I was wondering how deep we will be able to dig, like is it to the mantle, or just a few meters down before the game stops you? how deep will the oceans be? and can we dive to the bottom? how will explosives work under water? and can we blow op mountain sides to make rock fall down on a enemy base/unit?
Who said anything about digging? Ocean Depth is irrelevant, or rather, there is Surface(Ships/Hover/Amphib), Submerged(Subs) and Seafloor(Amphib), there isn't anything inbetween those. You have to explain further, there are lots of underwater explosive type weapons, torpedoes and depth charges being most common I imagine. No, it's come up before. Mike
to dig down mines or travel underground. (and to mine for minerals) debt of the oceans will give more space for mines/turrets, and size of underwater weapons. how will the sock waves work? Ok, thanks, must have missed that
I dont think such a feature was ever mentioned. I cant imagine it being a good idea, either. We already will have multiple planets to take care of, lets not add in yet another battlefield.
IS this something you heard or something you want? There has been no indication of any of this from Uber, in the last livestream Neutrino even stated that while there might be instances where terraforming will happen(like say where a Nuke hits) it will not be a main feature, or in other words it's not going to be something the player can actively make happen. Not really no, like I said there's only 3 "Layers", Surface, Submerged and Seafloor, having more space between them doesn't change the fact there is only 3 layers. Its not like you can drive a SUB FPS style around mines or anything like that. I'm going to assume you mean "Shock" waves, I doubt socks would have any effect of giant warmachines. But they'll work if they're a part of the weapon in the form of Aera of Effect. Mike
thanks for answering my questions, and no, it's all just something that i thought about when seeing the pictures.