Offensive terms to describe hostility

Discussion in 'Uber Entertainment Discussion' started by yxalitis, November 13, 2012.

  1. ayceeem

    ayceeem New Member

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    zachb, why do you choose to refrain the same level of concern for the use of "kill" in gamer culture?

    Whenever gamers threaten to kill one another, it makes me sick!

    Don't tell me you're a closet murderer too!
  2. klewis5

    klewis5 Member

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    I can respect the OP's opinion- not really sure how that ever came to be used in gaming to begin with- but Ayceeem... I'm just not sure how to reply to that. I guess I'll just go through the posts and offer my two cents on the matter.

    Accusing someone of being a murderer because they... well, not so much disagree with you as simply not jump on the bandwagon. Delightful.

    Now we're getting into a dangerous slippery slope. First off, what does gun have to do with this? It's just as easy to kill someone with a knife, car, or any of a host of other implements- would you like those banned too? And those items have just as many peaceful purposes- yes, even the gun, it's fed many a household over the years. While in some instances it's necessary (censoring profanity, sometimes), a filter encourages a mentality of sanitizing things. When users come up with a new word that means the same thing, would you ban that too? At what point does it stop?

    How is it making killing acceptable? People have been killing each other since the dawn of time, using it in a slang term in a game isn't going to make any sane person go out and murder someone, nor is it legitimizing the scum who take an innocent person's life. I've played my fair share of shooters and strategy games, and it hasn't affected my stance on such matters at all.

    So, if I'm reading this correctly... a mosquito is "such an innocent creature". Ever heard of malaria? Indirectly, moquitoes kill about a million people a year. It seems you're more opposed to any form of killing whatsoever, not just between humans as I first thought, which brings up a whole new level of debate with you that I don't have time for.
    If killing is 'lewd behaviour that doesn't belong anywhere', why are you here? This game is basically robotic genocide. Ultimately, what happens in a game is just that- a game. The deaths of tens of thousands of pixels does nothing to incite me to violence, nor does it make me approve of murderers. Same goes for someone saying "I'm gonna kill you" after being defeated by me for the third time.

    *facedesk* Once again, attacking someone who's not even arguing against you.

    Well, looks like I've taken up nearly a full page on this, so I'll get off my soapbox. If you can provide me a rational, fact-driven argument, ayceeem, I look forward to hearing it.
    Have a good'un.
  3. zordon

    zordon Member

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    You guys are gettin so trolled.
  4. klewis5

    klewis5 Member

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    I figured as much, but I don't really care if he is. If he's trying to get a rise out of us, it just took me a couple minutes and without a drop of ire, only incredulity.
  5. LordQ

    LordQ Active Member

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    I honestly think this thread would be far more interesting if we discussed how likely it is that certain individuals are trolling us. Though ayceem vs yxalitis earlier was absolutely hilarious.
  6. RCIX

    RCIX Member

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    dem baits :<

    @OP: completely agree. Very tired of hearing it spammed without regard for its original meaning.
  7. Pluisjen

    Pluisjen Member

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    Actually when gamers threaten to kill each other, it makes most people sick. Fortunately they usually just threaten to kill each other ingame, where death isn't as final :)
  8. extrodity

    extrodity New Member

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    Poor Klewis5....

    But, the topic is an interesting one that pops up from time to time. As ayceeem rather sarcastically pointed out, where do you stop? If you are against the use of the word 'rape', logically, you should also be against words with similar meanings/related themes. 'Abuse', 'murder', 'kill', 'destroy', 'annihilate' ... whoah, wait. That last one is in the name of the game!

    Instead, we should focus on the context of what is said, not the words that are used. If someone is being clearly aggressive towards another player, and not in the context of the defined boundaries of a game, then they are in the wrong. Saying 'Ha!! I just raped you!' to someone you have just beat in a game, quite clearly, is not meant in any litteral or harmful way.
  9. Pluisjen

    Pluisjen Member

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    yxalitis puts forward a fairly simple line, really. Don't use hostile terms that have no connection to the game whatsoever. People who have a problem with killing and violence cannot be here to be offended, because they would never play this game. Hence; referring to killing is fine.

    But the other terms have absolutely nothing to do with what the game is about, therefor they do not belong here. There's plenty of words that accurately describe what is done in the game to give weight to your words. And those can't possibly be hurtful to anyone who plays this game.
  10. bobucles

    bobucles Post Master General

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    I too wish I could hate the truth until it went away. The language is there, it's already a part of gamer culture, and it has been that way for quite a while. Get used to it, gramps. You can't change everyone.
    Last edited: November 14, 2012
  11. elexis

    elexis Member

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    So you don't find any problem in the use of language describe by the OP? You don't think that perhaps we should continue to evolve gamer culture, but in a way that is less degrading? We can't even consider ourselves just treading the line of political correctness, we are way past it.

    ^     ^                   ^
    |     |     current multiplayer gaming culture
    |     |
    |   the fuzzy political correctness line
    My little pony frendship and love stuff
  12. bobucles

    bobucles Post Master General

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    I'm saying this is not the place to get the change you seek, and as such it only serves to spread hate and destruction across the forums. If it's that big a problem to you, and you want to do something about it, go write a letter to Fox 'news'. That way they can write an edgy report to the tune of "Are your children raping each other online? More at 11!"

    Protip: They aren't.
  13. godde

    godde Well-Known Member

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    This is the perfect place to change the language and stop using derogatery terms unneccesarily.
    Most people here are mature adaults and it is simple to set a standard where we agree not to use mysoginistic or racist slur and enforce this by moderation.
  14. eukanuba

    eukanuba Well-Known Member

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    This particular sub-genre does tends to attract slightly more gentlemanly conduct than the typical Xbox Live FAG ****** nonsense, and I find it a much more pleasant experience for that.

    The OP has a fair point, and I don't think “everybody else does it” has ever been a valid defense for anything.

    By the way, does this drink taste of Rohypnol to you?
  15. qwerty3w

    qwerty3w Active Member

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    I guess it is derived from a age-old part of human culture that people tend to believe the sexual assaulted people are degraded, the middle finger gesture has the same origin too.
    I don't like it, but to change it is very difficult since it is connected the foundational human nature about the sexual roles.
  16. extrodity

    extrodity New Member

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    Have any of you guys that are against the use of the word rape, actually looked up the definition of the word?


    Like many words, it has more than 1 meaning.

    BRB, going to rape a forest.
  17. garatgh

    garatgh Active Member

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    As extrodity said, the word has more then one meaning.

    Saying that your raping someones base might just mean that your plundering it or that your siezing it by force.

    Offcourse i (normaly) tend not to use the word anyway, so i dont realy care.
  18. ayceeem

    ayceeem New Member

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    You are all insensitive assholes! I bring a perfectly humanitarian cause to this forum with the best of intentions yet you all choose to ignore it while many of you deride me as a troll.

    I put forward a fairly simple line, really; don't use the word 'kill'; the termination of another life should never be joked about.

    I thought we could come to an agreement, but if this is how gamers enact discourse then no wonder why gaming hasn't evolved!
  19. garatgh

    garatgh Active Member

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    They use the word kill so many times daily in the news and on tv (or books), the things your eating is killed animals, unless your a vegetarian then its killed plants, our way of life is killing a uncountable number of insects every day (polution), and animals, etc, killing is a part of life. That they use the word kill in a video game is the least of your concerns, get over it.

    Making the word into some sort of taboo would be horrible, becuse then things would still be killed but none would be working to improve the situation since we couldent talk about it (taboo!).

    And kill also has a number of meanings, not just the ending of a lifeform.

    For example: killed the pain with drugs, kill the motor, kill time, The committee killed the bill.

    Edit: After rereading your post i realise that you just want people to stop using the word for fun. But me myself think it should be used in video games, why wouldent we use a term that accuratly describe the situation? Were going to kill the other team/player, put a end to their/his digital charater/s, then why shouldent we say it? The word kill itself isent bad, if your upset then maybe you should crusade against games were they kill stuff instead of the word. It should also be used in PA btw, since your putting a end to their commander/army. And "putting a end to" is one of the meanings of the word kill.
  20. qwerty3w

    qwerty3w Active Member

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    Without being figures of speech about sexual violence, the other uses of this word won't even get popular in modern english.

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