Monday Night Combat BETA Official Issue/Bug/Support

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Feedback and Issues' started by XShadowStormX, December 16, 2010.

  1. XShadowStormX

    XShadowStormX New Member

    Likes Received:
    Here are the many ways you can report an issue you come across in the BETA while playing:

    1) Use this form:
    2) PM me here.
    3) Post in this thread.

    In the meantime, enjoy Monday Night Combat on PC and happy gaming.

    *Updated *Port Forwarding Info:
    "Standard Steam Ports"
    UDP 1200 (used for friends service)
    UDP 27000 to 27050 inclusive
    TCP 27000 to 27050 inclusive

    MNC Ports
    TCP 7777-7780
    UDP 7777-7780
  2. Ekanaut

    Ekanaut Uber Alumni

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    You guys should be able to post now.
  3. XShadowStormX

    XShadowStormX New Member

    Likes Received:
    Issue: Crash on startup
    Reported Fix: Try restarting your Steam client.
    Reported Fix: Go to the MNC binary folder in Steams Directory, and run the actual MNC.EXE with "Adminstrator" settings.
    Reported Fix: Changing your language for non-unicode programs to English from any languages (especially East Asian) fixed the issue.
    Last edited: December 17, 2010
  4. Qosmo

    Qosmo New Member

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    FAQR - Frequently asked questions and resolutions

    First of all...
    For all sorts of problems happening to you; sometimes your data can get corrupted upon download, hence doesn't hurt doing:
    Right-click on game entry on steam -> Properties -> Local files -> Verify integrity of game cache
    and Steam will download any missing data on your files.
    It's known for fixing problems happening in a variety of games. (Makes sense)

    Decided to keep it at this until the flow of problems stops for a while. Too much trouble to keep this up :p

    Please post your computer specifications when posting your problem in these forums.
    Last edited: December 23, 2010
  5. MercFox1

    MercFox1 New Member

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    Much love to lord cecil and Uber Entertainment.

    Various Issues:

    1) Changing pages in the Playbook. When you select a new category, it won't properly reset which page (e.g. "Personal, Strategy") you are looking at.
    2) Buzzers tend to get caught on some map geometry in the Blitz map, specifically the railing of the 2nd level.


    Windows 7
    2x EVGA Geforce GTX 260 (SLI) w/ 896 MB VRAM
    6GB Triple Channel DDR3 @ 534 MHz
  6. Domeu

    Domeu New Member

    Likes Received:
    Having issues with severs. It is hard to find one that i can connect to or be able to stay in for an entire match. Probably not your guys fault.
  7. Con a la Bon

    Con a la Bon New Member

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    I've forwarded the ports with no success. I can join games, but I can't make my own server. For the MNC ports 7777-7778, is that UDP or TCP?
  8. Rammite

    Rammite New Member

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    In the Playbook, selecting a Pro's tab, then clicking the right arrow brings you to the next page of whatever page you saw last. For example, if I went to the Weapons page on Assault, clicked Tank, clicked the right arrow, I would be at Skills. If I was to then click Gunner, then right arrow, I would be at Strategy.

    In the Playbook, selecting a Pro's tab, moving to the Weapons page, then clicking any of the bottom 4 tabs leaves the Weapons page overlayed upon the new page.

    In the Playbook, Switching from some pages to Turrets does not change the right-most pane. I have yet to find a pattern to this.

    While purchasing a custom class, Cash on Hand is subtracted accordingly, but returned to you after exiting the class configuration page.

    While configuring a custom class, if you do not click a Pro, then click Accept, it defaults to Assault. This also happens if you went in the page only to change Endorsements.
  9. nyx

    nyx Moderator Alumni

    Likes Received:
    Issue: Nevermind

    Miss me?
  10. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

    Likes Received:
    Wow, it's been awhile since I seen a post by this username and with that color. :D
  11. faits

    faits New Member

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    Small issue and not very important, so not making a thread:

    Pressing 'back' on the 360 controller during the game pulls up the score screen as it is supposed to. But pressing it after you die/before you respawn does not bring up the score screen.
  12. brockosaurus

    brockosaurus New Member

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    You guys have made a nice game here, so congrats on the concept and the gameplay's execution. Sadly, there are a lot of issues picking away at it, adding a lot of frustration mixed in with the fun.

    Biggest of all: I invited a friend to join a game I was in. He couldn't: it was telling him the server was full. But it was 3vs4, there were clearly 3 spots open! Needless to say, this is really bad; I'm wondering if some sort of 'false full' is related to the problems people are having joining games in general. We're sort of wondering if the invite/Steam-support stuff is really broken. I haven't been able to join any of the games my friends are in through the Steam overlay (always get 'Server not responding'), and we haven't had any success with inviting people either.

    There are a lot of disconnects. Everyone I've been playing/talking with (5 of us) have been disconnected mid-game at least once. Seems to happen every 4 games or so to me.

    The server browser needs a lot of work:
    -Filters for Full/Empty don't work.
    -Should add more feedback, in particular the current number of players. A 'Details' window with the players' names might be nice too.
    -When you try to join a game and fail, it should send you back to the server browser, not the main menu. PITA to have to reopen it every time.
    -What the heck is 'Open'????????

    It's very difficult to actually join games. I'm constantly getting 'Server is at capacity' and 'Connection lost'-type errors when trying to join the majority of them. Makes actually getting to the point where you can play very hard. (Related: there are only 15 or so servers up now, and they seem to be all non-dedicated. It would be nice if you could provide some official-type dedicated servers for the beta period.)

    Couple gameplay points:
    -There doesn't seem to be any indication when a turret is hacked. Would be nice to have something so the Support guys don't keep hacking the same one over and over. EDIT: Found the indicator at the bottom along with the turret's level. It's not very obvious at first is all.
    -Assassin's grapple seems to only work half the time, at best. Maybe this is lag related, tough to tell.

    Really hoping you get everything polished up, as it's a fun game when I'm palying. Just with I could play more :)
    Last edited: December 17, 2010
  13. mebibyte

    mebibyte New Member

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    Custom Class Selection bug:
    When cycling between characters, the Weapons and Abilities do not change. They remain the Assault's weapons and abilities. Also, the Bot Type has Initial Input Text for all characters, but I figure that is already known...
  14. Stylus

    Stylus New Member

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    I cant launch this game still... ive tried this.
    1)Launch through steam normally.
    2)Launch by admin
    3)Launch through mnc.exe
    4)Launch mnc.exe admin
    5)restart steam
    6)do 1-4 again
    7)reinstall MNC
    8)do 1-6 again
    9)restart computer
    10)do 1-6 again

    And my non-Unicode programs are English.

    My system:
    i7 930
    nividia 275
    4gb ram

  15. brockosaurus

    brockosaurus New Member

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    None of the chat seems to work. T, Y, U all don't seem to do anything. No wonder the team coordination is so random/nonexistant.
  16. Qosmo

    Qosmo New Member

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    If you had read anything about the beta you would see text chat is still being implemented into beta.
  17. hostileparadox

    hostileparadox Well-Known Member

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    When forwarding ports, I also have to put the IP address of the machine the ports are being forwarded for. Does that mean I need the IP address of my PC 192.168.1.X or the router
  18. Buckshot Bill

    Buckshot Bill New Member

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    There are multiple issues I've been having, mostly revolving around problems people have already mentioned (crash to desktop, lost connection from game, trouble connecting etc)

    The one that concerns me the most is the fact that I can't play with any of my friends. When I originally tried to host a game (or any of us for that matter) the others couldn't see the game.

    When I forwarded the ports that were provided, my friends could see my games finally, but when they tried to join...I'd completely freeze. I then deleted the ports (presuming them to be wrong) and set my router to DMZ...without success. I got the same problem. They'd join and then I'd freeze.
  19. brockosaurus

    brockosaurus New Member

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    Sometimes when attempting to join a game, it will just sort of hang. The 'Join' button goes greyed out, but no loading screens appear. Can still use the other buttons, so going back to the main menu gets out of it. It happens repeatedly with the same servers. Seems like it might be trying to give an error message but not quite getting there.
  20. brockosaurus

    brockosaurus New Member

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    Sorry; I've read some things, but not everything. There doesn't seem to be any sort of 'List of known issues' to look these sorts of things up quickly.

    Let's make that another point: please make a 'List of Known Issues'-type post and make it very visible (i.e. stickied) so we know what we're dealing with.

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