So it's Brutal Legend with guns? SWEET

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Cantido, August 3, 2010.

  1. Cantido

    Cantido New Member

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    I collect the games that blend Action with RTS. My first RTS experience was one of these, so I've always preferred them over traditional RTS games.

    My first one was Battlezone. It was a PC game in which the Cold War was fought on the MOON. With HOVERTANKS. You were a pilot who could order other tanks and vehciles built, and you could hop into any one and fight alongside the army you make.

    If your tank blew up, you were automatically ejected. You then are just a helpless pilot. You could either order a unit to come pick you up, or you could pull out a sniper rifle, snipe an enemy pilot or steal their ride. Also, it had the Thumper. A gun that causes EARTHQUAKES.

    Then there were Sacrifice and Natural Selection. Sacrifice had a fantasy setting, and you could make an army, but instead of being helpless, you controlled a powerful wizard with magic of their own, for attacking the enemy, or buffing and healing your army. Nautral Selection was even more massive, because one person plays online as the commander and everyone else plays as his units, requiring lots of teamwork.

    Then came Guilty Gear 2 and Brutal Legend, which were the first games to try this on a CONSOLE. Guilty Gear 2 is more openly a DotA clone. Brutal Legend featured BIG OPEN FIELDS, and gave you the ability to combine your powers with that of your units for more powerful attacks. I prefer Brutal Legend.

    So when I found out about this game, and that it was not just some 3rd person shooter, I immediately got exited. I wish this game nothing but success and hope the Action/RTS genre expands even further.
  2. l3g1t

    l3g1t Member

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    I think you meant to post this in the MNC thread.

    But nonetheless interesting comparison you have there.
  3. Proven

    Proven New Member

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    I played the heck out of Brutal Legend and loved it too. But Brutal Legend (and Guilty Gear before it) weren't the first games to put this type of gameplay on a console. They say so themselves that they were inspired from a Genesis game called Herzog Zwei.

    Never played Natural Selection, but the way you describe it reminds me of Battlefield and MAG 256. Personally, other than the mandatory brief stint in Starcraft, the closest I've come to touching the RTS genre before Brutal Legend was with Pikmin and Pikmin 2.
  4. Cantido

    Cantido New Member

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    Well both are true. Tim Schafer wanted a heavy metal Herzog Zwei. But in the process, they unknowingly hired one of the four creators of Sacrifice, Brutal Legend's PC ancestor. I'm very angry the game didn't sell a lot, and that EA threw Double Fine under the bus when the complaints of bad advertising came around. They refuse to drop the money to patch the game, and canceling the sequel almost caused DF to go out of business.

    MAG is very, very much Natural Selection on a Console. In Natural Selection, there are Marines or the aliens. The Marines have one player sit in the Commander's Chair, and he sees everything in an RTS view. The aliens however, are hive minded, so alien players see everything going on in their HUDS while playing as an individual monster.

    Monday Night Combat seems to be a combination of Brutal Legend and Guilty Gear 2.

    How Monday Night Combat is like Guilty Gear 2
    - Directly clones DotA
    - Units passively spawning and moving to their objective and cancel out opposing units.
    - Spend resources on units, or yourself.
    - Enemy base has a shield only the army can crack.

    How it's like BL
    - BIG OPEN FIELDS. Hero unit is free to bounce around or fly, is not confined to the same paths the units take, and can attack from anywhere.
    - Always one on one armies.

    What it does differently from both
    - Defense towers.
    - No factions whatsoever. It's Red vs Blue. GG2 had five, and BL had three. This has one.
    - Hero units come in classes. Lets hope they are balanced, because the one you choose changes up what you can do in a 1 on 1 match.
    - Can go onto six versus six matches.
    - Party game elements (that mascot dropping resources)
    - No metal. Japanese or Western
    - No resource nodes. Money is collected on the ground.

    How its like Psychonauts
    - Bacon is important.

    I will have to play it to get a feel for the power ratio between a hero unit and army units and see to which game it leans, and to find out what the penalty for death is. In GG2, death is a severe penalty (your base sacrifices life for you) but your hero is godly. In BL, your hero should not be diving in alone, but death just gives the opponent resources, so that leans more toward BL. I'm interested to see what the hero units can and cannot kill on their own.

    We also see a map demonstrating what's going on, but no in-game command map. I'm wondering if there is no command ability at all. I'm going to miss commanding units dearly.
  5. Proven

    Proven New Member

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    From everything that's been posted, it definitely leans on Pros. You need the bots to break down the Moneyball, but all of the Pros have skills and abilities to quickly wipe out a team of bots, or at least the basic Blackjack and Slim bots.

    With your description of Natural Selection, I can see why people have been getting excited about NS2 coming into beta. How big are the teams though? It seriously sounds like a version of Alien vs. Predator I'd actually touch.
  6. The Reaver

    The Reaver New Member

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    Where the hell are Savage/Savage 2 on your list? =P
  7. Cantido

    Cantido New Member

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    Never heard of it, but it looks very much like the type of RTSs I go for!

    I definitely see the resemblance.

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