Chris Taylor's opinions on PA

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by qwerty3w, January 17, 2013.

  1. micronian

    micronian New Member

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    ^--- Exactly. All you need to do now is prove him wrong.

    I see the back of the box looking like this:

    PC Gamer: "Best RTS of the decade!"

    IGN: "A true successor to Total Annihilation"

    Chris Taylor: "I don't think they stand a snowballs chance in hell to make that game"

  2. Polynomial

    Polynomial Moderator Alumni

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  3. jesusfaction

    jesusfaction Member

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    CT is speaking from experience.
  4. LordQ

    LordQ Active Member

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    Well, while everyone else goes bananas on the other thing CT said, I noticed this:
    I really don't see how above/below ground battlefields compare to planets. A closer comparison would be an island map like Roanoke in FA. Really reeks of the fact that he's not looked at PA at all.
  5. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    I don't have a problem with CT having an opinion, I have a problem with the way he presented it. There are countless ways he could have expressed it without the negative, almost derogatory tone used.

    Frankly in his position I would have just taken the high road and no commented, and instead turned it towards his own project, it feels too much like he went out of hsi way to make that jab.

    Yeah I'm getting that feeling as well.

  6. BulletMagnet

    BulletMagnet Post Master General

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  7. ledarsi

    ledarsi Post Master General

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    This. Make it and what the peanut gallery says isn't going to matter after the fact.
  8. sylvesterink

    sylvesterink Active Member

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    Well, like others have mentioned, I don't mind that CT is skeptical. At times, I'm a bit skeptical of PA's goals myself. But if he's going to mention it, at very least do it with some tact, because if it turns out he's wrong, it's all the more foot for him to eat.

    That said, don't forget that Torchlight was written from scratch in about 11 months by about 25 people. Perhaps it wasn't as ambitious as Wildman, but it certainly wasn't a small game. So I'm not going to doubt that GPG could get this done in approximately the timeframe he claims.

    As for PA . . . well, we've already seen what's coming out of it, so while I won't bet that it will come out on time, it should be close enough.
  9. Polynomial

    Polynomial Moderator Alumni

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    Armies of Exigo. Such a broken game.
  10. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    Also Metal Fatigue.

  11. qwerty3w

    qwerty3w Active Member

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    Also Dragonshard.
  12. narbays

    narbays New Member

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    As a person who played total annihilation, Supreme C 1 and 2, monday night football, and AOEO... I'm glad Uber is making PA.

    I'm a 100$+ backer on PA, but from day 1 before his layouts I was adamantly against backing wildman. All wildman is in my eyes is a quick way for Chris to make a buck and not lose his company.

    Last month, last two years as a matter of fact, I've seen him and his company totally destroy the age of empires franchise. So much so that I doubt we will ever seen an age of empires 4 because of how deep he buried the franchise. And before that? I wasted hours of my time watching his blogs for that vaporware kings and castles. Come to think of it, the last time Chris made a decent game was about a decade ago.

    As far as his answer to the several PA questions he got on his reddit ama... He seems jaded. Kind of agitated at the success PA got during it's own kickstarter. The vibe I got from his responses was that either he was angry he didn't think of PA first or couldn't pull it off, or he was jelous.

    I'm patiently and confidently waiting for Plannatery Annihilation. I check these boards every couple of months waiting for a hint at my alpha invite. Their isn't a single doubt in my head of Uber's ability to deliver this kick *** game.
  13. magicide1

    magicide1 Member

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    To be fair to GPG I don't think they had much input in the game design of AOE Online. They were pretty much handed the almost finished game and hired to clean it up and run the online service. Robot Entertainment was the original dev and I'm guessing MS itself made most of the design calls.

    As to his attitude about PA. I can only guess that when the Uber crew split from GPG there was some unpleasantness. I think it speaks well of both parties that so little has been said about it. I'm hoping this all blows over and everyone can go back to making awesome games.
  14. narbays

    narbays New Member

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    Ya their might have been some unpleasantness. But lets face it, ever since the split, Uber has made some incredibly fun and successful games. Where as Chris hasn't. That might be further exasperating the unpleasantness.
  15. Pawz

    Pawz Active Member

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    That's kind of been CT's problem though - he keeps picking projects where the publisher / rights holders / whatever get blamed for the poor game outcome. So it begs the question, is he just too nice to tell publishers their idea stinks, or is he just not good with presenting his own ideas? (Possibly the latter, judging from the Wildman KS).

    So I'm about done being 'fair' to GPG when they've got the track record they have.
  16. qwerty3w

    qwerty3w Active Member

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    Normally you can't even get your game funded if you are not willing to let publisher make some decisions for your game.
  17. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    I cant see whats so negative about CT's comments. He just seems to think that it is hard to do from his own experience. So let's just wait and see how good Uber can deal with the problems. They'll hopefully prove him wrong :)
  18. xfreezy

    xfreezy Member

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    Don't be too harsh with poor Chris :(- He's still one of the best guys in our industry :)

    Hey at least he says he wants to play it aswell :D That quote was not posted here yet:

    But indeed, he could have rephrased it a bit more nicely (especially since his own project is in trouble, which I hope gets funded btw). I wonder if he reads here aswell and realises that those comments may backfire?

    Chris mentioned in his comments on the KS site that he got many calls from the industry after friday's update, I wonder if Mavor and staff called him aswell, but reading those answers I doubt it :p.

    There is certainly some beef going on between Uber and Chris. Hope sooner or later all are friends again and we will read flowery comments about how good the game of the other party is :).
    Last edited: January 22, 2013
  19. LordQ

    LordQ Active Member

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    It's nigh impossible to communicate with tone over the internet. So it's no surprise people have seen it as negative, especially considering the way it's written.
  20. Kekouse

    Kekouse New Member

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    I like the tone of CT. Saying the things directly is way better.
    I love TA, I love TA-Spring, I love FA. I played thousands of hours over 15 years on those games. I made videos, tutorials, with Ze_pilot we played that much...ending with those endless posts and post-battle reviews. In the end he even wrote his own FA-Lobby... I backed PA and I am really excited. I blogged it, I posted and wrote about it on multiple (french) forums.

    BUT it's also good to have some dissonant opinions. Yes, 2 Millions it's not that much. Yes, Multiple layered RTS can be too much (also I want it...but I'm not THE "casual" player). Yes maybe I will be disappointed by PA.
    It's good to be remembered that the path is narrow and if the project is ending well it's really to the credit of those awesome folks in UBER.

    One thing maybe that CT (and the gaming industry) doesn't see, is the possibility to get help by the players. We have done many things for FA (mods, community-patch etc...).
    Uber can (and should) use this community.

    But all this buzz around the (possible) end of GPG is interesting. The Gaming industry is really full of sharks and kudos to all of you peoples trying to delivers games like FA or PA.
    Last edited: January 22, 2013

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