Planetary Annihilation Engine Architecture Update #1 - UI

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by neutrino, November 22, 2012.

  1. Consili

    Consili Member

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    Re: Planetary Annihilation Engine Architecture Update #1 - U

    I think that statement was more referencing the ability to bring in external information as an additional perk of doing the UI this way (for things like UI mods that enable wiki lookup and the like) not that the UI itself would not be local.
  2. elexis

    elexis Member

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    Re: Planetary Annihilation Engine Architecture Update #1 - U

    Trust me, this game will be able to run without the internet. Noone in their right mind will make a cloud hosted user interface.

    Now feeds from game sites/updates/chat can all be sourced from the web, but they arent needed to use the interface.
  3. Consili

    Consili Member

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    Re: Planetary Annihilation Engine Architecture Update #1 - U

    I dont know so much...companies have put out always online DRM for single-player games after all...although it could be argued that the people who made those decisions were not in their right mind.

    Of course I am not lumping Uber in that statement, one of the core design tenets from the outset has been to be DRM free and to allow off-line play so I agree with you there elexis.
  4. neutrino

    neutrino low mass particle Uber Employee

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    Re: Planetary Annihilation Engine Architecture Update #1 - U

    This all goes back to my hypothesis (which is quickly becoming a theory) that people will imagine the worst possible implementation of any idea.
  5. supremevoid

    supremevoid Member

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    Re: Planetary Annihilation Engine Architecture Update #1 - U

    Something you have to know.We normally think of the worst possible implementation to get more excited if it gets realy good implemented.Its just the normal way of thinking for more surprise.
    Anything new about the UI that you can tell us?
  6. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    Re: Planetary Annihilation Engine Architecture Update #1 - U

    Isn't it still better this way?
    It greatly reduces the danger that you do something that the community will dislike.
  7. neutrino

    neutrino low mass particle Uber Employee

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    Re: Planetary Annihilation Engine Architecture Update #1 - U

    The danger that I will do something the community dislikes is 100% because the community isn't homogenous. All I can really do is be forthright about what we are doing and stick to the vision.
  8. elexis

    elexis Member

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    Re: Planetary Annihilation Engine Architecture Update #1 - U

    What we have here is a gross overreaction caused by a lack of understanding of the subject matter. It is the equivalent of if I were to say I am making a game in Java and people commenting on how I am going to support ancient Nokia phones.
  9. rorschachphoenix

    rorschachphoenix Active Member

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    Re: Planetary Annihilation Engine Architecture Update #1 - U

  10. chrishaldor

    chrishaldor Member

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    Re: Planetary Annihilation Engine Architecture Update #1 - U

    There are days when I wish everyone knew how programming worked
    But then i'd be out of a prospective job...

    Actually, now that i'm nearing the end of my degree, the UK school board are deciding to add computer programming to the good old national curriculum, so kids will be able to write apps by the time they leave primary school. GO FIGURE!
  11. Pawz

    Pawz Active Member

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    Re: Planetary Annihilation Engine Architecture Update #1 - U

    Seriously, it's not a huge issue, just a suggestion that IF UI elements are requested from a remote server (which could be beneficial in several ways), that the local client has a robust caching implementation. If 95% of the UI is local already, it's something that could be missed, which would be a pity for a custom server that serves its clients a new lobby UI (or whatever other cool things we'd be able to do)

    It's probably a good theory. Who wants to talk about a perfectly implemented idea? :) On the plus side, I don't think I've seen anyone storm off shouting "That's IT! This game is gonna be terrible because Neutrino said X!".
  12. elexis

    elexis Member

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    Re: Planetary Annihilation Engine Architecture Update #1 - U

    If a dedicated server cant send you the lobby information in a timely manner, what hope do you have of playing on that server at all?
  13. Elitron

    Elitron Uber Alumni

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    Re: Planetary Annihilation Engine Architecture Update #1 - U

    Hey Mike!

    I want to make this point clear, when using flow fields it dose not mean you have to have sliding and clipping.

    Jon talked with me about this specifically as it relates to immersion and I would like to assure you that how units push each other around or clip through each other in PA is entirely a design decision.

    Jon has impressed upon me his strong desire for immersion so I feel design is with you on this concern. :)

    Hope this helps
  14. ledarsi

    ledarsi Post Master General

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    Re: Planetary Annihilation Engine Architecture Update #1 - U

    I am actually extremely excited about this, but I haven't written code in years. I may try my hand at creating a command abstraction system using this system, which allows grouping units, grouping bases, higher-order groups, internal group automation, complex orders, and so on. But I am pretty sure someone else could do a better job.
  15. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    Re: Planetary Annihilation Engine Architecture Update #1 - U

    A bit, I've also talked about it with Jon in the Lounge as well, so I'll stop harping about it until I see it in action. Still a bit apprehensive after SupCom2...

  16. doctorzuber

    doctorzuber New Member

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    Re: Planetary Annihilation Engine Architecture Update #1 - U

    using a web browser as the main UI could end up biting you in the arse. The problem I see here is that web browsers, and java are both somewhat notorious for security vulnerabilities which could cause you some pretty serious headaches. The current version of Java is somewhat notorious for sound issues as well, which are not as of yet solved, although some workarounds do exist.

    I'm just not so sure I like the idea of using the browser as your main UI. I realize this is intended as a time saver on your end, but it could end up being just the opposite since as each new update for java/flash/etc. and IE/Mozilla/etc. come down the pipe, it could affect the stability of your product.
  17. ledarsi

    ledarsi Post Master General

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    Re: Planetary Annihilation Engine Architecture Update #1 - U

    My understanding is it will not BE an internet browser, just the same environment.

    Somewhat like if you unplug your internet, and then open a website document you have on your hard drive using your browser.

    I don't think security will be an issue for PA's UI, browser and JavaScript or no.
  18. sylvesterink

    sylvesterink Active Member

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    Re: Planetary Annihilation Engine Architecture Update #1 - U

    Webkit isn't a browser, but rather the engine that renders webpages for a browser.

    Also, Java is not the same as Javascript.
  19. Consili

    Consili Member

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    Re: Planetary Annihilation Engine Architecture Update #1 - U

    In addition to this there has been no indication that the UI would be responsible for sound. In any case as sylvesterink mentioned, it isn't in Java it is Javascript so that notorious sound issue you reference isn't going to be an issue regardless.
  20. kryovow

    kryovow Well-Known Member

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    Re: Planetary Annihilation Engine Architecture Update #1 - U

    given the history of RTS in the last few years (namely since FA, which is 2008), RTS players have learned to expect the worst ;) I for myself have learned that. All games I hoped for were at highest "okay/nice".

    Starcraft 2 => no progress, just a simple remake (some wanted that, I didnt)
    SupCom 2 => ok, but not better than FA
    thats pretty much the list, if you dont list f2p games and browsergames (RTS in browser games, wtf)

    it is meaning something, that the RTS i play most is still Forged Alliance after 6,5 years (started in beta)

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