Offensive terms to describe hostility

Discussion in 'Uber Entertainment Discussion' started by yxalitis, November 13, 2012.

  1. garatgh

    garatgh Active Member

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    Realy? You tend to hear "raping the forest" and simular all the time do you not? I would say its a popular use of the word.

    Not to mention that "Im gonna rape your base" or simular is used from time to time in RTS games, i fail to see how they could mean anything different then one of the suggested secondary meanings?

    Or do you realy think they are gonna try having sex with a base? And that the base would suddenly start having feelings and not want it?
  2. extrodity

    extrodity New Member

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    Am I the only person picking up ayceeem's sarcasm? Or is he infact being serious and I'm just an insensitive ***?

    It's not rape if my base consents!
  3. cobycohodas

    cobycohodas Member

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    Agree with OP!

    To further that, and answer the folks who said that the word: rape, has undergone a transition.

    IT may have for you, but surely NOT for someone who has been raped.

    How do you think rape victims feel when they see such scenes in movies (without warning), or hear it come out in public. OR when their boyfriends are screaming it at the video game screen/tv. It is probably shattering and traumatic.

    As well, there is the possibility that gamers have been sexually assaulted/raped, and the use of that language is very hostile and traumatic for them.

    Basically, by using the word rape in a video game setting it goes to show how immature, inconsiderate you are, and it acts to minimize how violent an act it is. I could go on, but I think any normal person should get this. If they do not, hopefully they grow up.

    EDIT: to respond to the previous point before this:

    1. "raping a forest", is a popularized version of the word USED by people who have NOT BEEN SEXUALLY ASSAULTED. Anyone who has been raped would not be using that word. It is purely a privilege of people who have not been raped to say that.

    2. "Im going to rape your base" is not the same as saying I am going to have sex with your base. Rape is an act of power/violence that end sup scarring people for life: both physically and mentally. How is this anyway similar?

    You could really say I am going to destroy your base. Which would be true and not insensitive and messed up.
  4. RCIX

    RCIX Member

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    He's being "sarcastic" in the same way a troll is...
  5. qwerty3w

    qwerty3w Active Member

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    That's how the figures of speech work, just metaphorical and not literal.
  6. garatgh

    garatgh Active Member

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    They may be equally traumatized by a piece of tape, rope or by a certain parfume, or by members of the opposite sex in general depending on how the crime was commited, should we then burn all the tape and rope, ban the parfumes, restrict access between genders? No, the society should get these women (and rarely men) help to work out their trauma. You can't shield them from trauma, you gotta work it out.

    (And i wouldent mind if the execute any rapist in a cruel and unusual way while they are at it, but thats another discussion.)

    Me myself dont normaly use the word rape as i have said, but i will defend my right to say it to the death!

    They arent figures of speech if its a accepted secondary meaning to the word.
    Last edited: November 14, 2012
  7. bobucles

    bobucles Post Master General

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    If by "perfect place" you mean Off topic, then yes. Off topic is the perfect place for this discussion.
  8. qwerty3w

    qwerty3w Active Member

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    They could only get rid of the figure-of-speech-state when the most people can't recognize the metaphor in them anymore, just like something "sucks".
  9. garatgh

    garatgh Active Member

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    Your own previous comment says that figures of speech is just metaphorical and not literal.

    But if the secondary meaning of the word is standard then it becomes literal. So by your own logic it would lose the "figure-of-speech" status.
  10. extrodity

    extrodity New Member

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    Here we go again.

    This is exactly what has been said throughout the topic. Perspective. For someone who has been raped, the word, regardless of context, may invoke negative feelings, or cause further trauma. So can the word sex. So can the word assault. So can the word force. And so on.

    If I am not permitted to say rape, because someone, somewhere, has been raped, and the same was to be applied to other words that can impact anyone, for any reason, our vocabulary would be obliterated.

    Heck, I could say the word hello upsets me, and have a valid cause against it's use.

    I don't. Likewise, I don't go around saying 'I'm gonna rape you', to rape victims. Nor can I be held responsible for being insensitive to someone I don't know. These things happen, ALL THE TIME. You become an *** if you deliberately upset someone.

    I could indeed. I could say 'I'm going to dismantle your base', 'I'm going to demolish your base', 'I'm going to eradicate your base', 'I'm going to blow up your base', or I could say 'I'm going to rape your base'.
  11. qwerty3w

    qwerty3w Active Member

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    Some second meanings are merely the common figures of speech of the prime meaning.
    If you feel using "rape your base" is more exciting than using "seize your base" or "destory your base", then I'm pretty sure you're exciting about the metaphor behind it, if it isn't a figure of speech, there shouldn't be any metaphor at all.
  12. garatgh

    garatgh Active Member

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    Okey, i went back and thought about it a bit. Its this part thats wrong:

    I would like to point out that a "figure of speech" is not an entirely coherent concept. It can be a metaphor without literal meaning, but it dosent have to be. It can simple the use of a word or words diverging from its usual meaning. That dosent mean that theres no literal unusual meaning to the words.
  13. RCIX

    RCIX Member

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    If you have all of these choices, then why choose a verb which has a primary use of describing sexual assault, and is known to be directly traumatic to a segment of crime victims? And don't give me that "well then i can say hello traumatizes me" junk, that's a slippery slope fallacy and you know it.
  14. garatgh

    garatgh Active Member

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    I dont, i doubt that he does. But i (and most likely he) will defend to the death the right to say it. The word itself isent evil.

    Btw, to make a word taboo in any content is a bad idea, it tends to spread, and if it spread and the word really became taboo it would result in neglecting the issue, meaning it would most likely become a bigger issue because no one wants to talk about it and avoids it.

    You should all be thankful that there are people that use the word rape easily, it draws attention.
  15. RCIX

    RCIX Member

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    I agree that the word itself isn't evil, but the issue is that people like him seem to be directly ignoring the big swath of people who are hurt by careless application of said word. Sort of an "I don't care if I hurt you because I want to do whatever" attitude.
  16. defy89

    defy89 Member

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    I remember when I was 15 and someone "teabagged" my corpse for the first time in a game.

    My reaction was more surprise and confusion about what the hell they were doing as it was just them sitting up and down on my corpse which was making the camera go really weird. I never felt any sort of offence to this. Some people do. This was before ragdolls for corpses were really a thing, so it just looked really bizarre and weird to me. What amused me was just how hilarious people found it. I found the fact they were so amused by it amusing but the action itself a bit pointless.

    I believe the word rape started with shooters but i could be wrong. It's probably hard to know when it first started to be used the way it is now. I know that the word was used on a shooter when i was 15. Which was over eight years ago. It's probably just become far more widespread now, than it was. I honestly don't play that many games any more so i don't have to put up with the regular online nonsense.

    Something I've learnt about people is they quite often feel they have to say they don't agree with something but they do very little to change it, almost like they just want to have piece of mind and say "oh well I tried". I'm realistic, as far as most of the world is concerned I have about as much credibility and insight as an ant on most subjects. To be listened too and make big changes in society or even just be heard by society you have to have done something noteworthy.

    That's also my big criticism when people complain about the social behaviour of gamers, if you play a lot of games you will either avoid certain games that have a lot of language that you disagree with or you disregard it or move on to another gaming community. It's usually a waste of time trying to get people to behave differently especially the older ones.

    So if you truly want to change this behaviour not just in games, you should probably work on becoming someone that can gain a much bigger audience than a forum post.
    I suppose if your only aim is to make a small amount of a very small rts community consider not using the word "rape" when playing a game then this thread might make them think briefly about it, if it gets more views.

    This post wasn't a malicious attack on the OP, for all i know a lot people do care what the OP has to say. I actually agree that a lot of people in the gaming community seem to come across as sheep and desperate for attention.

    I'd like to add a friend of mine was pulled off the highstreet near the town where I live and raped in the middle of the day. This was a few years back. She plays online games and doesn't care what nonsense is being spouted, she just blocks anyone that's annoying. Though she plays more shooters than anything else so it isn't quite the same situation. So she would have more reason than anyone to be "offended" but she just realises there is always going to be vulgar idiots online and it's best to ignore them.

    I think the best solution is to just accept there will always be people that are different to you and just play games with people more like yourself. :)
  17. Pluisjen

    Pluisjen Member

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    They are breaking Wheaton's Law, then.
  18. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    I have never seen someone use "facerape" in any game so far.
    Anyway I am opting for the use of the word "owned" instead.
  19. garatgh

    garatgh Active Member

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    Have you ever feelt a issue with saying fist? or hit?

    I doubt there are more rape victims then people suffereing from domestic abuse, for them those words, or maybe even husband/darling could be very traumatic.

    I see it this way, let's draw an analogy to a child learning:

    Just preventing a child from doing mistakes is not enof, you need to teach said child how to deal with making mistakes, becuse the child will end up making mistakes in life regardless of what you do.

    A rape victim will get traumatised no matter what you do, its better to help her/him deal with it then to try to sheild them from something thats going to happen.
  20. qwerty3w

    qwerty3w Active Member

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    I guess we don't mean the same thing when we use the word "literal".
    Anyway, I don't think there is any word with a objective meaning, a word's meaning is depend on the speaker's mind, and usually the people who say "rape your base" does have some sexual feeling about the word "rape", no matter it is literal or not.

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