Multiple Factions is on board

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by flamerage, December 19, 2012.

  1. cokaner

    cokaner New Member

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    I've been trolling the forums looking for suggestions to the devs about commander trait ideas. I came up short and decided to post on this thread.

    I believe the different commanders pulling out of the same unit pool is the best way to go.
    You would be able to select what traits u would like from each category. Some of the major different traits would be:

    Commander theme:All units receive a bonus/penalty trait; Higher speed for less armor, shields for stealth, more powerful lasers for less powerful projectiles.

    Commander specific blueprints: Each commander can build a super weapon and/or super vehicle; planetary laser cannon, nukes, Giant bot of doom, super tank.

    Commander abilities: Specific abilities for the commander himself will have cool down and cost energy possible; Sniper shots, melee attack, rapid fire, cloak, shields, teleport. engineer.

    Also u will need to select which factory u would like to start out in; vehicle, bot, air, orbital, sea

    Just some creative thoughts I had, no details
  2. bobucles

    bobucles Post Master General

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    It's kind of tough to figure out what can be customized on a Commander, and what can't. There are some features that are essential to a Commander's role, as they elevate its purpose above other standard units. Core survival and expansion tools are something that every commander will need, for example. Changing them could be too dramatic, perhaps removing too many options or crippling the unit.

    On the other hand, token features like HP boosts and standard guns don't really make much difference. They're there, and they might help a lot early on. But at some point, after a certain scale, it doesn't really matter what the Commander is equipped with, because they all die to asteroids just the same. The core tools need to work with that in mind.
  3. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    I think the current course is looking nice.

    Having Commanders having a mild difference in gameplay maybe is acceptable.

    Having a lot of modifiers hurts.

    Ideally, its great IMHO to have 2 identical commanders creating from the identical unit pool with no modifiers, and factions specifically being that commanders "following", his colors and his military, not a physical difference, just a side that shoots at another side.

    Also, this means multiple players could be from the same "faction" (same "upbringing" and "ideology" and "side" and "colors"), fighting against another faction, as well as multiple players being from their own seperate factions but in alliance with other seperate factions and at war with others.

    Neat concept is all I am saying.
  4. drtomb

    drtomb Member

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    I like this concept of "all factions get the same units", may the best strategist win.

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