When its time to give up

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by IPUR3 EVIL, December 18, 2010.


    IPUR3 EVIL New Member

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    If you are playing assassin an you are 0 kills for 25 deaths an you havnt even bothered to push bots then im afraid its time for you to change class or game. Im bored of stupid sins who when im juiced as a tank face grapple me not because they want to run down my juice but because they think they will kill me.

    A good assassin will not even bother to take on a tank an should also think twice before taking on an asault unless you see that either have very low health. Come on you new guys use your heads. Im not the best assassin but i use mine for killing/pushing bots, killing turrets an taking out annoying snipers or other sins (or at least i try, stupid freeze traps).
  2. That Dutch Guy

    That Dutch Guy New Member

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    Don't we have a topic like this already?

    HI IM SNARF New Member

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    Assassin is such a weird class. I really have specific guidelines for when I go after any class. Here is the order of how often I'll target a class, from most to least:

    Assassin - the easiest class for another assassin to kill if you're playing it right. Mostly because 90% of assassins are total n00bs. If I'm playing on a team and there are other assassins, the first thing I do is go face grapple each of them to see if they have gold amor. It's also the most important class to go for as assassin because your job is to push bots, and they are the biggest threat to your bot lanes.

    Sniper - the next easiest class for another assassin to kill. I don't seek them out as much, but I will try to mess with them and delay them getting explosive shots. Once they have explosive shots, on a lot of maps I have to go for the sniper in order to keep pushing the bots. Gives your team time to really hold down control of the game.

    Gunner: In some ways, this is actually the easiest class to kill. It's just not quite as important because Gunners aren't going to be sitting there running their bots into your base super fast. But they are generally super easy to kill, and honestly Tom, Scented Midget, DeadEye, and Hudson are pretty much the only gunners out there that I'm afraid to just run up and fight face to face. Any other gunner I will win a 1v1 fight, even if I don't back grapple them.

    Support: This is an important one to target, but I have to be careful of that firebase. Ever since the patch that prevents me from turning invisible during a grapple (which is kinda crap, btw. Severely limited assassin's cloaking power and I kinda want to bring that back), supports have become much harder to kill. Good ones, anyway. These days, I prefer to just cloak run up to the firebase, smoke bomb so that it blinds both the firebase AND the support, and just kill the support by sword slashing.

    Assault: There's 2 reasons why I don't go for assaults. 1 is that they have an advantage in combat over assassins generally. 2 is that, objectively, they are rarely necessary for an assassin to kill. Only time I mess with them is if they are camping my spawn or some other choke point. Or if they are just sitting there an easy target.

    Tank: Actually a pretty high-priority target, but I rarely go for em because even if you get the drop on them. If you lunge into their back and for some reason miss the grapple, get lag while trying to grapple, or the lunge damage just doesn't register (which happens ALL THE FREAKING TIME, Uber!), they will kill you most of the time. One death blossom lights you on fire so invisibility doesn't work, and it brings you down to a sliver of health left. I can usually get away from the tank himself, but any bots or other pros near him will pick me off easily. Pretty much only go for them when they are pushing into my base. I'll start off by going way behind them and clearing all the bots behind them. Then, if they are the only target available, I'll go for the lunge to back grapple.

    IPUR3 EVIL New Member

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    Well if we do i obviously didnt know.

    IPUR3 EVIL New Member

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    I never really played assassin before the patch so i never got the chance to cloak while grappling. I can tell you now that would save me from so many deaths to firebases, pros an even bots.

    HI IM SNARF New Member

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    Yeah, honestly, I don't know why they patched that. It wasn't imbalanced or unfair at all. I mean, it's still just as easy to shoot an assassin off of an opponent mid-grapple because you still know where he was. I guess it was to help cut back on spawn killing? Who knows. It's stupid...the assassin already has (in my opinion) the highest learning curve in the game (yes, that's right, I'm saying assassin is harder than tank, and the difference between a good assassin and a bad assassin is much greater than a good tank vs. a bad tank). Why make her more difficult to play?
  7. harpy515

    harpy515 New Member

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    I hate when assassins go ridiculously negative and just keep on playing as a sin. What do you expect to do??? Your getting your *** handed to you, thats not gonna change.
  8. Cardboardwarior

    Cardboardwarior New Member

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    Maybe they think they'll get better by trying the same thing over and over?

    HI IM SNARF New Member

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    k/d doesn't matter with assassin. Sometimes I go seriously negative, but I still have the most money in the game.
  10. StargazingGarou

    StargazingGarou New Member

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    But that's different from the rant in the OP. Making money means you must still be killing bots, turrets, and pushing lanes. It's going seriously negative with the lack of anything else that irks people.

    It's been said that insanity is trying the same thing and expecting different results. :lol:
  11. harpy515

    harpy515 New Member

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    When i say they ridiculously negative I am referring to their k/d yes. But they also are constantly on the bottom of the list for money as well. Like they contribute nothing to the team.
  12. AARPS

    AARPS New Member

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    It wasn't fair or balanced. The biggest problem was that you could be standing next to your 3.3 Firebase, surrounded by fully upgraded turrets and a sin could run in on cloak, start the grapple then recloak and only be open for a half of a second. Then they leave, unharmed. It made no sense and made defending it ridiculous. The sin wasn't designed to be able to be impervious to turrets which is what was happening. The change was def needed.

    HI IM SNARF New Member

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    It was fine. I played support a little bit pre-DLC, and assassins never got me by my firebase because I would hear them coming by the hum. They can't uncloak because my firebase will take them out. As soon as I heard one coming, I'd start jumping around until I saw them. Then, rape via shotgun. Sometimes I'd end up getting face grappled, but even if they cloaked, the turret would reduce them to 1-shotgun-kill-health, and simply pressing right trigger really fast during the grapple animation guaranteed a kill.
  14. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    i have seen your assassin nex to my gunner on the scoreboard as
    SNARF - 17 - 10 - 13 - 4800
    TOM1 - 43 - 10 - 12 - 4000

    what i think it is is that the assassin at first glance seems to be a pro-control class, being called an "assassin" and all.
  15. AARPS

    AARPS New Member

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    Then you didn't play against quality sins. I've seen plenty of them do this and the FB couldn't kill them that quickly. I've played support a TON from the first day through all the updates and I heartily endorse the fixes :D

    HI IM SNARF New Member

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    No. Anybody good should never be back grappled by a cloaked assassin, no matter how good, unless you have no volume or you're just being overwhelmed by bots/other pros. The assassin's cloak hum is audible enough at an average TV volume that you can hear her before she is even in lunge range. On top of that, even if an assassin is able to sneak up on you with her cloak on, you should never just be standing flat on the ground. If you know there's an aggressive assassin in the game, just jump a lot. Seriously, that's it. Bunny hop everywhere you go. When you're walking to another place, when you're healing turrets, etc. And don't do it in a straight line. Bunny hop side to side and never in a predictable pattern. You do that, and you will rarely, if ever, get assassinated.

    And Tom, yeah, that pretty much is how it is. That's why so many assassins are so bad, because the name implies that it should be a pro killer. Hell, it's why I originally picked it as my first class - I figured it would be the most badass kill farmer in the game.
  17. AARPS

    AARPS New Member

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    ^ well if that were true then the sin would never get kills.

    The real argument isn't should you never, ever get back grappled, the real argument is should a sin be able to back grapple in heavily fortified areas without any recourse. I don't think they should be able to walk away after killing me in front of 3 hacked turrets, you do. The dev's say it's unintended, I'm glad they do. The side benefit is that now more sins are given to lane push knowing they'll die if they want to kill you.

    Agree to disagree?

    p.s. I often play with no sound (!) I don't think the game should be in any way balanced to this but it can make hearing sins tough.
  18. m0nkeyb0y77

    m0nkeyb0y77 New Member

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    It's too bad most of the new assassins that need to read this won't be doing so any time soon. :cry:
  19. PsiDebby

    PsiDebby New Member

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    As a player who isn't all that great, and loves playing as the Assassin... How the hell do you expect people to get better at a class? Not everyone has this instant talent for a chosen class... Some people actually need to play the damn thing to get better.

    This is a pretty **** attitude, if you are so much better than other players... Share your knowledge instead of acting like a douche bag.
  20. IPUR3 EVIL

    IPUR3 EVIL New Member

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    I didnt say i was better you retard. So you think an assassin on your team or the enemy team goes 0-25 or 0-35 then they have learned something for that game? Please, before you start playing internet hero read my post next time.

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