Blackhole generators

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by Daddie, November 6, 2012.

  1. erastos

    erastos Member

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    Wrong, look up Hawking radiation.
  2. wierd101

    wierd101 New Member

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    Has anyone seen the last episode of Farscape? Look it up (with "wormhole weapon") and tell me that didn't at least look cool...even if the point of the show was that wormhole weapons are bad for everyone and everything. At the very least, someone is going to have to make a mod for this.

    Yay for arguing for arguments sake! :twisted:
  3. SleepWarz

    SleepWarz Active Member

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    Another batch of fairy tales. All unverified.
  4. Consili

    Consili Member

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    Something being unverified does not immediately make it wrong if the weight of theoretical evidence is high and the expected effects as a result of its existence are there. Neptune and later Pluto were discovered through making observations based on what was known in theory at the time. These are not wild conspiracy theories, and it even looks as though Hawking radiation might not be a phenomena unique to black holes.

    We may or may not find such things to be true but they DO have enough merit to warrant further investigation as the theory matches current observations. You seem very quick to assume that if a theory is not complete/proven it must all be wrong.

    Also you are still wrong regarding the destruction of matter.That is something which has been pretty exhaustively tested and weaponized.
  5. Daddie

    Daddie Member

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    You made me smile :mrgreen:
  6. SleepWarz

    SleepWarz Active Member

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    I Wish people would stop this Hawking and Einstein worship. Coming to the point where we are going to be stuck balls deep in overcomplicated math. E=mc^2 is incomplete, and even Einstein knew this during the later period of his life. The matter itself is not eradicated, but transformed into new matter. Weather its mass, gas, or plasma based.
  7. Consili

    Consili Member

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    It isn't worship, and to treat it as such does a disservice to what it has helped us achieve, from nuclear power and weapons, to fine tuning GPS satellites. The reason we still reference these theories is because they remain relevant, if they weren't then we couldn't have achieved the amount of technological progress that we have.

    We do not have a unified theory, this is true, and that is what many physicists are working on all the time. Yet again you are equating incompleteness with incorrectness. They are not the same thing. We also still use other theories that fit for various frames of reference. For instance we still use Newtons laws despite them being incomplete. Perhaps one day there will be some massive breakthrough, but until then these theories actually work and have made predictions which proved to be true. That indicates to me that they are pretty damned accurate.

    Matter can be eradicated. As I stated before it is converted into energy. This has been well studied, and put into practice, both ways and practical applications have been derived. It is about as proven as it gets.

    In any case I feel as though anything I say is falling on deaf ears here. You dismiss existing theories and evidence provided out of hand without making an attempt to understand. I have seen curious leaps of logic and people have made some great attempts to get you to assess things critically. Really the best thing we can hope for is that you cease trying to disprove gravitational theory on these forums when we are trying to discuss aspects of this game.
  8. Pluisjen

    Pluisjen Member

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    Or succeed and float into orbit.
  9. thorneel

    thorneel Member

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    This little calculator is interesting to understand what would do a micro-blach-hole.
    Interestingly, a 1 million tons black hole (the mass of a mountain) would last for years and emit the same energy than a medium nuke each second by evaporation. As you make it lighter, it will last less and emit more, up to producing the same energy than the Sun and disappear near-instantly.
    So a micro-black-hole may even be a better energy source than antimatter (contrary to popular belief, antimatter is a great way to store energy but not to produce it, as you need more energy to create it than it will give you back). So singularity supergenerators as seen in a few games are not just awesome, they are quite realistic (and making it go boom instead of freeing a black hole that will eat the planet is fine as well).

    Though I'm still not sure how big the micro-black-hole would have to be to absorb matter around it faster than it evaporates, and that despite the energy it emits, which will repel nearby matter.
  10. ekulio

    ekulio Member

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    I would want this weapon for Galactic War only, as a super-late game way to take out whole systems rather than just planets. I'm talking crazy expensive (like a trillion mass), epic build time stalemate breaker.
  11. Consili

    Consili Member

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    I recall reading that Galactic war is not going to be a real time aspect to the game. Each solar system in the galaxy is likely to be the location of discrete games. After winning then the player, or whatever army/clan the player belongs to will control that region of the galaxy. Creating a meta game surrounding what areas to strike at next to gain a foothold in different parts of the galaxy. It is more akin to Risk, or boneyards in TA.

    Found the threads where this was discussed.

    So I dont think that we are going to be sending super-weapons to destroy distant solar-systems.

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