Mumble Discussion

Discussion in 'Uber Entertainment Discussion' started by bloodvizor, July 20, 2012.

  1. Zutsumi

    Zutsumi Member

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    Re: Uber Entertainment Community Mumble

    Learn to use ACL.
  2. infinitycanvas

    infinitycanvas Well-Known Member

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    Re: Uber Entertainment Community Mumble

    Haters gonna hate, buddy. If you can't let it get to you, sure it's their fault, but nobody is sympathizing with you getting trolled. Maybe it's because I'm an emotionless robot, but there isn't anything someone could say about me that would send me into the tailspin you're in. It's the internet. You can't take things personally, even when they're personal attacks.
    Last edited: November 15, 2012
  3. Polynomial

    Polynomial Moderator Alumni

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    Re: Uber Entertainment Community Mumble

    I really hate to tell you this, but my whole full time job/girlfriend/masters degree thing is more important than tracking down your internet bullies. Obviously if someone throws around racial slurs constantly I'll approach the person, but you completely fail to handle these things maturely.

    This. Make a password protected channel or just use another program already.
  4. echochrome

    echochrome New Member

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    Re: Uber Entertainment Community Mumble

    And this is exactly what I wanted to hear. If you didn't give a sh*t, then say that. Don't run me around with "we're doing this, that and the other" when the intent isn't as such. You owe me nothing, yes, but there's no reason to lie about it, either.

    Thanks for your help anyway.
  5. Polynomial

    Polynomial Moderator Alumni

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    Re: Uber Entertainment Community Mumble

    Since when is the forums and Mumble the same thing?
  6. echochrome

    echochrome New Member

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    Re: Uber Entertainment Community Mumble

    If the forum mods are moderating both, then I'd say they become one entity. I could be wrong.

    It does NOT even matter anymore to me, why am I tripping.
  7. emb4

    emb4 Active Member

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    Re: Uber Entertainment Community Mumble

    Forum rules do not apply to mumble and vice versa

    for example someone banned from the uber forums can still go in mumble
  8. Polynomial

    Polynomial Moderator Alumni

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    Re: Uber Entertainment Community Mumble

    The forums is the singular source for information on Uber Entertainment, a BUSINESS, a group of devs I've met up with 3 times iRL and have an emotional attachment to seeing succeed since being around from the GPG days. I enjoy their work a great deal.

    The Mumble is just a free VOIP for people to use who happen to hang around.
  9. echochrome

    echochrome New Member

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    Re: Uber Entertainment Community Mumble

    Which is what most of us do without any sort of strife, until someone else decides to come in and attempt to trashcan people. That's when the line is crossed. That's why I get upset about these things. I don't interact with these clowns AT ALL, yet me and my friends are consistently harassed in the Mumble for NO good reason. We shouldn't have to go out of our way to create passwords in channels and tell people how to access them because little children can't keep their e-peens in their pants.

    Absolutely ludicrous, this self cannibalization happening with this community that NOBODY seems to see or want to do anything about.
  10. emb4

    emb4 Active Member

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    Re: Uber Entertainment Community Mumble

    Who are these people that were harassing your freinds?
  11. echochrome

    echochrome New Member

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    Re: Uber Entertainment Community Mumble

    I'm going to take the high road and not name names.
  12. emb4

    emb4 Active Member

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    Re: Uber Entertainment Community Mumble

    well if you dont name names this "*** community" isnt going to get better is it
    Last edited: November 15, 2012
  13. Polynomial

    Polynomial Moderator Alumni

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    Re: Uber Entertainment Community Mumble

    I see nothing wrong with making a password protected channel.
  14. echochrome

    echochrome New Member

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    Re: Uber Entertainment Community Mumble

    I do. Most of us were open to new kids coming in wanting people to queue with, assuming that ever happened. Most of us didn't mind random people coming in to chat, so long as they were cool about it.

    It's a bit silly to promote something as open and friendly, when to enjoy it, you have to lock it down like Fort Knox.
  15. Zutsumi

    Zutsumi Member

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    Re: Uber Entertainment Community Mumble

    You don't even need to password a channel, you can have rights for people on the list to have free access and those not on the list to have no rights so that they can't do anything. Stop being stubborn and learn to use the service correctly.
  16. emb4

    emb4 Active Member

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    Re: Uber Entertainment Community Mumble

    you are being extremely generic in your statements. If you were being more specific in these people that were ruining your time I would understand much better, the only person you have named on this thread is duck, who yes, swears alot and calling anybody what duck allegedly called your friends is inappropriate. But you seriously are acting like mumble is full of demons who do nothing but insult others, which is simply not the case. I join mumble to play games and have fun with like minded people, if you are being harassed and want things to change you have tell us whose doing it
  17. echochrome

    echochrome New Member

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    Re: Uber Entertainment Community Mumble

    I'm being generic because I know specificity will bring about nothing. This is not the first time I've brought ALL of these issues up, too. And what happens? Nothing. Nobody does anything, and I'm made to feel like my input doesn't even matter.

    I'm not naming names, because short of being blacklisted from anything involving this game, they're not going to change or learn, and knowing some of the idiots around here, they'll be worshipped and emulated. Sorry to be that rude, I've just lost ALL faith in any sort of order ANYWHERE in this game.
  18. emb4

    emb4 Active Member

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    Re: Uber Entertainment Community Mumble

    Some people will never learn, that's just life. They won't be able to harass you and that should be more important. If people emulate them, they can get banned too. I think your not naming names because these people don't exist
  19. echochrome

    echochrome New Member

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    Re: Uber Entertainment Community Mumble

    I'm not naming names, because it's not permitted around here BUT IDGAF SO HERE GOES:

    David_Nerfl and Mexi have been the two most recent people to come into rooms and talk trash, the latter asking me if I was black and calling me the N word before getting kicked out by the room owner.
  20. male

    male Member

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    Re: Uber Entertainment Community Mumble

    I never say the N word. Your lies are horrendous . I've also never said more than 10 words to you, being which were "are you black?" and "is your name richard?"
    How am i continuing to attack you without ANY words being said? Nothing that has happened today was about you.

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