Would it be possible to add a Multi-Pack purchase option to the preorder options (i.e. to allow a customer to buy 4 or 8 copies of the game to give as gifts)? To be clear....I'm not asking for a discount or anything, just an easier way to buy multiple copies through steam to give away to members of my community. Thanks!
Sure! Direct deposit only, $500 minimum bulk orders should be setup soon. Don't worry if the account doesn't show up as Uber Entertainment... I think Eka is looking in to it.
I just registered with the intention of asking the same question. People are asking about it on the Steam forums, too. So... how many copies come with the $500 pack?
It comes with 2 copies of the game, and my hourly wage rounded up to the nearest year for buying both copies and gifting them to you.
I also made an account to ask this exact question. Ever since MNC came out I was hoping to play it with my broke, PC-only friends someday. I can personally say that if you can get a discounted 4-pack bundle in the near future I will buy it for my friends for Christmas. Meanwhile, I'll go buy a copy for myself immediately and wait with bated breath to see if a bundle comes up.
just think of it this way: you can buy it for yourself and gift it to 3 people for less than the cost of the eighteenth halo or CoD game
True, but I'm a cheapskate, and there are already a couple of other games I'd been considering as gifts. I already have a copy for myself, but if a discounted 4- or 6-pack is available before Christmas, I'll buy that for some friends. I'm sure there are other cheapskates who think the same way, so it'd only mean extra sales for Uber Ent. in the long run.