Confirmed features and suggestions

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by xedi, August 17, 2012.

  1. elazarger

    elazarger New Member

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    I would like to see support for the Oculus Rift. That would feel like watching from a model airplane right above the battlefield.
  2. elexis

    elexis Member

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    While the Oculus Rift is pretty awesome, top-down RTS games like PA don't lend themselves well to this sort of technology.

    I would be far more interested in Oculus support for SMNC.
  3. Mechdra

    Mechdra New Member

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    My first post got burried, So here it is again:

    I wanna blow up gas-planets, hear me out, Balancing this and making it more science fact, it could be building shields/mirrors around the planet (big planet --> many mirrors --> resource heavy) a timer could start once the planet is completely covered as the temperature goes up.

    First option should be making the planet into a sun (this could be used as a Dyson-sphere?) where the climate on the surrounding moons and planets would change.

    Second would be waiting till the temperature goes critical, the whole planet goes nuclear, and takes out almost everything within a certain radius. great game-ender - But! at all times before it goes critical one can make a sun. brilliant, right?

    Balance: If the plates are breaches, the heat bursts out, and the player must rectify the leakage.
    Takes a shitton of resources and time to complete, plus additional time to fire.

    Bonus:The shields/mirrors should have the optional ability to generate energy, rendering the strategy both a game-ender and a deceiver: "****! He's making a HNF!" in reality, simply powering the factories making an army.
    oh, and HNF os short for Hybrid Nuclear Fusion/Fission.

    Thanks for Reading!
  4. thapear

    thapear Member

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    While one may think it's 'cool' (or 'awesome'), it's way too much work for something that (in my opinion) does not add very much to the game. And there's the obvious issues of how to program/visualise/balance it.

    Also, I do not see how adding mirrors to an object that does not emit light would make it hotter. Before you go and say one-way mirrors, there is no such thing.

    Also, this.
  5. leesam

    leesam New Member

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    Would it be possible, when creating the battlefield(s), to setup two planets in orbits such that they will intersect after a certain period if the player does not intervene?

    What i'm thinking is players on opposing Worlds which will collide after 30 minutes or so if the players do not change the orbit or they would have a short period of time to evacuate the starting point.
  6. neutrino

    neutrino low mass particle Uber Employee

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    I've had similar thoughts although we haven't tried it yet.
  7. Punkenjoy

    Punkenjoy New Member

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    also it could be a cool solo/multiplayer missions/mode

    mode 1. Resist a assault from space during x min to allow the construction of the deviator to survive.

    mode 2. Attack an ennemy player and destroys/capture the orbital deviator before the collision happen.
  8. RaTcHeT302

    RaTcHeT302 Guest

    I really hope most of the suggested ideas make it into the game.
  9. Satch3L

    Satch3L Member

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    About the servers. Will the server version of the game come with a gui for start/stop, stats and other features (which I would prefer) or will it only be a command based window with a config file?
  10. RaTcHeT302

    RaTcHeT302 Guest

    Why not both? Like Battlefield 2.
  11. thirdproject

    thirdproject New Member

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    I've asked on twitter and there are "No plans yet", but as long as we're dealing with multiple monitors and zoom options, it's be awesome if they could squeeze in support for Logitech gaming keyboards. Like the G15 and G19, they have screens on them that can be used to display anything relevant to the game, like maps, unit counts, resources, etc.
  12. thapear

    thapear Member

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    Meh, I own a G15, but I've never had a game where looking on my keyboard supplied any information I could not gather from my screen faster. If there was something I couldn't see faster on my screen, then the keyboard would give players an advantage, therefore making it unbalanced from the get-go.
  13. lumni

    lumni New Member

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    I dont know if anyone already suggested this, but i was thinking it would be cool if in the moment a planet is about to collide with another the center of gravity of them would be reallocated to some point between them and everything would fall in that direction.
    i mean, i know the center of gravity of 2 things is always in a point between them but u know what i mean...
  14. wolfdogg

    wolfdogg Member

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    This sounds unbelievably cool. A concept I hadn't thought of that would force players into action. One could win the game simply by leaving the planet and making sure his opponent was trapped on his...

    Sealing his fate in a planetary collision. Brings a new meaning to the phrase "planetary Annihilation".
  15. gauis36

    gauis36 New Member

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    I agree, I would love to have that feature included in the game as well. However, I believe this will be a necessary feature because you will already be able to build thrusters to move planets around.

    I think there should be a collision count down timer that appears whenever there is a planet that will eventually collide with your planet. Because of planetary thruster it will be an eventuality that planetary collisions will be possible many time per game instead of being the focus or game type.

    This will be excellent strategy to use; move a empty into the orbit of an opponents planet to distract him from your other offensive attack.
  16. Aelreth

    Aelreth New Member

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    Due to the macro portion of Galactic War mode where you will be facing multiple engagements on a galactic level, could we perhaps add subgroups for teams?

    We have the 1-10 teams based on the keyboard. Could we perhaps make a larger team for unit selection based on colors? I would guess that you really only need 3-5 colors plus 1-10 squads underneath.

    Even crazier, unless it's patented or intellectual property, could we lifeboat over Tom Clancy's EndWar's voice command system?

    As far as peripheral support, I know you guys are already going for the dual monitor support. I'm just wondering if either the leap motion or the Oculus Rift may one day be among those that you would look at.
  17. Vieral

    Vieral New Member

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    ooh, just a thought. make a ''cheat code'' that replaces the nuclear explosion and/or planetary collision with the scathis soundbite. it'd spread the awesome in a subtle (not really) way. :lol:
  18. Vieral

    Vieral New Member

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    Just a question. Would the Asteroid Engine system work backwards? say, your opponent has a base on the planetside and an asteroid. could you perhaps crash the planet into it with engines on the planet?

    in other news, could you perhaps use said engines to perform a ''strategic retreat'' (panzymaneuver) when under assault by asteroid crash?
  19. Yourtime

    Yourtime Member

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    I guess so, they said you will be possible to move a planet, but it will be even more difficult than a asteriod
  20. iron420

    iron420 Well-Known Member

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    {O} Experimentals
    {O} Terraforming
    {O} Satellites
    {O} Orbital simulation of planet motion (which can be affected by player)
    {O} Day/night cycle for solar power
    {O} Saving and loading in multiplayer games

    ^ I second these. Developers should consider most of these immersion breakers like the solar power thing and the planet rotations. I have very fond memories of Experimentals in SupCom and Saving and loading in multiplayer games is essential when I play LAN with my friends. We like to go big or go home like you guys, but we can't go that big if we go home and can't resume later...

    {B} Commander upgrades
    {B} Underwater base construction
    {B} Orbital constructions
    {B} Ferrying controls for transports as in SupCom
    {B} Diplomacy and alliances (including donating units, etc, to sway enemies)
    {B} Astronomical formations (black holes, twin stars, even wormholes)

    ^ These need to get some attention from the devs. Things like Underwater base construction and Orbital constructions should be covered by the water and gas giant stretch goals. Diplomacy and alliances (along with Astronomical formations and Terraforming) Makes this not only the best strategy game ever but also the best 4x game too (which no one is making these days as well). Please help us 4x guys out too!

    {R} Shields
    {R} Space combat
    {R} Water and lava fluid simulation (allowing for tsunamis, etc)

    ^ finally, these ones that are confirmed to not be there. They are heartbreaking and will be sorely missed! Please, make these stretch goals, even a separate kick starter for an expansion containing these and I will make sure it succeeds for you! lol

    P.S. Here are some unique ideas of my own:

    * Customizeable unit templates that can be built in game (like in Earth 2150)
    * Underground Tunneling / Buildings (again, like earth 2150)
    * Hostile Terraforming (ie. build a greenhouse gas spewer on enemy worlds to make the place less hospitable)
    * Treaties (ie. Neutral = can trade, Sanctions = no trade, Affiliation = fight together, Alliance = share intel, War = guess what... lol)
    * Trade between players of units / structures / resources / intel / territory
    * Random galactic Events (ie. super novas, asteroids)
    * Capital Worlds (perhaps denoted by a unique building or "wonder")
    * ability to lay claim to and dispute territory on the galactic war map
    stormingkiwi likes this.

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