What game replaced/would replace SMNC for you?

Discussion in 'Unrelated Discussion' started by thebigpill, January 30, 2013.

  1. roadkillgrill

    roadkillgrill Active Member

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    Deus Ex, Witcher, Witcher2
  2. thipp

    thipp New Member

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    Ah yes, Deus Ex: HR was another one. Still not replayable solely for the story, but it's similar to Sh*tman or Dishonored.
  3. kvalheim

    kvalheim Post Master General

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    I got Fallout 1 free on GoG.com, and while it's supposed to be really immersive, moreso than the modern games, it's hard to be drawn in from an isometric standpoint in very dated visuals. Firstperson just does so much more to put you in a players shoes. That's why even though they don't have the best stories, I found TES games to be better at putting you within a world than other RPGs
  4. killien

    killien Active Member

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    Could always go back to 2k4, I hear ONS and DM/TDM are still popular

    I'm bouncing around with games. Now that my rig can actually run stuff, got into Firefall, need to finish up Borderlands2, might get back into BlackLight Retribution, got a Warframe beta invite waiting and god knows what else
  5. Pave

    Pave Active Member

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    Skies of Arcadia
    Eat Lead: The Return of Matt Hazzard
    Final Fantasy 9
    Jade Cocoon
    Dead Rising
    Pre-Resident Evil 4/Biohazzard-games (chronologically and some publishing years-wise)
    Parasite Eve 1 & 2 (and either the book or movie to get some leading back-story)

    Not necessarily most "replayable" titles. But in my view, I liked the stories (and have played some of them multiple times). but then again, most them can only be played via emulators due their rarity. And I can't think of any game to be recomented form recent years, at least not at the moment, story-wise that is.
    Of course there's various other games too I could recoment. But I think those suffice for starters.
    As to answer for the question of this topic, no game will replace any game in my collection, aside Enchanted or various other "Super"-versions (E.G. I prefer Monster hunter Freedom Unite over Freedom 2). Of course, sometimes the "better/newer"-versions aren't as fun to play to me than the original version (I'm looking at you "bastard"-versions of Street Fighter 2, X-Com, Metal Gear Solid; to name few off my head).
    Rarely I drop playing any games. But there has been some titles to which I don't wish to return anymore.
    Last edited: January 30, 2013
  6. oendero

    oendero Member

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    I love you for saying jade coccoon.
  7. bitcheslovecake

    bitcheslovecake New Member

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    I wonder is any new Dragon Quest games have been released?

    JotCK was good.
  8. NegimaSonic

    NegimaSonic Active Member

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    I got that too but couldn't be bothered to play it.

    Still, I do like the TES games, III through V. Each for a different reason (so I'm not one of those "ZOMG Morrowind" or "Skyrim iz best" people). It's just fun doing the random quests, sometimes for the story, sometimes for rare items, messing with physics, and so on. I actually tend to care more about the minor stories than the major ones. Morrowind was the only one I actually finished the main quest.
    Oblivion I said screw it, I wanna go hang in the Oblivion worlds, mess around in the Mage's guild, steal stuff, etc. You can get burnt out doing this but for me it was more fun than rushing the main story.

    Though if we're talking single player rpgs with story, perhaps Mass Effect? I didn't play those but they're generally heralded as great stories. Minus the drama about 3.

    That was 8 wasn't it? 9 went to DS. 10 is Wii I think, but there's some controversy because it is online only or something?
  9. bitcheslovecake

    bitcheslovecake New Member

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    Actually I'm playing ME 2 Right now. Can't find my brothers copy of 1.
    If I had my PS2 I'd probably go and play Psychonauts right about now.

    Also, did anyone here play Herdy gerdy? Goddamn that game scared me when I was a kid.
  10. Pave

    Pave Active Member

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    Sad that the developement of this simply got "cut down" prematurely, which kinda is partially hinted in their logs, most notably with the abrupt "unfinished" ending. When you look at the unlockable consept art and such, you'll notice Core simply didn't get a chance to shine this game (I mean, one whole level got cut down for crying out loud).

    I admit I haven't (yet) got the game to 100%-completion (dat pesky Snow Mountains-like place, need to check some internet-guides). But I wish this game would get an faithful remake someday (minus some Crash Bandicoot like "leap of faith" secret-spots to made something more logical/consistent...)
  11. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Personally it'll never be replaced though I will play others games while I wait for something big to happen.

    Due to indie game bundle I have a crap load of games that I don't even know where to start. I have like gaming ADD. Constantly switching between games and playing for an hour or two.

    There are a few games that I am really into at the moment though and they only single players games. Been trying to find another good multiplayer 3rd person shooter. I did d/l Planetside 2 the other day but that **** is weird to figure out objectives w/out tutorials. I spent my first hour just running around. :lol:

    Hotline Miami is one game that is just kicking my *** at the moment. It's been a long while since I had the urge to break something from raging so hard. I am also sorta playing Saints Row The Third and Red Faction: Armageddon. Played the Warframe beta a bit.
  12. soviet15

    soviet15 Member

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    doter 2 and smite
  13. headhunter1

    headhunter1 New Member

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    tactical/strategy shooters
    natural selection 2 for example

    and UT3 because its awesome and an arena fps where i cant count the poligons
  14. d34thmetal

    d34thmetal Active Member

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    Honestly don't see anything replacing SMNC for my multiplayer fix. There is just nothing else out there that is even close to it for me. Other MOBA's I find so slow and boring and much more difficult to get into. I love good RPG's though recently there have not been any good PC ones. I could not even get through one play of skyrim, it was just oblivion with better graphics, combat still blew *******. Darksouls just pissed me off not knowing where to go and dieing every 5 seconds after awhile. So yeah not sure what to play, tried XCOM which was alright but if you all complain about bugs in SMNC you should check that **** out lol.
  15. roadkillgrill

    roadkillgrill Active Member

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    But it has so many little bugs that annoy the piss out of me x.x
    SMNC and UT3 share some them too :roll:
  16. junglistt

    junglistt Active Member

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    I'm still playing SMNC everyday, but if I had to play something else right now it would be Loadout.
  17. poiuasd

    poiuasd Well-Known Member

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    I signed up for the beta about 2 months ago, no key yet :(
  18. purpleweeaboo

    purpleweeaboo Member

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    I quit SMNC to play SMNC.
  19. bitcheslovecake

    bitcheslovecake New Member

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    Would you like a SMNC Beta invite?
  20. hotcakes

    hotcakes New Member

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    also reallifeobligations.exe

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