So I was trying to link the store the other day to someone for whatever reason, and I found that: 1) The only way to get to the store is directly typing the URL, what happened to the link? It's been gone for a while I know, but still... 2) What happened to all the stuff on the store? The only page on it now is for pre-ordering PA; I'm glad I ordered the shirt and hoodie when I did, and I'm sure a number of people are going to be annoyed when they go to buy a sweet MNC merch piece and only find PA sales.
I've been in contact with both Uberent mail and facebook bout the webshop. It has accumulated to the following information: Facebook: Mail: Scathis has confirmed that it is currently down and that they are working on bringing it back.
However please be aware that I and many others have been trying every means we can think of to get in touch with IMBA and Uber for months about this. Imagine you'd paid money towards PA only to have all updates & communication from developers cease, then find out they're working on some other game, ask yourself how you'd feel?