Artificial satellite orbits

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by lapsedpacifist, December 15, 2012.

  1. lapsedpacifist

    lapsedpacifist Post Master General

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    Hi, I'm new to the forum. I did a quick search and I don't think this has been covered before, but if it has just ignore me.

    There's been alot of speculation about orbital units and orbital physics, but one idea that could be quite easy to implement is different orbit paths for different kinds of satellite. For example, a nuclear missile defense satellite would most likely be in geosynchronous orbit (ie it has the same orbital period as the planet so you could keep it over your base) whilst a spy satellite would likely have a low earth orbit (so it covers as much of the ground as possible). But for orbital weapons systems or orbital factories and aircraft carriers there could be benefits from either type of orbit.

    It would be cool if you could choose what type of orbit you wanted your satellite to enter when you launched it. So if you needed to protect a vital expansion you could launch a weapons satellite that would remain over it, but if you wanted to take out an enemy base you'd launch it into low earth orbit that would take it over the enemy base once every few minutes. It would also be cool if you could choose not only the elevation but also the specific path a low earth satellite would take, although I think in real life they go pole to pole, rather than along the equator?

    Maybe you would need different types of launch site for different orbits, or one would be more expensive, but this might get over complicated. Or you could have surface-to-air missiles that could hit satellites in a low orbit, but not high orbiting satellites, which would give an incentive to sacrifice versatility for defensibility.

    What d'you think?

    Edit: Just adding these for reference
  2. dgj

    dgj New Member

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    I think that you are right, but you can order any satellite to behave in any way (eg hang in a geostationary orbit, orbit the planet ect).

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