Planet Death Related

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by tigerwarrior, January 19, 2013.

  1. tigerwarrior

    tigerwarrior Active Member

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    Do you guys think that bigger planets should require a bigger weapon than smaller planets? Like... a bigger asteroid, or a laser which boils the planet core and cracks the planet? If this has been discussed before can I get a directed link?
  2. cptbritish

    cptbritish Member

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    Well an asteroid isn't going to cut it against a Gas Giant so I suppose there will be variety in the planet killers.
  3. mumek

    mumek New Member

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    I like the sound of variety.
  4. cybran89

    cybran89 New Member

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    How would you kill a gas giant?
    Maybe use some sort of laser to set fire to the atmosphere?
  5. tigerwarrior

    tigerwarrior Active Member

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    either that using a fire bomb, but i think shooting a laser into a planet to kill it in an explosive and visually different way from an asteroid would be awesome. like just imagine it, if you would, on those desert pictures posted earlier, a (either orbiting space station or more) that cuts through the planets layers, hits the core, cracks already in the planet (like that gully in the desert biome pic) gush lava as the oceans boil off and the explodes. or if the orbiting laser if not in a fixed position, like going around in a full rotation, simply cuts the planet in half given enough time.
  6. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    Considering that gas giants are going to be orbit only, destroying them enough to kill whats in orbit might be a little out of our scope.
  7. lilroid

    lilroid New Member

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    In my last book I read, a portion of mass of a gas giant had been used to convert it into energy, which would just devaste everything close to the event.

    Like throwing a stick of dynamite into the lake to make the people wet standing on the landing stage.

    Eruptions of hot gas and hard radiation... *sigh*
  8. thepyro13

    thepyro13 Member

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    Suck it up in a space vacuum cleaner? I'm suddenly remembering harvesters from Homeworld...

    Ignite it and turn it into a star? May not be scientifically accurate, and may have strong enough gravity to suck other planets to their doom. Possibly a bit too chaotic to be fun.

    On the main topic, I hope planet death is slow. So the whole planet becomes this lava world as it slowly succumbs to the damage. Leaving me desperately shipping valuable assets off planet, or marching as many engineers as I can through the quantum gate before it becomes uninhabitable.
  9. celludriel

    celludriel New Member

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    Reminds me of dragonballZ , where Frieza blows up Namek.
  10. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    I don't think we will be actually destroying planets, just turning the surface into a lava hellstorm that makes normal lava worlds look rather cold in comparison.

    You should be fine on the other side of the planet.
  11. baryon

    baryon Active Member

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    You can't cut a planet, at least in reality. Gravity still keeps it together. And because of water. And I don't think it'd be awesome, so no awesome>reality imho.
    Perhaps this is only particular true. When asteroids hit gas giants, they convert their kinetic energy into heat (=explosion) because of friction. Won't blow the whole planet apart, but a comparable result of detonating some nukes in it's atmosphere. However I wouldn't mind, if Uber made gas giants "invulnerable" against asteroids.
    One idea I could imagine: If a gas giant has some degree of H or He3 in it's atmosphere you perhaps could somehow trigger a nuclear-fusion chain-reaction, which wouldn't "kill" it, but transform it into a temporary "sun" and burn everything in it's atmosphere. Trigger could be Asteroid, Laser, special over-sized nuke, i dunno know.
    Implementation for this however is probably complex, so it may be a bad idea.
    @thepyro13 ... little late, second :D
  12. cptbritish

    cptbritish Member

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    That actually isn't as scientifically inaccurate as you think, Brown Dwarfs are failed stars and are basically supermassive Gas Giants. The reason they failed is due to a lack of mass but whos to say that gas can't be burned away in a forced fusion reaction.

    Asteroids leaving scars etc would be ok maybe even causing some sort of gaseous explosion to destroy/damage nearby buildings.

    I would love - though I think this would be taking it a bit to far - a way to burn the gas away (Thus killings all units and structures on the planet) and just leaving the solid core, which can then be built on.
    Last edited: January 21, 2013
  13. thorneel

    thorneel Member

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    Inerestingly, trying to ignite a gas giant by compression (turning its light stuff into heavy stuff) or by detonating many nuclear weapons wouldn't turn it into a star. It would, however create a short-lived nuclear reaction, aka make a big boom.
    This is a case of reality=awesome. Simply turning into a star would be a bit boring, but violently exploding and probably destroying nearby moons, leaving behind a devastated (and probably unusable) gas giant would be awesome.

    Now, should asteroids be able to blow a gas giant up, I'm not really convinced about that. They should probably cause a 'simple' big explosion in its atmosphere, possibly destroying nearby units.
    But some other way to do it could be very interesting.
  14. Mechdra

    Mechdra New Member

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    Exploding Gas giants! We all want awesome, and that's awesome! I tried to make it to the "suggestions tread" but no, they don't want to make it an option/suggestion.

    What awe to lit the fuze on half a solar system. Boom.
  15. tigerwarrior

    tigerwarrior Active Member

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    I just wanted to watch a planet fall cleanly away from itself as its core bursts from the deep laser gouge you cut through it. But if it's not possible then foget about it >.>
  16. ledarsi

    ledarsi Post Master General

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    This cutting a planet in half or exploding gas giant crap are just a graphical effect gimmicks. Box art.

    No matter how good an animation it is- once you've seen it a dozen times you will be bored of it.

    And this means the fact that you are asking for it implies you are stupid. And you should feel bad.
  17. tigerwarrior

    tigerwarrior Active Member

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    >.> No, please move along, the idea of killing a planet in multiple ways is a fun way of showing your independent style on the battle field. (and to Orangeknight if he just happens to see this and it clashes with the games aesthetic, sorry, just forget it)
  18. cptbritish

    cptbritish Member

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    You do realise the point of destroying a planet is going to be right? Its not for "oooo pretty colour that burns" its for denying your opponent an area of the map in an "If I can't have it no body can!"

    And its not exactly a gimmick if it changes how a match is played out, what if said Gas giant was your opponents main source of energy?

    Yes people will start to pay less and less attention to the explosion but doesn't that happen with every game ever made?
  19. Devak

    Devak Post Master General

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    Two important things to consider that applies to both Gas and Water planets:

    a complete gas or complete water planet is immune to asteroid-based destruction because there isn't really any way to destroy it aside from overcoming the gravitational binding energy of the planet (which is a HUMONGOUS amount of energy).

    The second is: both forms of planet easily propagate waves, FAR more than any solid planet. A water planet will see an absolutely annihilating tsunami that goes around the world several times. A gas giant will see a massive compression wave, potentially to fusion densities that can destroy not only all units in it, but potentially all units in orbit too.

    After the waves subsided you won't notice they ever got hit, but the temporary effects are much, much greater

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