What's your biggest worry about this game?

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by qwerty3w, November 1, 2012.

  1. qwerty3w

    qwerty3w Active Member

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    Back to the topic.
    Another thing that worry me is the randomicity in interplanetary landing, if you launch some units to another planet and you don't have much info about that planet yet, your units could possibly fall into a group of undefended high value eco structures, enemy com or just some powerful turrets, in traditional rts games this sort of randomicity majorly only happens in the battle line, while in PA it would probably happens in entire spherical surfaces, seems too much to me.
    Last edited: November 28, 2012
  2. drtomb

    drtomb Member

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    My biggest worry... stupid/useless ideas making it into the game.
  3. neutrino

    neutrino low mass particle Uber Employee

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    Honestly I consider one of the primary advantages of a short timelime to be a ruthless cutting of unnecessary junk features.
  4. drtomb

    drtomb Member

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    Once again... THANK YOU! :lol:
  5. Morloc

    Morloc New Member

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    I'm only worried (a little) that the game won't be optimized for solo play.

    A solid engine comes first no doubt, but I'm one of those weirdoes who will actually miss a campaign. I really, really enjoyed the drama in Supreme Commander and FA. I also liked the factions, but recognize the difficulty in creating diverse, yet balanced units.

    I am definitely in the pro micromanagement camp, but I'm not sure I understand why this needs to be an area of contention. Since this is a BIG deal to both "sides", why not allow the ability to micromanage for those who want it and have the big green "Auto/AI Assistant" button for those that don't.

    What I remember about TA that was awesome was that you micromanaged units and the economy at the beginning of a game, but at some point you were forced to set most of your production facilities with patrol orders. Your role as commander with your D-gun evolved into directing squads, and lastly into a strategic general who tweaked resources at a higher level by directing your assist engineers and only rarely directing an important strike with banked units. This transition occurred naturally, and without a gun to your head....ok, it was the gun to you head which did force you to stop clicking on individual robots ;) but the point was that you decided when that should happen.

    SupCom2 dumbed everything down to much, and as such was boring as hell. Sure, you got RIGHT to the fighting…mindless wave after wave of smashing units into one-another. Bah.

  6. cptbritish

    cptbritish Member

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    Don't think I ever did what i'd class as Micro in TA/Supcom...

    I class Micro as how you'd play Starcraft where units have differently abilities that need to be used at different times, where one ability missing or been somehow negated can mean the difference between Victory and Defeat.

    In TA/Supcom units just have different guns, fire rates and ranges, They move and shoot and are just made for smashing against one another. Rather than the tactics used in Starcraft using small numbers of units, you smash hundreds against defenses and you might only just breach. Yea units might have the odd ability but they aren't as game making/breaking as missing with a nuke in SC2.

    As far as i'm concerned the only form of micro used would be on the commander and I never used my commander in battle, except on Supcom2. You don't even need to micromanage you economy (except in Salvaging) as once its in place short of destruction it will keep producing without any worry.

    Maybe I use Micro in a different sense to you, but i'm totally against Micro been overly done in PA.
  7. skwibble

    skwibble Member

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    One particular example of where micro was massively common in SupCom was in the early game, in battles between tanks and T1 artillery - at least in serious matches. Players would be constantly microing their tanks with move orders out of the way of shots from enemy artillery, because if a shot hit then it could kill the tank in one hit, but the shell took several seconds to reach its target. Thus, a need to dodge shells arose, and any player who didn't ended up at a huge disadvantage.

    Equally, optimal use of the massive T3 Air superiority fighter squadrons which could determine the game required careful micro.

    On such a big scale as PA might reach, players may not even have time for micro. But I agree with you that any measures to reduce its importance in scenarios like I outlined above would be welcome.

    On the other hand I don't mean that economic micro should be removed, or indeed that the need for small-scale battlefield tactics should be eradicated - that would lead to a game in which armies were just smashed together until the greater one won, and I like to have intimate control over both my army and economy if possible.
    But I don't think that micro that takes the form of repetitive orders given to units which becomes necessary for success in serious matches, or which is needed in order that another unit is balanced (in the case above, the T1 arty), is the sort which enhances the game.
  8. hi41000

    hi41000 New Member

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    My greatest worry that it will require a quantum space traveling computer will be required to play and what will heart break me that I won't be able to watch a battle of ai's because I like to watch their weakness unfold! Before getting slaughtered by cheating ai >.>
  9. gnatinator

    gnatinator New Member

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    Perhaps that Linux or LAN support won't make it in due to the tight timeframe. These two features are of the highest importance for fostering a strong esports/LAN party following.

    I'm sure the dev team is well aware of this though.

    I guess the other one would be an unnecessary dumbing down of the skill ceiling/keeping the variety of strategies low/making this a clone of Supreme Commander 2.

    Again, I'm confident the dev team is well aware of this as well.

    So no, I'm not worried. I trust these guys because they made TA/FA and have proven passion for genuinely groundbreaking RTS.
  10. neester

    neester New Member

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    I am worried about how much money I am going to spend to update my PC to play this one game...
  11. Avaruusmurkku

    Avaruusmurkku New Member

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    My biggest worry is that how smoothly its going to run on my PC. I have 6 years-old fossil as a computer and thats worrying me.
  12. bobucles

    bobucles Post Master General

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    No. Seriously. You can find better systems in the garbage.

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