you finalized with a different UberNet account, you won't be able to see it. You need to login with the same account you finalized or purchased with. http://uberent.com/KS/FindMyPledge And as I mentioned in another thread, pre-orders do get access as well. Checking the person who previously posted.
When i login all i see is the following Clicking on the forums brings me back here, but i still don't see any backers forum?
Then you need to connect your account to your KickStarter pledge. You'll need to do it eventually (lest you won't be able to play), so why not now?
I finalized my pledge ages ago, and my email is already linked. I'm going to email tech support, thanks for trying to help out. the tech support email for anyone else having trouble is : PAKickstarter@uberent.com
I emailed you, MU. Our automated system missed a few people, but I've also had a number of cases where people thought they finalized with one UberNet account, but actually finalized with a different one. So.. be aware. But if you're not sure, just email us. We'll get ya sorted.
I'm in the same boat as mindlessuser. I got this email when I finalized my order Talks about the "rewards fulfillment process!" It give the "order ID" Then it gives me the "Now What?" drivel... How long do I have to be patient? I just want to download the game and start playing...and if possible switch it to steam. Regards, Opul3nce