Delay the game?

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by sepoquro, January 5, 2013.

  1. sepoquro

    sepoquro New Member

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    I watched their live stream and although I know this is early footage if they plan to release in summer 2013 I really don't think they can finish. They have been working on this game for 4 months now, and they have 6 more months. They don't look 40% done. I would rather get the game late then play an unfinished game.
  2. godde

    godde Well-Known Member

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    Whats wrong with playing the game in BETA?
    Minecraft could be bought long before it were released.

    Also check out this thread.

    I'd expect to play the game in Beta long before all the Kickstarter goals have been finished.
    The question You would then need to define then is when You think the game is finished.

    Welcome to the new world of digital online distribution and development!
  3. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    How about explaining WHY you think that the 1 small aspect of the overall game that they showed us has ANY relation to the progress of the rest of the game?

    Besides, Uber aren't idiots and they aren't the puppet of some publisher(the whole point of Kickstarting it) so they will say exactly what they want to, if they haven't delayed the game yet it's because they don't feel it needs to be delayed, and I think that they are in a better position to make that call than you are.

    Last edited: January 5, 2013
  4. Daddie

    Daddie Member

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    Not everybody knows the game development cycles. They have to do alot of pre-work to the engine before they can show anything. Have faith in their judgement, of all people they are the experts :)
  5. FlandersNed

    FlandersNed Member

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    Oh ye of little faith.

    They said the game will be out summer (July to September). That gives them a maximum of 8 months to finish the game under their current time table, which is looking possible considering how much they have done already. They will push it back only if they need to.

    For all we know, a separate team of people could have already modeled a large number of units.
  6. todesschnitzel

    todesschnitzel New Member

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    Uber should delay the release date,if PA isn't finsh.
  7. ultramarine777

    ultramarine777 Member

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    You have to remember that this is a team of elite veteran game developers that have made many great games and know the time used on making those games. These guys know exactly what their doing and I trust in their judgement. I'm most definitely confident that they will meet the deadline that they themselves set. It is difficult but these guys work fast and plenty. Don't underestimate their ability and experience.
  8. monkeyulize

    monkeyulize Active Member

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    This is why they don't like to show really early stuff because people that aren't in the business don't understand.

    Just because it doesn't have alot of spit and polish doesn't mean alot of work isn't already done.
  9. Polynomial

    Polynomial Moderator Alumni

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    Not to burst your bubble but there's no way this is releasing Summer 2013 without the "Beta" clause.
  10. drtomb

    drtomb Member

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    Another troll thread and everyone falling for it :lol:
  11. mistermaf

    mistermaf Active Member

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    Gonna go ahead and say that support for SMNC has temporarily been suspended because they ran out of money (obviously not all of their money but they cut it off before it cut into PA too much probably) because they let the game get to the point it's at now (a hair away from death) with extremely poor execution at so many turns and so many cases of "too little too late".

    So it's debatable. I love 'em, but sometimes......
  12. monkeyulize

    monkeyulize Active Member

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    You have too much faith in people. Just go read the comments about people wanting PA for ouya and tell me those are a troll too.
  13. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    At the same time it also has to be considered that some issues are not directly stemming from Uber's Choices(like how what was supposed to be a small beta invite ended up going out to many many people which lead to an early release) and that to my knowledge SMNC was a first if a few ways for the Uber, mainly the F2P nature.

    Not saying it shouldn't be considered just gotta look at the big picture and take as many things as you can into account.

    Last edited: January 7, 2013
  14. golanx

    golanx Member

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    part of what killed CnC4 was the short amount of time they spent into it, i don't even think CnC4 was that bad of a concept but they didn't put in the time to refine it. the summer 2013 scared me because i am like something of this magnitude doesn't need to be slapped out ASAP, that works for FPS because they release a game every 9 months, there are fewer options in RTS so/because we expect higher quality and when it isn't delivered in quality we hate all over them and the game dies. CnC4 was $20 only a couple of months after release because it died so quickly because it was a rush job, personally summer 2013 could be the time they start beta, not the time they release, if PA makes a bad first impression it will go downhill from there while the devs either abandon or use tournaments like defibrillators with half the charge needed and none of the capacity to get it working again.
  15. nightnord

    nightnord New Member

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    More time means more money on salaries/office rent/whatever else. They don't have more money, actually. They are lucky to get all this free advertisement from major game magazines, so they may save less money for marketing. But still - they will need some marketing. Otherwise they may just release a game and die. And it also costs money.

    Pre-orders are way to gather money, but I doubt that they will gather a lot though this channels.

    They are great team with huge experience in... in... anything!!!!!111oneone.

    Seriously, it's funny how easily people fall into this "we have a great team of professionals" thing. Well, at least they will not fail marketing - they seems to be good at this.
  16. RaTcHeT302

    RaTcHeT302 Guest

    Meh, if they mess up PA I'll probably never forgive them with what they did with both MNC and SMNC.

    I'm not against having the beta released during summer but if the game releases two months later I'd start to question their decisions.

    Super MNC had such poor execution wich was why it mainly failed, but it will hopefully improve with custom content.
  17. ultramarine777

    ultramarine777 Member

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    Troll thread or not, it didn't really anger me at all to respond to it so it hardly matters to me. I was rather understanding of the post because I felt the same way when they announced it.
  18. drtomb

    drtomb Member

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    Look at the OP's post count: 1. He/she's obviously not interested in what any of you have to say (or has nothing clever to answer).
    Maybe PA will be ready in Summer, they will try but its not a promise. Considering single player campaign takes a ton of time to make and we're not getting any acting, quicktime moments or even man-made maps... it could be ready the first to last day of summer.

    Uber got a HUGE Alpha and Beta testers base, this alone will polish the game quickly.

    Do we really need more of these threads? :|
  19. nephandys

    nephandys Member

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    I've been a huge Uber fanboy for years, but I didn't even consider investing in the Kickstarter after watching the decisions they've made with MNC and SMNC.
  20. supremevoid

    supremevoid Member

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    Maybe someone can ask tomorrow in the livestream chat.

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