Video Card Crash

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Feedback and Issues' started by Zidios, December 19, 2010.

  1. Zidios

    Zidios New Member

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    Randomly while in matches my Screen will freeze and have pink blotches appear, then have my monitor lose input, And then when my monitor comes back on it's forcing a restart on my computer. It doesn't happen every match though, I can sometimes go for 6 or 7 matches without issue. My computer reports that my NVIDIA Graphics Driver stops working. I've updated my drivers and it still keeps crashing. I have a NVIDIA GeForce GTS 250.
  2. Lipucd

    Lipucd New Member

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    Sounds more like your Video card's overheating then a game issue outright. You might want to check to ensure it's fan is running 100%, more less it and the heatsink aren't loose in anyway....Thought honestly with stuff like that going on, there's a good chance that the card might end up dying out on you shortly enough.
  3. Zidios

    Zidios New Member

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    It's not that all my fans are clean are are working fine, and I have liquid cooling. This crash never has happened to me before and only happens when I'm playing this game. I played the Tf2 update for a few hours and had no issues.
  4. Lipucd

    Lipucd New Member

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    I've play TF2 as well and notice TF2 draws far less power/causes far less heat on my PC then MNC does. Sad part is that I have a far lower power video card then you, thought then again I'm chances are running in far smaller resolutions as well ( only 1028x768 here ). Honestly thought, if you think that's not the issue, I can't say much more on it. That's pretty much just what I gathered from what you told me.

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