Hey Uber, great freakin game, thank you for bringing it to the PC. I just wanted to point out a rare bug I get with the assassin where I'll spawn with my sprint ability not working. It will show me pressing the button down but it won't use it. This lasts until I die and respawn. It happens so rarely that I haven't been able to find any sort of pattern that causes it but I figured I'd let you guys know. Thanks
same happend to me skills aint working or i havent got any weapon just empty hands and cant do anything i have to die and respawn to get it back
I've had it happen too, including one time when I had the ability to sprint when it was at level 1, then when I upgraded it to level 2 I lost the ability to sprint until I died and respawned (worst upgrade ever.) When it happens, the indicator in the lower right shows full sprint charge, and is animated correctly (it indents when you push shift) but it wasn't functioning at all.
I've had this same issue. Sometimes ALL of my skills lock up and doing certain things like upgrading or jumping and landing reset them. It's very strage.
Make sure you tap Sprint instead of holding it. Currently it's a toggle - tap it to start sprinting, tap it to stop. Holding it can get mixed results.
This actually was a fairly normal occurrence in the first stages of the Xbox version of the game. Didn't take them long to fix it. (well, it did, but that's microsoft's fault.)
Cool, maybe they've already got a fix in the next build. Anyhow, I had this happen twice to me today (build 18643), and both times I additionally noticed several things I missed the first time around- the green cool down lights around the button on the HUD were permanently in a state of 0 charge, and when I hit "r" to dash with a sword out nothing happened.