A question to the users who make videos.

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by PsiDebby, December 20, 2010.

  1. PsiDebby

    PsiDebby New Member

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    Greetings to you all, this is my first post on the forums but I tend to lurk here a lot. I have been getting into watching gameplay videos from the users here, and it has been an interesting ride from giving me ideas to try out when I play, as well as showing me what I've been doing wrong. But for all the good I've seen from them, I've seen one big common issue with all of the videos. I am not posting this to be insulting or anything, but it is a legitimate question in my opinion...

    Why is it in most, if not all of the videos posted by users here, the poster does nothing but go for kills, and ignore the objectives of the game? It seems odd that it users get applauded for their skill, but nothing is ever said about their ability to work as a team. I understand in the end most games break down to a death match, but isn't part of said skill to work towards objectives as well? I'd like to see a video posted by someone who can effectively do both the objectives, and bolster up their K/D ratios.

    Again, just if I lost you guys in the rambling... The question is: Why do all of these gameplay videos focus on how many kills you rake up, instead of working towards the objective?
  2. Jraw20

    Jraw20 New Member

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    For me, I don't POST me killing bots because it is boring. I post kills only because they take actual skill to pull off good kills. Would you really watch a video of someone mortaring turrets and bots and then getting one or two kills in the process and then killing the moneyball? I wouldn't. Hope that answers your question.
  3. Pothocket

    Pothocket New Member

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    If we're talking a top tier player, than yeah, I would like to see that. I would like to see them escort bots up a lane while killing pros and taking out turrets and then finishing off the money ball. "actual skill" in this game includes being able to juggle many events at once, it would be cool to see a top tier player control the game as opposed to yet another pro-kill video.
  4. Jraw20

    Jraw20 New Member

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    The only one who can kill bots, turrets, and players effectively all on their own would be a Tank and Assassin. That would be boring. Some classes are meant to be pro killers. You will never see a Support running up lanes killing bots with his hurt gun while being attacked by an assault, gun him down, and finish the group of bots. It just doesn't make for good videos in my opinion.
  5. PsiDebby

    PsiDebby New Member

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    While I agree with you to a point, Snipers fall into what you said about being more pro-killing based. The Support is pretty borderline, I will admit as well, but that still leaves four others there that can be focused on for well-rounded gameplay. When you watch a Assassin video where the poster (wish I could remember his Youtube name, I really do) does nothing but attack pros, no matter how good he is... It gets a bit annoying to see him ignore any objectives just to kill pros especially when they do not edit their videos down and that is all you see.
  6. Jraw20

    Jraw20 New Member

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    Well for Assassins, they are the best bot/turret killer when it comes to getting in/getting out. But Gunners and Assaults are lacking when it comes to bot kills. Sure they have mortar/grenade launcher, but if they are attacked by a player, they have to swap weapons to attack back in most cases. That can be the difference in living and dying. And if you die, that doesn't make good videos. So I still say Tank/Assassin are the best options for killing bots/turrets in videos. And that would get boring. It would be nice if someone else chimed in besides us lol.
  7. PsiDebby

    PsiDebby New Member

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    Hm, I can see your point sure. But my issue is still that people are being seen as skilled just because they can push up their K/D, and not because they can work through both sides of the game. Sure someone is good at offense, but their defense could be lacking. I guess it is a case of "damned if you do, damned if you don't."

    Yeah it would be nice for another opinion.

    XENONOX New Member

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    Couldn't you simply kill players and kill bots?

    I mean, I kill a lot of pros, and then I push the bots.

    And at most cases, I always buy the annihilator, which is another way I contribute to my team's cause.

    Also, by killing all the other pros on the other team, my team can kill bots and push forward.

    I have plenty of videos like that.

  9. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    I guess that's why nobody watches mine?... :ugeek:
  10. Jraw20

    Jraw20 New Member

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    Lol, I have seen a few of yours man. Tank gameplay is more entertaining to me when they are destroying pros while killing bots/turrets on the way to killing more pros. Just because people underestimate tanks because most tank players are terrible.
  11. Grec

    Grec New Member

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    This xInfitity. I hear all these posts about sucky players going for kills but I'd like to see YOU pull off a sexy all time great with one bullet. It's not that hard to kill bots and turrets. Really I don't people realize the pros of going anti....pro. It stops them from breaking your own bots, building turrets, spawn camping, breaking turrets, spawning bots and all the other stuff.

    People need to start doing a hybrid of bot/pro/turret killing.
  12. PsiDebby

    PsiDebby New Member

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    That's what I am wondering, why there is not any form of mixing between killing bots/pros/turrets, it is focused on just Pros, while they let the Bots wander past, and only take out a turret here and there. As you said, I'd like to see more hybrid videos myself.
  13. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    Ask and you shall receive. This video is a pretty decent hybrid sort of thing if you are looking for balance between K/D and objective play in solo games. It should be done uploading by the end of the hour (available in 720p)

  14. PsiDebby

    PsiDebby New Member

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    Sir, I thank you for this video. I was not disappointed either. In fact it makes me want to learn to play the Tank class. You terrify me.

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