Assimilation Game Mode

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by jseah, October 19, 2012.

  1. mumek

    mumek New Member

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    Letting them have control of an army - ok they can mess you around.
    But you could just let them be able to build you economy, point defense and even an army without necesarily controlling it. Menu of privileges for example you click on teh sub commander unit and a tick box menu pops up.

    Sub commander privileges:
    [x] Can build economy buildings
    [x] can build defenses/unit factories
    [x] Reclaim wreakage
    [ ] Reclaim buildings/units
    [x] Control engineers
    [ ] control factories
    [ ] control armies/[ ]navy/[ ]airforce
    [ ] control super weapons
    [x]use transports
    [ ] use interstellar transport
    [ ] use speak to{ALL}

    Set these and them ask them to build up the base with no risk to troop production or movements. Remove all privileges and even if he wants to do something he can't hes inert.
    A few clicks and you can carry on playing the game.
  2. bobucles

    bobucles Post Master General

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    I'm not sure this can be enforced in game in any reasonable way. It's more of a community problem. Players certainly want to know the difference between cool players and trolls. That's something worth supporting.
  3. insanityoo

    insanityoo Member

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    Agree with you here. At its base, the potential problems with this mode are no different than the problems with ffa as a whole. How do you know the two (or more) plays your playing with aren't friends irl planning to gang up on you.
  4. hostileparadox

    hostileparadox Well-Known Member

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    I just see trolling everywhere :lol:
  5. mumek

    mumek New Member

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    Perhaps a vote system of some sort? at end of game players get to vote if another trolled them.
    Then a icon or score would come up when you get to decide to assimilate them or not.

    :D Good player
    :| OK player
    :twisted: Troll
    Assimilate player?
    'The ARM Commander' :twisted:

    Obviously refinement is needed. Statistically most people would vote you honestly.
    And doesnt come into affect until 50 votes.
    Also if "you" voted someone a troll you might special icon to remind you of that person. :arrow: :twisted:
    Or am I being naive?
  6. stretchyalien

    stretchyalien New Member

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    I like the idea for the extremely large games, but I agree with the sentiment that this may be better placed as a community mod.

    Obviously Uber is going to have to deal with what happens in galactic war when you lose, but from what I understand, there's nothing right now to stop you from coming right back into the game as a 'midgame join' player. Neutrino said you may not get a commander for coming in late, and that they're still ironing those details out, but if you come in midgame due to a loss 5 minutes ago, you come in with intel from the postgame that may help balance the odds.

    As far as community trolling goes, I don't see how its any more or less likely to happen in this gametype than any other. We are specifically talking about an extremely large game (in the 40ish players range). As long as the person commanding the "cores" has the ability to boot/render ineffective anyone who is trolling him, theres not really much else you can do.

    At some point, you have to depend on the community to work together to get the gametypes to work. There will ALWAYS be cheap exploits in any game, and by general consensus 'most' of the community will agree not to use them. I feel like this would eventually end up the same way, it just might be frustrating at first.

  7. syox

    syox Member

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    Love the idea.
    Like the different permissions.
    Also the voting system i agree with.
    Only thing i would changes is: the one who killed the commander gets him as helper.

    Galactic war is not a game mode its more like the lobby between the games. With history.
  8. madcook

    madcook New Member

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    It's a shame that if you had say a 10-player+ game, as a player is annihilated,
    he can then start a new instance of the same game (same rules etc), and as
    each player from the original game died, they were given the option of joining
    the new instance.

    That way, the (probably) less-skilled player(s) from the first game then get a
    longer time to build and explore etc, before the better players appear in the
    second match.

    Everyone benefits, as the better players (especially the original winner and the
    player coming second), will have a bigger challenge against the same opponents
    second time around.
  9. mumek

    mumek New Member

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    That's an interesting point. But what would stop other good players joining the new instance from the lobby?

    To add the assimilation, The sub commander should not be "gifted", but built.
    Perhaps by the commander could build the body up around the assimilated core.
  10. madcook

    madcook New Member

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    To combat that, I assume that games can be locked at the onset. If a
    player doesn't wish to carry on a 2nd instance, they could just choose
    to leave.

    Players that stay, and wish they had tried a different strategy can do
    so, and see if they get a better outcome, bearing in mind that most
    players will do some things differently, second time around.

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