Please dont simplify the game (tech levels, building types)

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by pureriffs, October 23, 2012.

  1. garatgh

    garatgh Active Member

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    Re: Please dont simplify the game (tech levels, building typ

    ... Maybe its just my english skills that are failing me (if so, sorry), but i still fail to see any relevance to the quote in your post.
  2. bobucles

    bobucles Post Master General

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    Re: Please dont simplify the game (tech levels, building typ

    Well. Then it's pretty much on par with the entire progress of this thread. :roll:

    A wide sweeping request like "please do/don't simply the game" is completely silly. It's a poorly defined problem that can be approached a dozen different ways, and it can mean a hundred different things in any number of areas. It should be no surprise that 15 pages of practically nothing has come from it.

    Perhaps my attempt at tying the discussion to game mechanics was too much of a shock to these forums. So forget about it. I read the OP 3 times and I still have no idea what the OP is asking. Perhaps you could simplify it for us?
  3. garatgh

    garatgh Active Member

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    Re: Please dont simplify the game (tech levels, building typ

    Him i can understand (perhaps because i'm more used to a limited english capability).

    Basicly hes afraid that the devs will simplify the game so much that it becomes a one tier basic unit spam, thanks to the fact that it might otherwise be too complicated with the multiple 3d sphere maps (hes words, not mine).

    He seems afraid that they wont be able to include aloot, such as strategic zoom, thanks to the different map layout. He goes so far as to say that he would rather have a 2d map version like supcom/ta then having it end up as another supcom 2.

    He mentions that he likes the tech levels of supcom and different tier variations of the same kind of units (tier 1-3 turrets for example) and that removing them is simplifying the game. He also seems to belive that removing sheilds is a first step to simplifying the game.

    He also drops some comments like "I hate the supcom 2's tech tree" in the middle of his other arguments.
  4. nighter3d

    nighter3d New Member

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    Re: Please dont simplify the game (tech levels, building typ

    May i ask WHY everyone is discussing such things here?

    Stream-economy,wallet-economy,research or not they are just parts of an RTS.

    sofar i read everyone got an idea on how a good RTS should be. that's the beauty of RTS. it can be many variations, instead of looking at names and judging them at "Who inspired/succeeded what" you should look at their game-play. if you look at them as a untied game CS2 is good, CS:FA is also very good despite being complexer, RA3 is ok and CNC4 might have also been good (although different).

    This is what RTS makes so interesting. it can be many things and many ideas and whether you like it or not it can be complex or simple/it can have few units or many. any combination is possible.

    All i read is a bunch of people fighting over which "Spiritual predecessor" PA should be based on instead of just trusting the developer to create their vision of how it should be. that is what PA is and why it was crowd funded, to let uber entertainment create their idea without being influenced by a publisher and according to the results of the kickstarter there are enough people that trust them. So let them just do their thing and create a unique and enjoyable game. from my POV a "Unique RTS where you wage war on multiple worlds on a epic scale" sounds better then "SC/TA on multiple planets".

    If you like stream-economy and they do that then good for you, if you are not...well nobody is forcing you play to this game. there are plenty of RTS games that cater to every gamer's desires. there is also nothing wrong with preferring to keep playing an older game over this one. just because FPS gamers want a new shooter after another to keep their attention doesn't mean RTS gamers are the same :/.

    I know the above seems like a bunch of arguments mashed together, sorry about that as that was the only way without having to write a book XD
  5. garatgh

    garatgh Active Member

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    Re: Please dont simplify the game (tech levels, building typ

    *Takes cover*
  6. nighter3d

    nighter3d New Member

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    Re: Please dont simplify the game (tech levels, building typ

    ...Thats probably a good idea... idk wether i said will be of help or only agitate the hive more...
    *hides underneath is desk*
  7. dalante

    dalante Member

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    Re: Please dont simplify the game (tech levels, building typ

    I disagree with you on most of those points, but I'm going to ignore most of those and point out that the developers are touting it as a Total Annihilation with Planets, not a SupCom in Space.
  8. pureriffs

    pureriffs Member

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    Re: Please dont simplify the game (tech levels, building typ

    However some of the funders are from the FAF comunity as well.

    I dont think its quite as simple as people not liking change. Sup com was change from TA however it was a good change. ie more in depth units and strategic zoom being the biggest imporvments. It was genrally regarded as an improvment. I am sure some TA fans will dissagree but thats life.

    The change from supcom to supcom2 was widly regarded as bad.. it was simplified for the perpose of apealing to more people as was stated by chris taylor to sell more. It flopped for obverious reasons not because it was change.

    My point is after this improvment (in my opinion) from TA to sup com i dont see why people on these forums want to go back to two tech levels. I played a lot of TA and i really think 3 levels added another stage to the game which i think mainly was down to the T2 power plants.

    Either way looks like the devs have made up their mind and with the majority backing them it will not change.
  9. RCIX

    RCIX Member

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    Re: Please dont simplify the game (tech levels, building typ

    I have a feeling you haven't spent much time as a part of any fanbase. In such fanbases, there is a massive reaction to *any* change, positive or negative. Reasons are cited for why that change is "bad", but in the end it comes down to "we liked the old thing better", even after extended duration outcries to change whatever was broken.
  10. bobucles

    bobucles Post Master General

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    Re: Please dont simplify the game (tech levels, building typ

    Ever played XCOM, the FPS? Getting rid of the streaming economy was along the same lines. There was no reason to call the game Supcom, for it was not a sequel but a clone.
  11. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    Re: Please dont simplify the game (tech levels, building typ

    Why don't you guys report posts?

    click this icon --> [​IMG] and let us know about ad hominems and trolling. Forum Rules are here.

    I can't be everywhere at the same time and read every single post but I look in the reports on a regular basis.

    And now I expect you guys to be nicer to each other - or else... :twisted:
  12. dalante

    dalante Member

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    Re: Please dont simplify the game (tech levels, building typ

    I think this sums up rcix's point pretty well.
  13. RCIX

    RCIX Member

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    Re: Please dont simplify the game (tech levels, building typ

    More this:

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