Everliving Commander

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by mumek, January 17, 2013.


Your thoughts (revote enabled)

  1. I like the concept

    2 vote(s)
  2. I like it - but it would never work

    2 vote(s)
  3. I have no idea what to think

    4 vote(s)
  4. It would ruin the game

    8 vote(s)
  5. It's a dumb idea

    15 vote(s)
  1. mumek

    mumek New Member

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    In TA and SupCom the commander dies with a big bang.
    I was wondering if when he dies that he is able to be reactivated.
    In the case of the Necro in TA or Necron lord in WH40k.

    I was thinking "if" you manage to recover the body then you can bring him back from the brink. By specialised unit/building. All be it at a extreme cost.
    Both sides can recover the body, so that you can make him stay dead (if you can hold onto it).
    Only one side can revive (no capture)
    If hit by nuke or simlar then obviously cannot bring back because there's nothing left.
    You cant just kill him you'd have to annihilate him.
    Maybe the commander is only one to be reactivate.
    Assisnation games: either deactivate or timer dead longer than 5 min means game win

    Change the dynamics I think. Definately a new spin.
    I may be a little sleep deprived, but I think its cool.

    On a lesser note his self-repair system could re-animate him rather than unit or building.
    But that would mean you wouldn't have to make raids to recover the body. Just saying.

    Thanks for your input.
  2. ledarsi

    ledarsi Post Master General

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    Have you actually played TA or SupCom? When the commander dies, the game is over. What you propose is called playing again. Which we must assume will be an option.

    Although I see nothing wrong with having an option which allows you to play Supremacy instead of commander death ending the game- your suggestion seems overwrought and somewhat whimsically designed based on what you for a couple seconds thought was "cool" and not what leads to interesting gameplay. How about we just allow players to build another commander? The first one doesn't even have to be dead first (but only the original one ends the game with its death).
  3. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    Total Annihilation

    Planetary Annihilation
  4. sabetwolf

    sabetwolf Member

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    Supreme Commander 2... ACU escape core thingy (name slips my mind at the moment)...
  5. dmii

    dmii Member

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    While the idea is interesting, it kind of ruins the comeback potential of ACU snipes and clutch victories in general. Also it makes it rather unclear as to when the game is over.
  6. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    Unless if you had aircraft that were not the uef bomber.

    Gunships and fighter bombers could still hunt that bloody pod down.

    In any case, the hunker ability is quite good, useful for surviving artillery and nuke strikes.
  7. bobucles

    bobucles Post Master General

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    This would absolutely be within the realm of possibility, if ACUs didn't go nuclear.
  8. Devak

    Devak Post Master General

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    I think one of the points of the commander going nuclear is..well that it can't be revived or reclaimed.

    IMO, this just detracts from the "oh crap" moment you get when the commander goes nuclear. I mean, whenever i saw one go nuclear i'd always go "HELL YEA!". It's a victory in itself, an awesome moment. Just picking the pieces together and rebuilding it seems... bad.

    I won't call it a bad idea. I think it just doesn't fit
  9. mumek

    mumek New Member

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    I understand that the game is like chess, and when the king dies the game ends.
    Maybe you remember in TA you the option to choose if the game ended on a commanders death in a skirmish. (I think maybe 'infinate war' in supcom as well??)
    And so the game could go on.

    In any case the commander is powerful unit. In the end though, he just sits at his base builds units and is no more than an engineer. I was thinking of a way to actually use him in battle.

    I did like the escape pod in SupCom. It worked well, I could use him as weapon.
    I forgot that. I guess I'm thinking more along the lines of TA.
    I was thinking that they are robots they don't actually have to survive, as long as recover the memory/black box that it could be rebuilt. eg 'Core Necro'
    Use the body to bait the enemy, if you captured it.

    The way game ends when the commanders death doesnt end it
    -is when every unit is scrap, TA played out that way.
    Commanders death does end the game, on death of the black box perhaps?
    I also agree that snipes would not work unless you wiped the commander out with a big enough explosive force, that the 'backbox' could not survive. Bomb/nuke/asteroid/mine/super weapon/reclaimation/etc

    In escape pod vs black box for arguments sake.
    Escape pod you have to quickly shoot it down before it escapes behind defenses.
    Black box you have to capture/destroy (with a big enough explosion) a stationary body.

    Perhaps it doesnt fit though.
  10. mumek

    mumek New Member

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    Actually I do like it when it goes nuclear. As long as it doesnt have a core dump.
    It is a good show to watch.
  11. bobucles

    bobucles Post Master General

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    I wouldn't count on it. The basic idea of a Commander is to begin the process that conquers worlds. Comm abilities are best focused towards this end, since it is the most strategically important part of the game.

    After all, a Comm is merely one unit against potential thousands. Any raw power that works early game will be pitifully crushed by mid game, and any significant power in the mid game is inconsequential against planet killers. A single unit can only be so good.

    What's the best option when confronted with overwhelming odds? Buy some time, confound your opponent, maybe even shatter a few worlds along the way. But most importantly... RUN.
  12. mumek

    mumek New Member

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    I conceed to your point.
  13. sylvesterink

    sylvesterink Active Member

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    To add to what bobucles was saying, the nice thing about PA is that the Commander won't be useless in the lategame. Since the Commander is the best option for building up on a planet and containing early attacks, it would be the prime candidate to send out to expand to new planets, as its build rate is high and the ability to deny early attacks is easy enough. (And, since KEW's may not completely destroy a planet, the Commander would also be an excellent option for rebuilding on an Asteroid'd planet.)
    And if the Commander maintains its status as the game-ending target, it would make these forays more risky and reliant on good scouting information.
  14. bobucles

    bobucles Post Master General

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    Hey, don't go feeling bad. The standard ruleset from ye olde games is "Commander dies: Game ends". So there isn't much talk of what happens after the Comm dies.

    The idea of a Commander that can be resurrected is an interesting one. The main difference is that it's establishing rules for a different game type. If the Comm dies out, there could be a lot of problems of losing a key unit. Indeed, the importance of a Comm could end up going vastly different directions, being a vital game-swinging resource or just a fancy engineer with a kill switch. It is unknown what will happen at this point.

    The idea of an "escape pod" or some such is that your Comm is tied to some kind of macguffin. Invulnerable or not, in effect you can only have one Comm at any time. Another option is to make them a standard unit, something that can be produced given enough time and resources. Another question is how it'll work with team play, and games where players may freely join. Do they get their own Commanders for free, or do they need to be constructed by an existing team? I dunno. I don't think it's really been discussed in detail yet.

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