Regular, Alpha, and Progenitor Commanders

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by nactsuht, October 14, 2012.

  1. nactsuht

    nactsuht New Member

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    3 Different Skins, or 3 Different Unique Commanders?

    Are these completely different commanders (as in different abilities, strengths and weaknesses), or just 3 different skins of the same commander?

  2. nightnord

    nightnord New Member

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    It was already answered. Commanders (3 standard + any unique) would have slightly different abilities/properties, but they will be balanced.
  3. thorneel

    thorneel Member

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    Don't awake the sleeping beast.

    tl;dr : Uber do think about it.
  4. nactsuht

    nactsuht New Member

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    Personally I want there to be different commanders, as long as they are relatively balanced with one another.

    Having 1 commander with 15 different models is flat-out retarded. I think Uberent is making the right decision on this one, and people are overreacting.

    Don't forget:

    They're not going for balanced, they're going for AWESOME.
  5. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    :roll: Well then, we disagree.

    And that quote is over used, to the point that you could apply it to any argument, for and against.
  6. nactsuht

    nactsuht New Member

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    I'm just saying, this isn't a super-competitive game.

    It's not Starcraft 2, and perfect balance shouldn't be the first concern.

    I would say SupCom 1 and 2 had wonderful balance, and what good did that do them?

    For god's sake, we're talking about a game where you SMASH PLANETS INTO OTHER PLANETS, and people are worried about a small commander imbalance? Give me a break.

    Uberent - Do what's the coolest, don't worry about the fickle community's opinion on things they can't even understand.
  7. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    SupCom1 (And for me 2) are great games, that's what it got them, devotion by thousands of people.

    Commanders that have ability's and stats that could benefit them in situations like rushing or building could tip the scales of balance quite abruptly, as its the first moments of a game that often determine the rest.

    "don't worry about the fickle community's opinion on things they can't even understand"

    And in the end, this will also apply to your opinion.
  8. felipec

    felipec Active Member

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    What is the point of having unbalanced commanders if everyone will end picking the strongest one? I don't see the point of creating unbalanced commanders if they can make them different AND balanced at the same time.. maybe because there is no point of doing such a thing
  9. christopher1006

    christopher1006 Member

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    I personally hope they each commander is going to be good at one thing. For example some might be different types of hero units while others do area bonuses and yet more could be long reload high power ability to give you an edge quickly if you choose it at the right time. I don't want new factions but with something like a commander you need to have a little personality with it so you can make it your own.
  10. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    Commanders with things that give them stuff like: improved fire rate, but decreased damage, equaling to the same DPS.

    Are ok by me.
  11. 1158511

    1158511 New Member

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    Different Commander Abilities, (subtly grabs flame thrower). You cannot balance two different things, a apple and orange can be cut to weigh the same, but their density will be different. I will not stand for a pay to win game corrupted this beautiful game. The majority of player will refuse to accept any logic when they lose to a alpha commander because it used its special abilities. This will single handily destroy your competitive community. Imagine you are playing as UEF player and everyone else in the whole world plays as UEF and suddenly a sera commander comes out of nowhere with upgrades you dont understand and you are destroyed just like when they first came out. But now you cant experiment with the new commander because you can use it. So you will be forever destroyed by a enemy you can never understand because someone payed more money than you, that is enough for me to rescind my pledge. This is Madness
  12. w00j

    w00j New Member

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    This is not entirely true. They are aiming for a really balanced game and are giving PA all the tools for it to be an e-sport game.

    Uber have already opted for 1 unit pool, some slight differences in commander abilities won't be game breaking. And will definitely not be "pay to win" as you claim.
  13. Culverin

    Culverin Post Master General

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    Honestly, as somebody who will be getting the special commanders, I would very much rather the special commanders not have any extras than our late coming brethren.

    To me, if this game is good, it can be used to competitive play.
    I'd rather not have special commanders change that dynamic.

    If we look to blizzard, their special editions tyrael angel wings (diablo 3) and the winged thor (SC2) have no in-game special abilities. They just look cool.

    I would be PERFECTLY ok to move forward with no special abilities or game changing alterations. A pretty, highly technical badass prototype-like commander would make me very happy already.... Maybe if the ability to swap like a torso, arms and wings or what not, but the tighter and less variations this game has, the more successful it will be for the competitive play arenas.
  14. brandonpotter

    brandonpotter Well-Known Member

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    Id say completely different appearances with MAYBE very tiny differences in Stats. Like the Aeon, UEF, and Cybran ACUs in Supreme Commander.

    The Alpha Commander looks blocky and bulky, so it might be safe to asume that it has a tiny bit more HP then other Commanders.

    The Progenitor Commander looks agile, so maybe its a bit faster...

    And who knows what the Standard Commander even looks like...
  15. PKC

    PKC New Member

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  16. Khrayfish

    Khrayfish New Member

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    I don't like the crotch part of the Progenitor model, I just thought you guys would like to know.
  17. Daddie

    Daddie Member

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    Guys.. stop it.. just stop.. How many alpha commanders will you ever encounter in a match? Or even a beta commander? There will be 6462 beta commanders and 1543 alpha commanders (see kickstarter), so the odds are low.. So stop overreacting!
  18. bobucles

    bobucles Post Master General

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    Cosmetic differences are good enough. Maybe add some flashing lights.

    As it stands, slight changes in attributes aren't going to change how a commander is used. It's only going box in how they can't be used. By design, anything the comm does automatically takes away from it doing anything else. As long as it remains effective in all roles, and has an interesting suite of abilities, then players will pick the role that best suits their style.
  19. calmesepai

    calmesepai Member

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    The comander is only one unit that you get and you can not build anouther so i doubt any one would put the comander in front of hundreds of units.
    The diffrent comanders will not matter mid way in the game any way.
    Only at the start of the match would you might go toe to toe if two players start on same planet.
  20. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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