Freeze after a short period of time

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Feedback and Issues' started by RobertJamesSullivan, December 19, 2010.

  1. RobertJamesSullivan

    RobertJamesSullivan New Member

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    So I bought the game a couple of days ago and after the installation I started to play the tutorial, unfortunately the game froze before I could finish it. I couldn't do anything : Alt-F4, Task manager etc ... I could just restart my computer and I don't know if it's important but even if my computer didn't respond the backround song of the game still continued (the public talking and stuff) but other applications like mumble didn't work. The freezing occurs every time I play this game after 15 minutes or so, after that I'm forced to reboot.
    Note that I have this problem on this game only, and I don't believe it's connected to my hardware because games that are more heavy on requirements (Battlefield, CODBO, Crysis ...) don't freeze like that on my computer. Just hope it gets fixed, and thanks for the eventual answers :).

    My Specs if it can help :
    Pentium Dual-Core E5200 @ 2.50Ghz (I think I overclocked it at 3Ghz long time ago)
    2.0GB RAM
    Radeon HD 4770
  2. Crest

    Crest New Member

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    I have the exact same issue. Start a game, get a minute or two of fun then total lock up. I've been getting this since the beta was first released. Also the only game I get this with and I too have been playing new games on my system (though I do need an upgrade for sure). Turning my details all the way down in the options has been my work around so far.

    I tried fiddling with the hostileengine.ini because lighting is the most important thing to me, so I figured turning only the lighting settings to true might work but I still got the same crash.

    Both ATI HD4xxx so far

    Poopie Specs:
    AMD Athlon x2 4000+ (OC'd to 2.3)
    2GB RAM
    ASUS ATI HD4550
  3. Zidios

    Zidios New Member

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    I'm having the same issue, ever since the start of the beta, having to restart my entire computer. It sometimes works fine for a few matches, it's really random.

    NVIDIA Geforce GTS 250
    Intel Core i5 750 2.67 GHz
    4GB Ram
  4. neutrino

    neutrino low mass particle Uber Employee

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    Can you guys post some DXDiags?
  5. Zidios

    Zidios New Member

    Likes Received:
    Here you go

    Attached Files:

  6. Mavajo

    Mavajo New Member

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    I'm having this same problem, but even worse than you guys - I'm barely in the match for more than 10 seconds and it completely locks up. Can't ALT+TAB, can't ALT+F4 -- nothing. The only choice is to press the reset button on my computer.

    My hardware should be more than capable of handling the game. In fact, I was playing without issue until a couple days ago -- my harddrive crapped out, so I swapped in a new one and reformatted and reinstalled everything. Haven't been able to get MNC to work right since.

    Like I said, I just did a reformat of my computer and re-installed everything. OS, drivers, everything. All my other games work fine - Monday Night Combat is the only one having a problem. For a while after I reformatted and started using the new HD, I wasn't even able to get it to launch -- would get a mnc.exe error. Now it'll launch and let me join a server, but it freezes within seconds of actually playing the game. No error message.

    I've tried checking drivers, erasing drivers and re-installing them, everything I can think of. I have no idea what the problem is. All my drivers are up to date.

    I have onboard video, but it's disabled.

    DxDiag attached.

    Attached Files:

  7. Crest

    Crest New Member

    Likes Received:
    My DXDiag, hope it helps. You guys are pretty quick to respond which is good to see.

    Attached Files:

  8. RobertJamesSullivan

    RobertJamesSullivan New Member

    Likes Received:
    Sending my Dxdiag too

    Attached Files:

  9. Crest

    Crest New Member

    Likes Received:
    Kinda wanted to bump this. Just patched and this is still happening, low detail still a decent work around. Network play is now seems buttery smooth as advertised though, awesome job!
  10. RobertJamesSullivan

    RobertJamesSullivan New Member

    Likes Received:
    Same here, the patch didn't seem to solve the problem. Anyway keep up the good work and hope it gets fixed !
  11. aldmw

    aldmw New Member

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    Im having this problem too. I can run it for a few minutes or only a few seconds before the freeze happens. When the game freezes, it will loop the sound. I cannot alt-tab or ESC out so have to do a full reboot each time, and therefore cannot get an error message. I really want to play the game :(

    My set up
    phenom 550+ black edition @3.4ghz
    3GB ram
    xp 32bit
    onboard sound

    DXdiag attached.

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  12. sizons

    sizons New Member

    Likes Received:
    I m having same problem
    PC SPECS:2gb ram,ati radeon hd 4770,intel core 2 duo 2,66 ghz 2,67,realtek sound
    windows xp proffesional 32 bit direct x 9
    dx diag:
  13. Crest

    Crest New Member

    Likes Received:
    A FIX!

    I recently tried UDK (same engine) again after about a month long break and I got exactly the same freeze after just a few seconds so apologies to Uber, doesn't look like it was your software.

    Just before MNC installed, I had stea set up to update my drivers since it saved effort. Basically, the latest Catalyst (10.12) drivers have been the cause. I rolled back to 10.8 and everything is fine and dandy. Lookin' good too.

    Everyone with this issue should try rolling back some. Hope it helps.
  14. aldmw

    aldmw New Member

    Likes Received:
    This worked for me, it also solved my freezing problem in DC universe online which also uses UDK. I was using 10.12 and now im using 10.8 on a 4850 HD. Thanks :)
  15. Mavajo

    Mavajo New Member

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    Crest, you are the man!

    Worked like a charm for me. At first I deleted the 10.12 and installed the 10.8 and still had the issue. So then I deleted the drivers again, deleted all ATI Catalyst stuff in general, and then re-installed the 10.8 drivers. Bingo! Success!

    So yeah, if you're having this problem and you use an ATI Radeon, try:

    1) Uninstall your drivers -- Go to Control Panel > System > Hardwarte tab > Device Manager. Then go to Display Adapter and right-click on your video card. Choose uninstall.

    2) Uninstall other ATI software -- Go to Control Panel > Add or Remove Programs. Look for any ATI Catalyst stuff. Uninstall.

    3) Search Google for ATI Catalyst 10.8 drivers. Download and install.

    TIP: You might want to go ahead and download the drivers before you start Step 1. Don't actually install them until you've completed Steps 1 and 2 though.

    Go to (go to Device Manager, go to Display, right click on your card, choose uninstall)
  16. Scyn

    Scyn New Member

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    Same problem here. Though I've tried the makeshift fixes several times over, it still freezes. Included is my DxDiag.

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  17. XyzKiller

    XyzKiller New Member

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    Wait, does the Host have to only do this? Or do the clients as well...

    Because it's just my friend's server I can't connect successfully, but he doesn't run do I have to still rollback to 8 or does he have something to do with it?
  18. Mavajo

    Mavajo New Member

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    This is a client-side issue. Your friend's server's equipment is irrelevant - your computer is the thing at issue here. Fix it on your computer, and then you're good to go.
  19. Mavajo

    Mavajo New Member

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    You're running at ATi Radeon, just like the rest of us. I suggest trying the three steps outlined in my earlier post. If you already tried it and it didn't work, try it again. It'd be quite a coincidence if you're having the same problem as us, with the same video card, and it's not the same culprit.
  20. Scyn

    Scyn New Member

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    Well as I said before. I've tried the fix several times. Still no luck. But at any rate, I'll just do without playing it until the game is fixed. I shouldn't have to revert my drivers that allow me to play other games that I have more efficiently.

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