Why can't I pay the same as everyone else?

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by Shireknight, January 16, 2013.

  1. Shireknight

    Shireknight Member

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    I've only recently found out about Kickstarter (oddly enough because someone told me about this game) so funding was already closed by the time I'd had a good look at the game however I would definitely have joined in the funding.

    I see there are pre-order options available for latecomers like myself however the prices are a lot, lot higher than everyone else paid.

    I can understand why I can't have the early bird discount and the bonus Progenitor Commander and all the other exclusive goodies but what I don't understand is why I have to pay $60 to get the same package that everyone on Kickstarter only had to pay $40 for when you're still in the development stage of the game.

    What are you doing with the $40 that people on Kickstarter gave you? -use it to fund the development of the game.

    What are you going to do with the $60 that I give you if I preorder -use it to fund the development of the game.

    So in fact I'm doing exactly the same thing and getting exactly the same package for a third more money just because I've never heard of a website called Kickstarter.

    Can I have the game and beta access for $40 please devs, pretty please?
  2. PKC

    PKC New Member

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    LoL, definitely the most annoying part of crowd-funding is the johnny-come-lately.

    The answer is NO. said bonuses/benefits etc are incentives designed to get enough funding to get the game made. If you missed out then it’s tough luck.
  3. earendilmb

    earendilmb New Member

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    You can wait till the game is released and then for a discount, and you will be able to buy the game for even less than Kickstarter guys :p.

    BTW, I'm in the same situation as you but the only thing I miss is the backers' forum.
  4. LordQ

    LordQ Active Member

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    Ha ha.

    It's pretty simple really. When it got Kickstarted, there was no guarantee the game would be made. So the amount of risk taken by people funding the game was pretty high. With every month that's passed since, the game has gotten more and more likely to be made, so at this point if you want to get the game, you pay a higher price as it's for lower risk investment.
  5. ledarsi

    ledarsi Post Master General

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    Actually if the game doesn't reach its funding goal, nobody gets charged on Kickstarters.

    So no, not much risk for backers. But there is a risk the game wouldn't be made if it can't meet its funding goal in the Kickstarter, hence the incentive to support them earlier.

    Money now is worth more than money later. If you're months late, don't be surprised when your money doesn't go as far.
  6. LordQ

    LordQ Active Member

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    Yep, which is why I deliberately said 'made' instead of 'funded'.
  7. Shireknight

    Shireknight Member

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    Oh well not to worry I'll go fund a project that needs help and pick PA up when it hits retail ;) I loved Supreme Commander and this looks much better so I'll definitely see ya later in the year -good luck with the game guys :)
  8. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    The price on KS is as low as it was to lure people into pledging. ;)
  9. Shireknight

    Shireknight Member

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    Yes this Kickstarter thing looks like a very clever business model, I can see a few games that I would have funded had I found it before, including one by the old Bullfrog development team.
  10. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    As long as you're okay with the idea that it might be more expensive at retail than it is for pre-order.

  11. monkeyulize

    monkeyulize Active Member

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    It's not Uber's fault you were unaware, frankly there was tons of coverage in all popular gaming media.

    The reason you can't pay the same price is because that's just the way it is. That's the price of being uninformed I guess.
    If you're already pensive about spending an extra $20 then what are you going to do when it's an extra $10-$20 more expensive at retail?
  12. Shireknight

    Shireknight Member

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    It won't be when I get around to buying it, it's only caught my interest at the moment because of the beta access but although I'm willing to stretch to $40 I'm not happy to pay $60 just to try out the beta so instead I'll stick with Total War: Rome II which is due out around middle autumn and pick up PA in the summer of 2014 when it will probably be around £19.99 which is about $28.
  13. hostileparadox

    hostileparadox Well-Known Member

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    You will be missing out on the Theta Commander if you don't pre-order though.
  14. pivo187

    pivo187 Active Member

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    Correct me if Im wrong but arent most RTS PC games around 59 dollars? Maybe Im thinking SC2WOL bc it had both a single/multi to it while PA only has a multiplayer with no story/single player so it should cost less..
    Will the retail, steam, preorders all be released at the same time or will preorders get the game first ?
  15. hohopo

    hohopo Member

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    I don't know where you are but most pc games at new release where I am are up in the 100-110 dollar region
  16. elexis

    elexis Member

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    AU/NZ shmuck eh hohopo? Have to pay stupid amounts for the same (and sometimes censored) games? hahaha sucks to be you.
    Sucks to be me too :(
  17. hohopo

    hohopo Member

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    Yeps, point still stands tho...
    stop whining about paying 60 bucks for a pre-release and support the makers of the game you want to play already!
  18. methosz

    methosz New Member

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    I have to agree with hohopo. The only two reasons I'm getting Galactic edition for this game are:

    1: To get the game early. :D

    2: To support the developers.

    I (and so many others here) want to try to throw as much money at this company as humanly possible, to make this game a huge success. You shouldn't be complaining about how the prices are too high, these people are making an insanely large game with just 2.2 million. The more money they have, the better the outcome in my opinion. It makes it easier for them over at Uber. Knowing that this game will be a good investment.
  19. norsa

    norsa New Member

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    This is off topic, but are you the same Shireknight who is active on the totalwar boards?

    "this is just me being a curious George" ;)
  20. ultramarine777

    ultramarine777 Member

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    I think he's the admin on the Rome 2 forums. Which btw, I will be getting both Rome 2 and Planetary Annihilation on day 1 because as an RTS fanboy, I have been starving for them.

    If $60 is too much then just get the $40 pre-order. You don't get the beta, but you get the Theta Commander. I'd recommend it, it's the one I'm getting since I'm broke and can't afford to buy any special editions of any games but I have enough to buy the games that I really want to play. I would buy the Rome 2 Collectors edition if I had the money too :(

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