I'm using the G35 logitech head set and getting no sound what so ever when I enter the game. yes volume on both my headset/system is up and in game is up. Works fine for any other game I have tried since then. Has anyone else encountered this problem yet? Also I havent come across this issue with any other unreal tech games ether, just this one. Graphically it runes smooooth maxed out as can be.. but no sound makes me a sad panda.
Same exact situation. I believe this is linked to the whole 7.1 surround sound bug. But even when you run the g35 headset in standard stereo mode, you get nothing. Been trying a lot of things, but no success. I love this game, supported it and played the crap out of it on xbox, and was one of the people often calling for a PC version on these forums. Hopefully the bugs can get ironed out soon.
Yea its a bug or something. Or its just the game that doesn't support it either way its annoying and i'm using my Ipod earplugs to while playing Graphic and the details in animations are beautiful though. Its almost orgasmic Did you guys notice the bouncing boobs on the pit girl :shock: Physics! Just praises to you Uberentertainment! You live up to your name.
Its odd that it isnt supported since its Unreal Tech ENgine and every other game works fine though Ill see what this 7.1 workaround is like