Since MNC is coming out on Steam...

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by ZOoo00OOm, December 14, 2010.

  1. ZOoo00OOm

    ZOoo00OOm New Member

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    Does that mean Steam users will get free updates while the xbox users have to pay for it?

    Kind of like with TF2, will one platform gain more content than the other?
    Last edited: December 14, 2010
  2. Haxim

    Haxim Member

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    I'm assuming you mean DLC and not updates as in 'title updates'. I'd imagine there will be a cost associated with both platforms for any future DLC.
  3. That Dutch Guy

    That Dutch Guy New Member

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    ...does that mean people are going to stop playing on 360 and switch to the PC?
  4. xknight2099

    xknight2099 Member

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    Some will switch and some will play both.

    The 360 version should still have a lot of players.

    Hopefully some of jerks will switch, isn't it easier to cheat/mod on the pc then the 360?

    It's all for the best though since the playerbase over all will increase. And that means more moneys for Uber which means more MNC content for us :cool:
  5. Xx Tikki xX

    Xx Tikki xX New Member

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    it is easier to mod but it is also easier to prevent modding and cheating....
  6. uzivatel

    uzivatel New Member

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    People are going to stop playing sooner or later, this just makes things bit faster as some are going to move to the PC. There are probably going to be some other negative impacts, but not as immediate.
    Just enjoy the 360 version while it lasts, its fun game and its, well, released.
  7. Snappyguy

    Snappyguy New Member

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    While it lasts? Arcade games tend to stay around for a long time and I see them last longer than the PC versions because people with the PC can upgrade to a new game faster.

    I know a lot of people that have consoles so they don't have to keep upgrading to play the new games that come out, like this one, which I can see people already stressing over the specifications.

    If you're talking about the Dev's dropping support I doubt it because so far they have clearly done their best.

    Anyways, welcome to the forums, I now sound like a *****.
  8. thrustbucket

    thrustbucket New Member

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    The problem is, it can be so frustrating and expensive for a developer to update their Xbox game, that if their steam version is doing pretty well - it's tempting to abandon the Xbox version.

    I really hope this doesn't happen with MNC, because even though I have a PC, I don't play games like this on it anymore, nor do I want to.
  9. uzivatel

    uzivatel New Member

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    I did not have problems finding games, but I started seeing the same gamertags really often, if some of those guys move to the PC version or some other game (if there is one genre not lacking on consoles these days, its probably MP shooters), we may notice during matchmaking.

    Dont get me wrong, I trust them to do their best, but they are going to be very busy in the near future - the beta is starting within few days, the release on Steam is about one month away and once the PC version hits, there is going to be flood of issues that need fixing asap.
    They are going to be lucky, if they get back to the 360 in late February and even then we probably wont see anything for another month thanks to the certification by Microsoft.

    Sure, there are going to be people playing the game even by then (there were people playing Conker until Microsoft closed the original Xbox LIVE), just not that many of them.
  10. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    Uber has been successfully multitasking xbox support and PC development so far. I mean, the PC version didn't just appear out of thin air. They were working on the port and supporting the Xbox version at the same time. And I think we can all agree that the Xbox support has been awesome. Give them the benefit of the doubt, they really deserve it... ;)
  11. uzivatel

    uzivatel New Member

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    Well, we dont really know whether the PC version was pushed because some 360 issues.
    Lets hope you are right.
  12. cutecakes

    cutecakes Member

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    Wow, already an infestation of PC-only wankers.

    Nice one, Uber :p
  13. Dubi

    Dubi New Member

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    Please excuse this hijack:
    i'm planning on buying the game but im on the fence on what platform to buy it to, so much appreciated if someone can answer these questions to me. It should be noted that there probably ain't a definite answer to some/all of these questions:

    1. Will the support for xbox go down? Ala tf2 for xbox like OP said.

    2. Player base go down? Ala tf2, again, i think. i got it tf2 on pc and there's a nice player base.

    3. If yes to either/both 1. and 2. will the player base on pc be at the scale of that to xbox right now, or bigger?

    Thanks, and i could post an own thread but this fits good into this one so why not? ^^
  14. Fuzzy Citrus

    Fuzzy Citrus New Member

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    To be honest I doubt we will lose a drastic player amount from the 360. Though I imagine some will transfer, while more people join from the PC gaming community. As for maintenance, it has already been said in the past. Uber has put a lot of effort in making the PC version while keeping tabs on the 360 game.

    I feel Uber is a group that us gamers can really trust to make good quality games, great feedback, listeners, and everything we would want in game developers.
  15. Dubi

    Dubi New Member

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    Yeah true about the game support. I think im going with xbox. Id say it has a bigger playerbase?
  16. Gentleman

    Gentleman New Member

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    Uber will still support the Xbox version MORE than the PC one regardless.

    End of story.
  17. Polynomial

    Polynomial Moderator Alumni

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    That's not true. Uber will do its best to support both platfroms but at the end of the day you need to understand in the case the PC version moves ahead its a bazillion times easier for Uber to work through Steam than it is Live.
  18. iammclovin117

    iammclovin117 Active Member

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    Well the game VAC bans. A VAC ban stops you from playing VAC Severs on steam.
  19. Dubi

    Dubi New Member

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    Gah, such a difficult choice!

    Oh well, I'll try to wait and see if the PC gets more support, updates etc. but if not, I like playing with a controller.

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