Hi Well , I am too stupid to buy the pre-order Planetary Annihilation Galactic edition with paypal or it doesn't want that i buy it :| And I have no credit card. well , if I had one , I would had support it on kickstrater!! :cry: CAN SOMEONE HELP ME?
Did paypal decline payment? If so, email the PA devs. (also make sure you have the appropriate amount of money available in paypal, the game is in *US dollars* so factor in any exchange rate) Are you wanting to use an alternative to Credit Card or Paypal? Again, contact the devs, they may be able to accommodate you if you ask.
the problem is : I am in the chechout menu and if I click on Paypal butten, I get only a loading circle. :cry:
Kenn ich. Bei Pay Pal kanns schon mal ein bisschen mit dem Laden der Seite haken. Ich würds einfach nochmal versuchen. Solange du die Zahlung nicht abschließend bestätigst, kannst du es ruhig mehr fach versuchen. Wenns gar nicht klappen will, liegts wahrscheinlich wirklich and deinem Browser. Dann wäre hilfreich, wenn du uns sagen würdest, mit welchem Browser und Betriebssystem du es versucht hast. Viel Glück!
I don't manage to buy this awesome game yet :cry: I WANT THIS PRE-ORDER :x !!!!! but thank you all to try it Well, I need still help.
I had this problem too man. I think Uber has to do something about it. Try another browser, but if possible try buying it using an international credit card. o/
We're still investigating this problem. There doesn't appear to be a problem with our code, but clearly something is getting buggered between our website and PayPal. Keep trying, if you would, but we're working on it, I promise!
Hey guys - we just made ONE fix that may help with this. We're not sure if it fixes all cases, or just one case where there's an error. If any of you are still trying to pre-order and haven't successfully finished yet, please send an email to info at uberent dot com, and include your Uber ID in the mail so I can track down the transaction and figure out what other bugs may be occurring (we already know of one other possible bug, but we're not sure how it can actually happen, so fixing it is taking a bit
wait , a PM or I send the email directly by my E-Mail address ( yes? to which email address I I should send the email [i am so blind samtomes :lol: ])? EDIT: I preorder this game, I feel like ,I climb up the Mount Everest